We created a share point discovery but when it runs it fails with the error below. ... <br><br><img alt="Capture.PNG" src="https://questsoftware.file.force.com/servlet/rtaImage?eid=ka06R000000HfUW&feoid=00N6R00000J0qH7&refid=0EM6R000005XlPS" style="width: 691px;height: 119px;"></img> <p>There are some limitations in Enterprise Reporter with Multifactor Authentication.
is there a whitepaper or technical document that details the application communications for AD discoveries?<br>Needed to estimate the cumulative network load Enterprise reporter exerts on the network .
Can we use secure port 636 instead?
We want to create a custom view in the SQL database with db reporter, will we still be supported if we create and use manually? ... Any change on the database not performed by the product itself or advised by Quest software will leave you out of support for the product in questions for obvious reasons we can't support changes that were made outside of our control.
Sometimes, discovery is stuck in processing state and options to cancel and delete are greyed out, seems stuck somehow. ... In this case, please try restarting the "Quest Enterprise Reporter Server" service and then see if it lets you make the changes to the affected discovery.
Need to move the Enterprise Reporter database to a new SQL server <p class="MsoNormal" style="margin: 0in 0in 10pt;">These instructions assume that you have the necessary SQL permissions to access SQL Server Management Studio on both the current and new SQL Server to backup and detach the database, as well as the appropriate Windows account permissions to copy the database files from one server to another, and to stop and start services on the Enterprise Reporter server.</p>
Some discoveries are stuck in the "Pending" or "Processing" status and they cannot be modified or deleted. ... There could be a lot of reasons why sometimes a discovery gets stuck in the "Pending" or "Processing" status.
<p>This will outline the ports needed for each type of discovery, as well as server and node communication.
The NTFS discovery is taking a very long time to complete (days, weeks) or the NTFS reports take a very long time to complete. ... This article outlines some best practices to ensure the discovery and reports are running optimally.
What are the minimum permissions to perform an AD Discovery? <p>An Active Directory Discovery can be performed with any active account of the domain as the AD Discovery needs only READ permissions on the domain structure i.e any account member of 'Domain Users'.</p>
Click Next ... Provide the SQL server name and the name of the database, click Next and complete the rest of the wizard
How to configure Enterprise Reporter to collect data that is not collected by default <p>The attributes and data that Enterprise Reporter collects by default can be extended to collect additional information</p><ol><li>Open the Configuration Manager</li><li>Under Discovery Management click Configuration</li><li>Click Manage attributes collected by Enterprise Reporter</li><li>Click Yes</li><li>To add additional Active Directory attributes:<br> - Click Extend under Active Directory<br> - Click the elipsis next to Domain and select the domain where the attributes you want to add reside<br> - Select the object Type<br> - Click Get Schema<br> - Select the attributes you want to add and click Apply</li><li>To add additional WMI Classes:<br> - Click Extend under Computer<br> - Click Add<br> - Select the classes and click Add</li><li>Once the additional attributes have been added the reports you want to use to return this data will need to be modified to include the additional fields</li></ol><p>Note: If you require assistance with customizing reports, <span style="color: rgb(68, 68, 68);font-family: 'Trebuchet MS';font-size: 13px;">please post the request on the Enterprise Reporter Community:</span></p><p style="color: rgb(68, 68, 68);font-family: 'Trebuchet MS';font-size: 13px;"><a href="http://en.community.dell.com/techcenter/windows-management/f/4804.aspx" target="_blank">http://en.community.dell.com/techcenter/windows-management/enterprise-reporter-custom-reports/m/mediagallery/</a></p><p style="color: rgb(68, 68, 68);font-family: 'Trebuchet MS';font-size: 13px;">Please provide detailed specifics on what data you want returned in the report and how the report should look.</p>
Does ER have a report that is able to display the password policies for several domains ? ... No, currently ER doesn't have a report specifically designed for this purpose. ... A custom report can be created to display the password policies for users, but it will be limited if data from multiple domains is displayed.
In 2024, Microsoft announced they will be enforcing mandatory multifactor authentication (MFA) for all Azure sign-in attempts. ... The first phase of the enforcement in the second half of 2024 impacts sign-ins to the Azure portal and Microsoft Entra admin center applications.
Does ER have ability to scan the GPO's applied on server? ... No, ER does not have this ability to scan GPO's applied on particular server.
After applying new license the old license information is still being displayed and not updating correctly.
When you try to create a new discovery you may see a License Warning similar to the following: ... You are currently using a trial or expired license for at least one feature, which means you do not have full access to product updates and support.
How to configure an NTFS discovery to collect from computers that do not have any public shares (collect from hidden shares) <p>On the Scopes page for the option "For all computers resolved in the discovery, collect:" select "Folders on all volumes"</p><p>If you want the data in the report to show as \\servername\c$\folder then select the option "The network share" under "For this discovery, collect through:" If you want the data to show as C:\Folder, select the option "The administrative share"</p><p>Please note, the account used to run the discovery has to be a member of the local Administrator group on the target computers.</p>
When running a discovery it may fail with an error similar to the following: "Data storage error: An error occurred during the writing of the data to the database. ... The corruption can be caused by any number of reasons such as:</p>
There is one install for Enterprise Reporter which installs all the ER modules, however each module is licensed individually. ... The different modules, and how they are licensed, are: ... ER for Active Directory, licensed by the total number of enabled user objects in the domain
How do you run a report to return the members of the Local Administrators group on servers? <div>To report on any of the local groups a Computer Discovery has to be run against the computers you want to report on.
The reports show names of old computers that have not been on the network or no longer exist in the environment. ... How can these be removed from the database, so they no longer appear in the reports?
The 'Collect mailbox delegates' option is enabled in the Exchange Online discovery and fails with the following error: 'Get-RecipientPermission' is not recognized as the name of a cmdlet, function, script file, or operable program.
When running a Report schedule, the report file gets created correctly however the email has the following error: ... To view the reason for the failure, go the Schedule Explorer in the Report Manager, or contact your Reporter administrator.
This an uncommon situation and it could happen if a new DLL/patch was recently applied. ... Resolution: ... Look for the recently applied DLL/patch. ... Right-click on the file and select properties.
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