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Migrator for Notes to SharePoint 6.14 - User Guide

Migrator for Notes to SharePoint Migrator for Notes to SharePoint Console
Overview Console configuration using the setup wizard Advanced configuration options Database discovery QuickPlace/Quickr discovery Domino.Doc discovery Discover directory entries Import database records Notes databases Applications Classification Rules Classification Rule Properties SharePoint Targets Scheduled tasks Reports Task history Link Analyzer/Updater/Finalizer License
Migrator for Notes to SharePoint Designer Migration jobs

Migration Targets tab

This tab collects information about where in SharePoint you plan to migrate the current Notes database. This information may be set manually or, in some cases, may be set automatically based on Classification rules. This tab allows you to have one place for specifying the target for all the migration jobs defined for this Notes database. If the Target Site is set here, it overrides any target defined in a migration job.b

Target Site

Enter the Url of the SharePoint site you intend to migrate to. This target site will override the site that may be specified in the individual migration jobs. By clicking the Select button, the site sector dialog box opens. The site selector shows existing and planned SharePoint sites and subsites in a tree. The planned sites are indicated using a green plus sign icon.

To be sure this is the site you want to target, you can open the site by select the site on the tree and selecting the Go To button.

To indicate new sites that you plan to provision in the future, select the parent site in the tree and then select the New Sub-Site button. This will bring up the Site Creation Options dialog box. For information on this dialog box, see Plan a new SharePoint subsite .

Target Site Information

This section shows information about the SharePoint site (if it exists) or information about the planned site if it has been defined.

Migrator for Notes to SharePoint 's security mapping options will map various access control properties of the source Notes database, QuickPlace/Quickr, or Domino.Doc cabinet to the equivalent constructs in SharePoint. An extensive set of options are available for mapping various access control properties of the source Notes database and individual Notes documents to the equivalent security constructs in SharePoint.

To enable security mapping at the Site level, check one or more of the four available Security Mapping check boxes of your Job Definition.

Map Notes Users to Domain Users

causes any Notes users listed in the source database's Access Control List to be added to the target SharePoint list or library. The Notes user names are mapped to Site Collection identities based on the rules configured in the tool's User Mapping tab options and those Users are granted access to the target SharePoint site.

Map Notes Groups to Domain Groups

causes any Notes groups listed in the source database's Access Control List to be added to the target SharePoint site. The Notes group names are added to the Site Collection as external groups and are granted access to the target SharePoint list or library. Each group name must correspond to an actual Domain group.

Expand Notes Roles to SharePoint Groups

causes a new SharePoint Site Collection Group to be created for each Role defined in the Notes database ACL

Expand Notes Groups to SharePoint Groups

allows you to take what was once a Domino Directory group (scoped to the entire Notes Domain) and convert it to a SharePoint group (scoped to just one Site Collection). As part of this conversion, the tool will query the Domino Directory for any groups listed in the ACL, extract all its members (expanding any sub-groups as needed), and add those members to the new SharePoint group.

To fine-tune you mapping options, click the Advanced Security Settings link.

The options are:

Provision SharePoint Groups. This is only active if the Expand Notes Roles to SharePoint Groups or Expand Notes Groups to SharePoint Groups options have been selected in the Migration Targets tab.Group name mappings:
To override the new SharePoint group name, click the Group name mappings button. The Security Group Mapping dialog box opens to map Notes Roles or Groups to new or existing SharePoint groups. To disable expanding a Notes Role or Group to a SharePoint group, select False for the Expand Group field.
Click Add to add a Notes role or group to an existing SharePoint Group. If you are mapping to a SharePoint group that is not in this mapping table, a new SharePoint Group with the old Notes role or group name is created.
Enter a value for Prefix the names of groups created for roles with: the Expand Notes Roles to SharePoint Groups option causes a new SharePoint Site Collection Group to be created for each Role defined in the Notes database ACL. To avoid possible collisions with existing SharePoint Group names, you can enter a prefix that will automatically be appended to the beginning of each group name.
Provision document level security. The Provision Document Level Security section is only active if the Map Reader/Author fields option is selected in the migration job’s Advanced tab.
Select the Add new site collection members if needed to access documents radio button is selected by default. This ensures that a reader/author that has no access to the site is still given “Limited Access” permissions at the list and site level so that they have access to the document.
Select the Only grant access to documents if member already has access to site collection radio button so the readers/authors with no permissions at the site level will not be given “Limited Access”. They will not be able to access the document.

If either the Map Notes Users to Domain Users or Map Notes Groups to Domain Groups options are checked in the Migration Targets tab, the Permission Mapping options will determine how the Notes database access levels (and related flags) are translated into SharePoint permission levels. The Map ACL Levels to SharePoint Permissions section allows you to assign a SharePoint permission level to each of the possible Notes access levels (Manager, Designer, Editor, Author and Reader). Similarly, the ACL Flag Mapping section allows you to assign a SharePoint permission level to certain access flags (Can Create, Can Delete) in each Notes ACL entry.

While the default mappings provided by Migrator for Notes to SharePoint are good choices in most cases, there is not a one-to-one mapping between Notes access levels and SharePoint permission levels so you may need to adjust the mappings as appropriate to your application. If your SharePoint site defines custom permission levels, you can uncheck the Only allow standard permission levels option and select the custom permission levels that are available in your site.

