If the SharePlex replication is set up for source and target to be on the same server, by default the export queue is not created and SharePlex Manager does not support this type of configuration.
Yes, you need to install Foglight and SharePlex Manager with H/A enabled on two servers and they need to share the same external database for repository. ... You can only enable monitoring on one server at one time.
When there are multiple Post queues the "SharePlex Manager SYSTEM: Process Status – Fallback" Rule fires and generates multiple notifications for each Post process. ... 6. Click on the check mark next to property drop down box.
At times one may want to know how long the current version of SharePlex will be supported. ... At other times one may be interested in knowing how long the version that one intends to upgrade to is in existence.
When trying to add SharePlex stream with SSL, it will fail because it cannot connect to the SharePlex port SharePlex is using SSL Install tunnel software for source and target
Instructions on how to remove an Instance from SharePlex Manager.<br> An Instance is no longer required in SharePlex Manager.<br> <p>On the left <em>Navigation </em>pane under <em>Homes</em>, click on <em>SharePlex Manager</em>.<br>In the next window click on <em>Administration </em>(top left of the right pane).<br>In the next window click on <em>Manage Monitoring</em>.<br>In the next window click on <em>Instances </em>(left top corner).<br>Under <em>SharePlex Instances</em> select the Instance you wish to delete by clicking it.<br>Remove the Instance by clicking on the <em>Remove </em>button (top centre).<br><br>You also need to remove the Stream, otherwise alarms will keep firing.<br>Click on <em>Streams </em>(left top corner).<br>Under <em>SharePlex Streams</em> select the Stream you wish to delete by clicking it.<br>Remove the Stream by clicking on the <em>Remove </em>button (top centre).</p>
If wants to delay alerts for any reason if disable/blackout is not an option. ... Please follow the below steps to increase the monitoring interval. ... A new window wizard will open and on the right side top corner we will find "Rule Editor" click on that where it will give the pop-ups
SharePlex manager cannot connect to the SharePlex instance and sapwns the error Cannot spawn 'sp_cnc'. ... sp_security is setup on the SharePlex side. ... <div>SharePlex 9.1.3 (or later) ... allows you to use SSL/TLS connections for all network</div><div>traffic.
Is it supported to run the Foglight Shareplex Manager on Foglight 5.6.x or higher? ... There is a new Shareplex Manager version available which is compatible with Foglight 5.9.2. ... The new version can be downloaded here.
Shareplex Manager discovery failed with "SSLHandshakeException : unable to find valid certification path to requested target" and cannot continue when click "Setup Replication Stream". ... Foglight log indicates this error:
If Shareplex Manager web services is having issues with staying up for a long time or takes time to start up memory allotment can increased . ... Instructions to increase memory allotment for Web Services and timeout .
Shareplex Manager discovery fails as Su command is disabled. ... WORKAROUND: ... The work around is to implement the bypass su script instead of calling the real su. ... It can be saved into a folder and call it "su" (chmod +x su).
Follow instructions in solution 44629, su user -c -true works fine. ... However sp_ctrl>status on host command returns invalid password ... password contains special character like '#' or '@' and shareplex is running on HP servers
Shareplex Manager/Foglight is running and the servers where Shareplex is running? ... Shareplex Manager connects directly to the Shareplex port (default 2100) on each source and target. ... Any firewall between SharePlex Manager and each SharePlex instance needs to be configured.
Shareplex Manager connections exceed the OS user login attempts when shareplex OS user Password is changed. ... na ... Product enhancement submitted for Shareplex Manager to not connect if it gets an invalid username /passwd.
How to change the wildcard address that Shareplex Web Service listens <p>1) stop SharePlex Web Service</p><p>$ <em>install_dir</em>/Webservices/bin/web-services.sh stop</p><p>2) backup 'server.rb'</p><p>$ cp <em>install_dir</em>/lib/quest/spo/adaptor/rails/server.rb <em>install_dir</em>/lib/quest/spo/adaptor/rails/server.rb.original</p><p>3) edit 'server.rb'</p><p>search for string '' and replace it with desired local IP address.</p><p>< server.rb ><br> def start<br> server = Mongrel::HttpServer.new("<strong></strong>", options.port)<br> server.register("/", self)</p><p>4) save 'server.rb'</p><p>5) start SharePlex Web Service</p><p>$ <em>install_dir</em>/Webservices/bin/web-services.sh start</p>
How to upgrade from SharePlex Manager 2.2 to SharePlex Manager 3.0 How to upgrade from SharePlex Manager 2.2 to SharePlex Manager 3.0 <p>Below are the steps to upgrade SharePlex Manager from version 2.2 to 3.0:</p><p>1) Download SharePlex Manager 3.0 and SharePlex Manager installation cartridge 3.0. (SharePlex Manager 3.0 includes Foglight 5.9.2 installer) </p><p>2) Download Foglight Management Server ( You will need to upgrade from Foglight Management Server that is the version that comes with SharePlex Mananger 2.2)</p><p>3) Install SharePlex Manager 3.0 cartridge (in Foglight select Administration>>Cartidge Invetory>> Install Cartidge>> select the SharePlex Manager installation cartridge 3.0 you download from the site)</p><p>4) Stop Foglight (FMS/Service, foglight database).</p><p>5) Run the Foglight installation file and when prompted, select upgrade and wait until the installation finishes.</p><p>6) Run the Foglight 5.9.2 installation file and when prompted, select upgrade and wait until the installation finishs.</p><p>7) Start SharePlex web services.</p>
Shareplex Manager cannot connect to the source. ... In the foglight log files there is a line : ... ERROR ERR Code from SharePlex: CNC_ERR_INVALID_PASS ... The reason that the user experiences this problem is that "splex" user, who is the owner of the SharePlex instance and is used by the SharePlex Manager WebServices to connect to SharePlex, does not have permission to execute the "su" command.
When a shareplex manager rule fires and the condition is resolved the Alarm is not auto cleared from the Alarms Table. ... The problem is with normal condition of the shareplex manager rules being set to disabled.
Can Shareplex Manager be used for monitoring Shareplex instance on target server without access to the source server? ... The reason is that, in order for Shareplex Manager to monitor the Shareplex replication instance, shareplex replication stream that consists of source and target instances needs to be identified by Shareplex Manager.
A user created in Foglight with Shareplex Manager Admin privileges does not have access to functionality of "abort" and "stop" Shareplex processes. ... Shareplex Manager permission for controlling the streams is not granted to the user.
After cleanup event from Foglight and Shareplex, the status of instance in instance view screen still shown in orange color. ... The alarm associated with the status of the instance was not cleared yet.
Attempting to use /home/oracle for install base and tmp dir. Extracting the JRE from the installer archive... Unpacking the JRE... Extracting the installation resources from the installer archive... Configuring the installer for this systems environment...
How to determine if Oracle is using dictionary managed or locally managed tablespaces ... Please Issue the following SQL: ... select owner, EXTENT_MANAGEMENT, SEGMENT_SPACE_MANAGEMENT from dba_tables a , dba_tablespaces b
Starting in Oracle9i, rollback segments are re-named undo logs. ... Traditionally transaction undo information was stored in Rollback Segments until a commit or rollback statement was issued, at which point it was made available for overlaying.In Oracle9i, manual undo management is still available in addition, but most Oracle professionals choose the new automatic method which frees DBAs from routine undo management tasks and tuning.Best of all, automatic undo management allows the DBA to specify how long undo information should be retained after commit, preventing
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