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SQL Optimizer for SAP ASE 3.9 - User Guide

Introduction Tutorials Preferences Editor Functions SQL Information and Functions Performance Monitor SQL Inspector SQL Collector for Monitor Server SQL Scanner Index Advisor SQL Optimizer
SQL Optimizer Overview Optimization Engine Common Coding Errors in SQL Statements What Function Should l Use to Retrieve the Run Time? Unsatisfactory Performance Results SQL Optimizer Functions SQL Editor Optimized SQL Activity Log
SQL Worksheet SQL Formatter Database Explorer Code Finder Object Extractor SQL Repository Index Impact Analyzer Index Usage Analyzer Configuration Analyzer Migration Analyzer Abstract Plan Manager User-Defined Temp Tables SQL History Legal Information

Supported Monitoring Tables

Performance Monitor > Supported Monitoring Tables

The Performance Monitor supports both dynamic performance information and static information from the following Adaptive Server monitoring tables:

Table Name Description


Provides information regarding the overall state of the Adaptive Server.


Provides statistics regarding Adaptive Server engines.


Provides statistics relating to data cache usage.


Provides server wide information related to cached procedures.


Provides state and statistical information for databases that are currently in use (i.e. open databases).


Provides server-wide statistics about worker threads.


Provides server-wide statistics about network I/O.


Provides the most recent error messages raised by Adaptive Server. The maximum number of messages returned can be tuned by use of the "errorlog pipe max messages" configuration option.


Provides information for all locks that are being held, and those that have been requested, by any process, for every object.


Provides information about the most recent deadlocks that have occurred. The maximum number of messages returned can be tuned by use of the "deadlock pipe max messages" configuration option.


Provides a textual description for all of the wait classes, e.g. "waiting for a disk read to complete". All wait events (see monWaitEventInfo table) have been grouped into the appropriate wait class.


Provides a textual description for every possible situation where a process is forced to wait for an event, e.g. "wait for buffer read to complete".


Provides statistics for all objects and indexes that currently have pages cached within a data cache.


Provides statistics for all pools allocated for all caches.


Provides statistics for all open objects.


Provides device IO statistics broken down into data and log IO, for normal and temporary databases on each device.


Provides statistical information about devices.


Provides a server-wide view of events that processes are waiting for.


Provides information about processes that are currently executing or waiting.


Provides information enabling processes to be tracked to an application, user, client machine, etc.


Provides statistics about process activity.


Provides information about process use of worker threads.


Provides statistics about process network I/O activity.


Provides statistical information about process object access.


Provides information about processes currently waiting for an event.


Provides statistics for currently executing statements.


Provides statistics for the most recently executed statements. The maximum number of statement statistics returned can be tuned by use of the "statement pipe max messages" configuration option.


Provides the SQL text that is currently being executed. The maximum size of the SQL Text returned can be tuned by use of the "max SQL text monitored" configuration option.


Provides the most recently executed SQL text. The maximum number of messages returned can be tuned by use of the "sql text pipe max messages" configuration option.


Provides statistics about all procedures currently stored in procedure cache.


Provides information about procedures that are being executed.


Provides the most recently generated plan text. The maximum number of messages returned can be tuned by use of the "plan text pipe max messages" configuration option.


Performance Monitor Window

Performance Monitor Window

Performance Monitor > Performance Monitor Window > Performance Monitor Window

The Performance Monitor window displays charts and information about the status of Adaptive Server and the performance of your database. It has two panes. The left pane is for selecting the database statistic that you would like to view. The right pane displays the charts and information about the selected statistic.

Left pane

The top-level headings for selecting the information and statistics to review are Database Statistics Summary, Monitor Statistics, and Information.

The charts and information displayed in the right pane are dependent upon what is selected in the left pane:

Right pane for Database Statistics Summary

Right pane for Monitor Statistics

Right pane for Information

The status information for the Performance Monitor is display on the status bar at the bottom of the window.


Related Topic

Right Pane for Database Statistics Summary

Performance Monitor > Performance Monitor Window > Right Pane for Database Statistics Summary

The Database Statistics Summary in the Performance Monitor provides an overview of database performance. Important information is displayed on this screen and provides a high level view of the overall performance on CPU utilization for Top N Engines, Device I/O, Network I/O, Data Cache status, and Lock Waits information. Bottlenecks of those statistics can be spotted and you can drill down to and individual process, device, or SQL statement. You can drill down to specific items on the chart by double-clicking on a data point.


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SQL Optimizer for SAP ASE - 3.9
Installation Guide
Release Notes
User Guide
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