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NetVault SmartDisk 11.4.5 - Administration Guide

Introducing NetVault SmartDisk Integrating NetVault SmartDisk with your backup product Using the command-line interface (CLI) Configuring NetVault SmartDisk Monitoring performance Troubleshooting

Viewing statistics in a terminal session or command prompt

Viewing statistics in a browser

In a browser, enter the following URL: http://<NetVaultSmartDisk_Instance_Hostname>:<Backup_Software_Client_Port>/proc/stats.stnz

For example: http: //

NetVault SmartDisk displays the statistics in XML format in the browser. For a description of the statistics, see Reviewing the list of statistics.

Reviewing the list of statistics

When reviewing the following list of statistics, a backup job is divided into a minimum of two segments: Segments contain either data or metadata and are smaller than 400 GB. For example, if the backup data stream is 1200 GB, the backup job has three data segments. One NetVault SmartDisk element is equivalent to one backup segment.

NOTE: The status of the Chunk Store Daemon (CSD) affects the list of statistics displayed for the Dedupe:StatusSubsys segment.
Table 1. Statistics

[SmartDisk:Deduplication Scheduler]

Statistics for the process that schedules deduplication activity.


Elements.Queued = <No.>

Number of segments awaiting deduplication.


Data.Queued = <No.>, B

Number of bytes awaiting deduplication.


Elements.Deduplicating = <No.>

Number of elements or backup segments currently deduplicating.


Data.Deduplicating = <No.>, B

Total size of elements or backup segments currently deduplicating. After all current deduplication completes, the equivalent amount of data is removed from the Staging Store.


Deduplication Available = TRUE

Displays TRUE or FALSE depending on whether the CSD is available for deduplication tasks.


Deduplication Enabled = TRUE

Displays TRUE or FALSE depending on whether the data-deduplication option is licensed and enabled.


GC Enabled = TRUE

Displays TRUE or FALSE depending on whether Garbage Collection is enabled. Disabling Garbage Collection overrides the existing Garbage Collection Window configuration. If disabled, it does not run even if it is required and the Deduplication Engine is available.


GC Required = FALSE

Displays TRUE or FALSE depending on whether Garbage Collection is needed. Garbage Collection is required after data has been deduplicated or retired from storage.


GC Active = FALSE

Indicates whether Garbage Collection is active.


GC Start In = <No.>

Current number of seconds remaining before Garbage Collection might start. This statistic is only displayed if GC Required = TRUE. Also, even if the field displays 0, it indicates that collection can start at the next permitted opportunity; it does not indicate that it will.

[SmartDisk:RAS Controller]

Statistics for the process that interacts with your backup software.


Availability Score = <No.>

Indicates how available a backup server should consider this NetVault SmartDisk Device to be. The lower the number, the less available the NetVault SmartDisk Device is. Given a choice of two NetVault SmartDisk Devices to target a backup job to, your backup software might choose the one with the higher Availability Score. The score takes the following into account:


Sent MBps = <No.>

Total megabytes per second (MBps) across all streams being sent out from NetVault SmartDisk to your backup software; that is, when a restore job is being performed.


Received MBps = <No.>

Total MBps across all streams being sent to NetVault SmartDisk; that is, when a backup job is targeted to a NetVault SmartDisk Device.


Machine ID = <3-XXXX-XXX>

Machine ID of the NetVault SmartDisk Instance that is used to obtain a permanent license key.


Soft stream limit = <No.>

Current maximum number of data streams or backups that your backup software can target to this NetVault SmartDisk Device simultaneously.


Version = <NetVaultSmartDiskVersion>

NetVault SmartDisk version


Build Level = <NetVaultSmartDiskBuild>

NetVault SmartDisk build

[SmartDisk:Service Manager]

Statistics for the NetVault SmartDisk Task Manager.


Active = 0

Total number of active NetVault SmartDisk operations.


Active.Read = <No.>

Current number of backup segments being read.


Active.Write = <No.>

Current number of backup segments being written.


Active.Delete = <No.>

Current number of backup segments being deleted.


Active.MkDir = <No.>

Not currently used.


Active.Move = <No.>

Not currently used.


Active.Read Properties= <No.>

Not currently used.


Active.Read Options= <No.>

Not currently used.


Active.Delete Staging= <No.>

Not currently used.


Active.Delete Rollback= <No.>

Not currently used.


Active.Rollback Element= <No.>

Not currently used.


Statistics for the NetVault SmartDisk Deduplication Processes.


pages = <No.>

Current number of Chunk pages stored on disk. Chunks are organized into pages of Chunks. The default size of a Chunk page is a maximum of 256 MB.


chunks = <No.>

Total number of unique Chunks stored in the Chunk Store of this NetVault SmartDisk Device.


index_bytes = <No.>

Total number of bytes on disk used by the Chunk Index.


num.pages = <No.>

num.lcp = <No.>

num.chunks = <No.>

num.pages_max = <No.>

num.lcp_max = <No.>

num.chunks_max = <No.>

num.hits = <No.>

num.misses = <No.>

num.store_misses = <No.>

num.added_pages = <No.>

num.added_lcp = <No.>

num.evicted_pages = <No.>

num.evicted_lcp = <No.>

num.cache_memory = <No.>

csd.gc_page =<No.>

csd.gc_pages = <No.>

csd.gc_index_ops_done = <No.>

For use by Quest, if necessary.


