The Properties dialog box for a domain or organizational unit added to a Computer Collection includes the following elements:
Exclusion list. Lists domain controllers that reside in the selected container for which backups are not to be created when backing up the Computer Collection. In the list, each entry includes the following fields:
Name. Displays the name of domain controller.
Site. Displays the name of the site in which domain controller is located.
Modify. Opens a dialog box that allows you to modify the Exclusion list. The dialog box includes the following elements:
Available domain controllers. Lists domain controllers to be backed up when backing up Computer Collection. To exclude domain controllers from backup, select them in the list, and then click Add.
Domain controllers excluded from backup. Lists domain controllers excluded from backup when backing up Computer Collection. To have Recovery Manager for Active Directory back up domain controllers, select them in the list, and then click Remove.
Add. Adds domain controllers selected in Available domain controllers to the Domain controllers excluded from backup list.
Add All. Adds all domain controllers from Available domain controllers to the Domain controllers excluded from backup list.
Remove. Moves the domain controllers selected in Domain controllers excluded from backup to the Available domain controllers list.
Remove All. Clears the Domain controllers excluded from backup list. After you click this button, the list Available domain controllers will include all domain controllers that are located in the selected OU or domain.
You can view properties for an Active Directory® site added to a Computer Collection or located in the Active Directory® node in the console tree.
The Properties dialog box for an Active Directory® site located in the Active Directory® node in the console tree provide general information about the selected site, such as its location and description.
The Properties dialog box for an Active Directory® site added to a Computer Collection includes the following elements:
Exclusion list. Lists domain controllers that reside in the selected site for which backups are not to be created when backing up the Computer Collection. In the list, each entry includes the following fields:
Name. Displays the name of domain controller
Site. Displays the name of the site in which domain controller is located.
Modify. Opens a dialog box that allows you to modify the Exclusion list. The dialog box includes the following elements:
Available domain controllers. Lists domain controllers to be backed up when backing up Computer Collection. To exclude domain controllers from backup, select them in the list, and then click Add.
Domain controllers excluded from backup. Lists domain controllers excluded from backup when backing up Computer Collection. To back up domain controllers, select them in the list, and then click Remove.
Add. Adds domain controllers selected in Available domain controllers to the Domain controllers excluded from backup list.
Add All. Adds all domain controllers from Available domain controllers to the Domain controllers excluded from backup list.
Remove. Moves the domain controllers selected in Domain controllers excluded from backup to the Available domain controllers list.
Remove All. Clears the Domain controllers excluded from backup list. After you click this button, the list Available domain controllers will include all domain controllers that are located in the selected site.
The Properties dialog box for an AD LDS (ADAM) site added to a Computer Collection includes the following elements:
Exclusion list. Lists AD LDS (ADAM) instances located in the selected site for which backups are not to be created. In the list, each entry includes the following fields:
Name. Displays the name of an AD LDS (ADAM) instance.
Host. Displays the name of the computer that hosts the AD LDS (ADAM) instance.
Port. Displays the port number the AD LDS (ADAM) instance uses.
Modify. Opens a dialog box that allows you to modify the Exclusion list. The dialog box includes the following elements:
AD LDS (ADAM) instances to back up. Lists the AD LDS (ADAM) instances to be backed up when backing up Computer Collection. To exclude an AD LDS (ADAM) instance, select the instance in the list, and click Add.
Excluded AD LDS (ADAM) instances. Lists the AD LDS (ADAM) instances not to be backed up when backing up Computer Collection. To back up an excluded AD LDS (ADAM) instance, select the instance in the list, and click Remove.
Add. Adds the AD LDS (ADAM) instances selected in AD LDS (ADAM) instances to back up to the Excluded AD LDS (ADAM) instances list.
Add All. Adds all AD LDS (ADAM) instances from AD LDS (ADAM) instances to back up to the Excluded AD LDS (ADAM) instances list.
Remove. Moves the AD LDS (ADAM) instances selected in Excluded AD LDS (ADAM) instances to the AD LDS (ADAM) instances to back up list.
Remove All. Clears the Excluded AD LDS (ADAM) instances list. After you click this button, the AD LDS (ADAM) instances to back up will include all ADAM instances located in the selected AD LDS (ADAM) site.
The properties of the Sessions node are used to specify the way backup creation sessions are to be displayed in the details pane.
In the Recovery Manager Console tree, click Sessions, and then click Properties on the Action menu.
The dialog box that opens includes the following elements:
Show all sessions. Select this option to see all backup creation sessions in the details pane.
Show last <Number> sessions. Select this option to see a number of the most recent sessions in the details pane. The box next to this option allows you to specify the number of sessions to be shown.
Show sessions in range. Select this option to see the sessions that occurred within a certain time interval. The boxes below this label allow you to specify the beginning and the end of the time interval.
From. Select this check box to specify the initial date from which to view sessions. The box next to From provides a space for you to enter a date. Click the arrow to display a calendar.
To. Select this check box to specify the final date to view sessions. The text box next to this check box provides a space for you to enter a date. Click the arrow to display a calendar.
Show sessions for specified collection. Select this option to see the sessions that occurred for a specific Computer Collection. The box under this label provides a space for you to select or type the name of the Computer Collection whose backup creation sessions you want to see.
Specify format for session names in the Sessions list. This box allows you to specify how sessions are indicated by the Session column in the details pane. For example, if you enter %DATETIME% and %COLLECTION% in this box, the Session column indicates the date and time when the session occurred and the Computer Collection for which backups were created during the session. To enter expressions in this box, click the Expression button.
Expression. Click this button to choose the following expressions:
Collection Name (%COLLECTION%). Name of the Computer Collection used during the session
Date and Time (%DATETIME%). Date and time when the session was started
Date (%DATE%). Date when the session was started
Time (%TIME%). Time when the session was started
Result (%RESULT%). Session result, such as success or error
Type (%TYPE%). How the session was started: manually by user or automatically by Task Scheduler
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