Upgrade Templates
Upgrade Templates
After a software upgrade to 4.16.1, the navigation drawer contains the Upgrade Templates option. Click to upgrade all the full templates in the database to differential templates. A full template does not pick up new Global Default settings after it is created. A differential template can pick up new Global Default settings.
If you do not upgrade all full templates in the database to differential templates during the MNE console start up, you can still select Upgrade Templates from the MNE navigation drawer to upgrade them. After that, the Upgrade Templates item is removed from the MNE navigation drawer.
Edit Application Timeout
Edit Application Timeout
Opens a dialog box on which you can change the number of minutes of inactivity the Data Migration Wizard waits in a program run before concluding that a process has encountered a fatal error and ends the process. Set the Minutes parameter to your preferred value and click OK.
For migration to a local Exchange server (not Microsoft 365), shorter and higher-quality transmission paths make timeouts less common so the default value of 15 is suitable for most circumstances.
For migration to Microsoft 365, more process timeouts are typically generated and this can become problematic if you are migrating large numbers of large messages (usually due to large attachments). The Data Migration Wizard may even end its run if it encounters too many timeouts. You might want to set the timeout Minutes value to 30 for an Microsoft 365 migration to handle less robust transmission paths.
Advanced Wizard Settings
Advanced Wizard Settings
A toggle setting that determines if the wizards allow you to edit Task Parameters—configuration parameters that are specific to the current task—from within the wizard, without changing the Global Default Settings. For information and procedural instructions, see Appendix A: How Do I Add or Edit Program Parameters?
The wizard lets you view, edit, and save the parameters pertaining to the task via Notepad as if you were editing the Global Default Settings using the File menu. However, any changes you enter in a wizard apply only to the single task being created. Use this feature only if you need to make changes to the configuration of a specific task as recommended by Quest Support staff or the product documentation.
View Console Log
View Console Log
Launches the Log Viewer, a program that helps you view and interpret the program log files written by most Quest applications. When launched from this menu, the Log Viewer opens the log file for Notes Migration Manager.