streams = <No.>

Total number of elements or backup segments that have been deduplicated.


catalog_bytes = <No.>

Total number of bytes used by a volume’s catalog.


ondisk_bytes = <No.>

Total number of bytes on disk used by deduplicated data. Includes the bytes consumed by the Chunk Store, Chunk Index, and Manifests.


gc_reserve_bytes = <No.>

Number of bytes that NetVault SmartDisk must keep available on a file system to guarantee that Garbage Collection can take place. Increases as the size of the Chunk Store increases.


stream_bytes = <No.>

Total number of bytes submitted for deduplication.


csd.stream_bytes = <No.>

Total number of bytes submitted for deduplication since the NetVault SmartDisk Services were started. When a backup is retired, the size of the backups is not deleted from csd.stream_bytes.


csd.chunk_bytes = <No.>

Total number of bytes of unique Chunks stored since the NetVault SmartDisk Services were started.


in_gc = <No.>

Indicates whether Garbage Collection is happening.


csd.gc_state = Not in GC

The phase of Garbage Collection that is occurring.


csd.last_successful_gc = <TimeStamp>

Date and time stamp that indicates when Garbage Collection was last completed successfully. Displays None if collection has not yet completed.


csd.last_stopped_gc = <TimeStamp>

Date and time stamp that indicates when Garbage Collection was last interrupted, for example, by the deduplication process. Displays None if collection has not been interrupted.


csd.last_failed_gc = <TimeStamp>

Date and time stamp that indicates when Garbage Collection last failed to complete because an error occurred. Displays None if collection has not failed.


status = <currentStatus>

Status reported by the CSD; includes Available, Unavailable, and NotConfigured. Used to determine whether the CSD is available for deduplication tasks and whether space is available.


available_bytes = <No.>

Total number of bytes available for storage of deduplicated data.

[SmartDisk:Disk Storage]

Statistics for NetVault SmartDisk Disk Storage.


Index.Location = <…/store>

Location of the Staging Store volume used for the Content Index.


Index.Fixed = TRUE

Displays TRUE or FALSE depending on whether the location is fixed (TRUE) or can be moved to a different location (FALSE) by using the ‑‑favour and ‑‑deny options. For more information about the favour and deny options, see Extending NetVault SmartDisk Storage Pools.


Elements = <No.>

Number of elements or backup segments currently residing in the Storage Pools.


Data = <No.>, B

Amount of data, in bytes, currently residing in the Storage Pools.


Data.Committed = <No.>, B

Amount of data, in bytes, that has completed the write-to-disk process.


Space.Licensed = Unlimited

Maximum number of front-end terabytes (TBs) that this NetVault SmartDisk Instance is licensed to protect. This information is presented in GBs. For more information about the licensing model, see the Quest NetVault SmartDisk Installation/Upgrade Guide.

This number is the maximum amount of data a single instance of NetVault SmartDisk stores; it is not the amount of license capacity purchased.


License.Type = <No.>

Displays 1 for node-tied, 7 for floating, or 18 for evaluation.


License.Expiration = <No.>

Displays -1 for a permanent license, or displays the number of days remaining for the existing license.


License.Dedupe = <No.>

Displays 1 if deduplication is licensed; otherwise, displays 0.


Space.OS.Available = <No.>, B

Number of bytes available across all configured NetVault SmartDisk Storage Pools; reported by the OS.


Space.Available = <No.>, B

Number of bytes available across all configured NetVault SmartDisk Storage Pools. For more information about space allocation, see the applicable topic in the Quest NetVault SmartDisk Installation/Upgrade Guide.


Space.Staging.Status = <CurrentStatus>

Status of NetVault SmartDisk Staging Store; includes Available, Full, Unlicensed, and License Exceeded.


Space.Staging.Available = <No.>, B

Number of bytes available for Staging Store across all configured NetVault SmartDisk Storage Pools.


Elements.Staged = <No.>

Number of elements or backup segments currently residing in the Staging Store.


Data.Staged = <No.>, B

Amount of data, in bytes, currently residing in the Staging Store.


Elements.Accumulative = <No.>

Number of elements or backup segments processed by NetVault SmartDisk since its implementation.


Data.Accumulative = <No.>, B

Total amount of data, in bytes, processed by NetVault SmartDisk since NetVault SmartDisk was installed.


Data.Committed.Accumulative = <No.>, B

Total amount of data, in bytes, that has completed the NetVault SmartDisk write-to-disk process since NetVault SmartDisk was installed.

Calculating the Deduplication Ratio

Use the following calculation to determine the NetVault SmartDisk Deduplication Ratio for the data that has been protected by NetVault SmartDisk:

Use the following calculation to determine the NetVault SmartDisk Deduplication Ratio for the data that has been protected by NetVault SmartDisk since the NetVault SmartDisk Services were started:

For information about viewing NetVault SmartDisk statistics in your backup software, see the documentation that came with your product.

Related Documents
NetVault SmartDisk - 11.4.5
Administration Guide
Installation Guide
Release Notes
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