The SharePoint permission level that is selected in the Advanced Security Mapping dialog must match the name of a permission level on the target SharePoint site. This is true even for the standard SharePoint permission levels such as "Full Control". In order for the ACL Level mapping to succeed, there must be a SharePoint permission level on the target site named "Full Control".

This can present a problem when trying to map ACL Levels to a SharePoint site that is not using English. For example, in a French SharePoint site, the name of the "Full Control" permission level is "Contrôle total".

Unchecking the Only allow standard permission levels option will also retrieve the names of the permission levels from the target SharePoint site. In this case, however, the selections will not be restricted to "Full Control" and "Design". The names will be in the language of the target SharePoint site. When this check box is unchecked, the text in the combo boxes can be edited. This allows you to fill in permission levels in case you cannot access the SharePoint site.

Checking the Only allow standard permission levels option again will restore the standard permission level selections to the combo boxes, and they will no longer be editable. If you had entered a non-standard name in the combo box, it will be replaced with the appropriate default for that combo box.

Clicking the Load from SharePoint Site/Refresh link in the dialog retrieves the names of the permission levels from the target SharePoint site thus bringing in the appropriate permission level name. When this dialog box is first opened, a target SharePoint site has not been specified, so Migrator for Notes to SharePoint won't know where to retrieve the permission level values from. The Refresh link will initially be replaced with a Load from SharePoint site link. Clicking on this link will bring up a site picker that will allow you to choose a SharePoint site from which to load the permission level values. Once you have loaded the permission levels from a site, the link will change to Refresh.

The combo boxes will let you select from existing Site groups or the abstract {Owners} {Members} or {Visitors} groups. You can also just type in a new group name. New mappings are similar to the existing ACL Level to SharePoint permission mappings on the Permission Mapping tab.

Clicking the Load from SharePoint Site/Refresh link in the dialog retrieves the names of the groups from the target SharePoint site. When this dialog box is first opened, a target SharePoint site has not been specified, so Migrator for Notes to SharePoint won't know where to retrieve the group names from. The Refresh link will initially be replaced with a Load from SharePoint site link. Clicking on this link will bring up a site picker that will allow you to choose a SharePoint site from which to load the group names. Once you have loaded the group names from a site, the link will change to Refresh.

If you have the Only allow standard SharePoint Groups option checked, then only the {Owners} {Members} or {Visitors} groups are available and the combo boxes are not editable.

Unchecking the Only allow standard SharePoint Groups option will retrieve the names of the groups from the target SharePoint site. The names will be in the language of the target SharePoint site. When this check box is unchecked, the text in the combo boxes can be edited. This allows you to fill in the group names in case you cannot access the SharePoint site.

Content Types

This tab allows you to define and provision SharePoint Content Types for a SharePoint Site.

You can add Content Type definitions to be provisioned in many ways.

New: Define from scratch a Content Type.
Import: Allows you to add a Content Type definition from a previously exported Content Type definition file.
From Notes Form: Create a Content Type definition based on a Notes Form.
From Migration Jobs: Allows you to take the fields in the target data definition of a migration job and use them in a Content Type definition.
From Existing List: Allows you to take a SharePoint List and turn it into a Content Type definition.
From Existing Content Types: Create a Content Type definition based on an existing Content Type.

To edit a Content Type definition, select it in the list and click Edit.

To delete a Content Type definition, select it in the list and click Delete.

To provision the list of Content Types shown in the tab, click Provision.

Content Type tab

Specify the SharePoint site where you would like this Content Type to be created.


Name of Content Type


Enter a long description of Content Type. This is optional.

Content Type Group

Enter the Group that this Content Type should be associated with. Use the Select button to choose from the Content Type Groups already defined in the target site. If the Content Type Group you enter does not exist in the target site during provisioning, the Content Type Group will be created in the site.

Parent Content Type:

Enter the Parent Content Type for this Content Type. Use the Select button to choose from the Parent Content Types already defined in the target site. The Parent Content Type you enter must already exist in the target site during provisioning.

Associated Forms

Select a Notes Form that is associated to this Content Type.

Current Status

The status of the Content Type automatically updates to indicate the current state.

Site Columns tab

This tab allows you to define the columns for the Content Type. Any site columns that do not already exist in the target site will be created during the provisioning of the Content Type. Then the new or existing site columns will be added to the target content type.

If a Content Type column already exists with the same name and has the same properties, Migrator for Notes to SharePoint will use it rather than creating a new one.

If a Content Type column already exists with the same name and has minor differences in properties, Migrator for Notes to SharePoint will use it and a warning will be issued.

If a Content Type column already exists with the same name but the Type is different, an exception will be issued.

If a Content Type column does not exist, but a Site column with the same name, type and properties already exists, Migrator for Notes to SharePoint will add it to the Content Type definition.

If the column has Is Title Field set to true, the current Title column will be renamed in the Content Type definition.

If a Site column already exists on the target site that has the same name but the Type is different, Migrator for Notes to SharePoint will create a new Site column and add it to the Content Type definition.

Otherwise a new Site column will be created and it will be added to the Content Type definition as well.

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