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技术支持工程师目前正忙,无法回应您的消息。 如果需要即时服务,请通过我们的服务请求表提交请求。
You can set any number of days of the week, and your schedule will run at the set time on those days.
You can select a certain day of the month to run your schedule. This can either be a calendar day, such as the 1st day of the month, or it can be described, such as the last Friday of the month.
You can select month and day combinations to run your schedule. This feature offers a variety of options for timing a schedule including:
Once you have created a schedule, you can add and remove reports, or delete the schedule entirely. When a schedule runs, the reports are generated using the parameter values provided, and are deposited in the designated share. Each time a report is generated, a new file name is created. The file name is composed of the name of the report, an ID to help you identify the report and parameter combination, and the time the report was run. You can optionally specify an alternate filename or allow new reports to overwrite old ones (by removing the unique ID and timestamp information). You can run all reports in a schedule any time, without waiting for the next scheduled time.
Reporting administrators have some control over other users’ schedules and can transfer ownership of a schedule should the need arise. Reporting administrators can view and sort all schedules for all users, remove reports, and delete schedules entirely. If you are a reporting administrator, this allows you to troubleshoot scheduling issues, and control the volume of reports being generated. Administrators should work with their users to define good scheduling practices if the volume of reports is high.
See also:
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