4 |
If you are using the downloaded package, decompress the downloaded file, and navigate to the SmartDisk directory in which the decompressed files reside. |
5 |
To start the installation wizard, double-click the install.exe file. |
6 |
When the Installation Language dialog box is displayed, select the applicable language, and click OK. |
7 |
8 |
When the License Agreement dialog box is displayed, review the license agreement, select I Agree, and click Next. |
9 |
On the Non-Privileged User dialog box, enter the name and password of the nonprivileged user account that you want to use for NetVault SmartDisk, the Windows Domain, if applicable, and click Next. |
10 |
If the user account that you entered in the previous step does not exist, select Yes, and click Next when the Preinstall Warnings dialog box is displayed. |
11 |
On the Select Installation Folder dialog box, change the path if you do not want to use the default. |
• |
To use a different directory, type the path in the Folder box, or click Browse to point to the new location. |
• |
To see how much space NetVault SmartDisk requires for the selected installation directory and files, click Disk Cost, review the information about the SmartDisk Disk Space dialog box, and then click OK. The Disk Cost information is calculated only for the NetVault SmartDisk software binaries. It does not include the disk space required for the Staging Store or Chunk Store. To determine the disk space required for the Staging Store or Chunk Store, see Calculating the total required physical disk space for licensed capacity. |
12 |
Click Next. |
13 |
On the Staging Path Folder Configuration dialog box, indicate whether you want to use a Remote or Local directory, and then click Next. |
• |
If you selected Remote — the default is Local — on the Select Remote Staging Path Folder dialog box, specify the path for the Staging Store; use the \\server\share format. Enter the user name and corresponding password required to access the remote path, and then click Next. |
• |
If you selected Local, on the Select Staging Path Folder dialog box, specify the file-system path for the Staging Store, and then click Next. |
15 |
On the Store Path Folder Configuration dialog box, indicate whether you want to use a Remote or Local directory, and then click Next. |
• |
If you selected Remote — the default is Local — on the Select Remote Store Path Folder dialog box, specify the path for the Chunk Store; use the \\server\share format. Enter the user name and corresponding password required to access the remote path, and then click Next. |
• |
If you selected Local, on the Select Store Path Folder dialog box, specify the file-system path for the Chunk Store, and then click Next. |
17 |
On the WebDAV Authentication Configuration dialog box, do one of the following: |
• |
• |
If you want to configure WebDAV, Yes is selected, click Next, enter the applicable user name and password on the WebDAV Authentication Credentials dialog box, and then click Next. The installer verifies that the information you enter is correct. |
NOTE: For the user name in the WebDAV credentials, NetVault SmartDisk currently supports the use of any ASCII characters except the quotation mark ("), comma (,), and colon (:). The are no restrictions for the corresponding password. |
18 |
19 |
1 |
Verify that you have created the required nonprivileged user and group, and that you have reviewed all other critical information. |
4 |
If you are using the downloaded package, decompress the downloaded file, and navigate to the SmartDisk directory in which the decompressed files reside. |
5 |
To start the installation wizard, double-click the smartkdisk.pkg file. |
6 |
7 |
When the Software License Agreement dialog box is displayed, review the license agreement, and click Continue. |
8 |
When the confirmation prompt is displayed, click Agree to accept the license agreement. |
9 |
If the Select a Destination dialog box is displayed, select the hard drive on which you want to install the program, and click Continue. |
10 |
On the first Quest NetVault SmartDisk Setup dialog box, perform the following steps: |
a |
b |
In the Store volume path and Staging volume path, enter the applicable locations if you do not want to use the defaults. |
11 |
Click Continue. |
12 |
If NetVault SmartDisk determines that the user or group is invalid and displays an Alert, click OK, correct the applicable information, and click Continue again. |
13 |
If this installation is new, not an upgrade, do one of the following on the next Quest NetVault SmartDisk Setup dialog box: |
• |
• |
If you want to configure WebDAV, enter the applicable user name and password, and click Continue. This name and password might be different from the name and password entered for the nonprivileged user. The installer verifies that the information you enter is correct. |
NOTE: For the user name in the WebDAV credentials, NetVault SmartDisk currently supports the use of any ASCII characters except the quotation mark ("), comma (,), and colon (:). The are no restrictions for the corresponding password. |
14 |
If you are performing an upgrade, click Continue when the next Quest NetVault SmartDisk Setup dialog box is displayed. |
15 |
NOTE: Change Install Location is not currently supported. |
16 |
NOTE: Configuration and administration of NetVault SmartDisk is handled primarily through the NetVault SmartDisk Command Line Interface (CLI). Using the smartdisk.sh shell on Linux, UNIX, and Mac OS X, or the smartdisk.bat shell on Windows, you can perform basic functions such as accessing help regarding the available commands, and configuring, monitoring, starting, and stopping NetVault SmartDisk. On Windows, the .bat extension is optional. To eliminate the requirement to specify the extension on Linux, UNIX, and Mac OS X, NetVault SmartDisk uses a symbolic link from smartdisk to smartdisk.sh.
To simplify the commands and code samples shown throughout this document, forward slashes are used and the .sh and .bat extensions are not shown. |
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