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Desktop Authority Administrator Guide
Updated - January 2022
Software Version - 11.2.1
To assist in the development of new features, as well as drive future improvements, we have implemented a Product Improvement Program. Feedback from this program provides product management with valuable insight into how our products are being used. This information is essential to help the R&D team prioritize existing enhancement requests within the roadmap of the each product. Participation is voluntary, and no personal contact information is ever collected.
There is an option within the Desktop Authority Setup Tool (Product Improvement section) that can be used to verify or change your participation at any time.
Information collected will be used to develop new features and improve Desktop Authority.
The data is stored on a secure server within the USA and will be accessed only be the members of the Desktop Authority R&D team.
You choose to participate and allow Desktop Authority to send usage data, associated with an anonymous user ID from your computer. If you are offline at any time, the data will be sent the next time an Internet connection is available.
We will store the collected data on our secure server for as long as the Product Improvement Program is in place.
You will not receive any e-mail regarding the Product Improvement Program, regardless of whether you participate. We do not collect personally identifiable information.
An Internet connection is required for participation. However, it can be an intermittent connection. When an Internet connection becomes available, the information is automatically transmitted with minimal impact to your system.
No, the information cannot be displayed on the customer side. The collection of the desired data occurs seamlessly in the background without affecting the product. Additionally, all formatting and processing of the collected data are done post transmission.
Information is actively collected as long as you use the product version for which you have agreed to participate or until you decide to end your participation.
We take many precautions in protecting the information that is collected and transmitted. You can learn more about how we handle user information by reviewing our Privacy Policy.
Since no personally identifiable information is collected, the anonymous data will not be meaningful to anyone outside of our company.
The Desktop Authority installation wizard walks you through a series of dialogs prompting for information that is needed to install, upgrade, or uninstall Desktop Authority, as required. Follow the wizard by entering the requested information.
To do any of the following... | Click or tap... |
Advance to the following page | Next |
Return to the previous page | Back |
Abort the wizard | Cancel |
Each of the following topics provides information about a specific step in the wizard.
The Desktop Authority installation wizard walks you through a series of dialogs prompting for information that is needed to install, upgrade, or uninstall Desktop Authority, as required. Follow the wizard by entering the requested information.
To do any of the following... | Click or tap... |
Advance to the following page | Next |
Return to the previous page | Back |
Abort the wizard | Cancel |
Each of the following topics provides information about a specific step in the wizard.
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