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Content Matrix 9.9 - File Share Edition

Introduction Entering the License Key Content Matrix Console End User Interface Enabling Advanced Mode Enabling and Disabling Optimistic Mode Connecting to a File System Connecting to SharePoint Preparing for Your Migration Initiating a Migration Configuring Copying Options Saving or Running a Migration Job Job Log Files Using PowerShell with Content Matrix
Content Matrix PowerShell Commandlet List
Modifying Content Matrix Configuration and Settings Frequently Asked Questions About Us

Browser View Tab

The Browser View displays a view of the content as it would be seen in a web browser for a selected SharePointnode. It is also available if selecting a single item in the Items View. When selected, this tab will display a fully functioning web browser view of the selected content. You can use this Browser View to navigate or work with their content, the same way they would through a normal web browser window.

Browser View

Jobs List

Jobs in Content Matrix Console can be managed from the Job List. Jobs are listed for migration actions that have already been run, as well as for actions that have been saved.  

Using the Connection Search Function

This search feature allows you to do a search through a File Share connection orthe top-level node of a SharePoint connection for  sites, lists, folders, and files.  Filters can also be applied to the search criteria using the four main metadata fields (Created, Created By, Modified, Modified By) as well as content types. The search results can be sorted through, and you can view each returned item's properties.  You can also run actions on returned items using the right-click menu.

NOTE:  In addition to the Search feature, the Find feature can be used on File Share sources from the Items View tab.

To run a Search:

1.In Explorer View, select the connection in which you want to search.

2.Right-click and choose Search.

3.Enter a Search Term/Filter and/or click [Advanced Options] and select any additional criteria you want to use.

SearchFeature SP Search

4.Click [Search].

All the results of the search display in the bottom pane.  Select a result from the list to:

·View the metadata field properties for a selected item (by clicking [Show Properties]).

·Perform an action on a selected item (by right-clicking it and choosing the action).

Using Multi-Select

Multi-select can be used to select a number of nodes on the source side Explorer View tree, and migrate those nodes to a target SharePoint instance. Multiple SharePoint connections can be selected at one time, but only to Disconnect or Refresh those connections. If connected to a SharePoint farm or web application, only a single site collection can be selected at a time, however, multi-select can be used on any sub-sites under a single site collection.

This feature also works for migrating a single list or site into multiple target locations at the same time; for example, if you have a document library that you want to migrate into two or more target SharePoint sites. After the library is copied, any number of desired target sites can be selected, as long as they are all under the same target connection node, and when pasted the list will be migrated to all of the selected target site nodes. The basic cases for multi-select are copying: multiple to one, one to multiple, and multiple to multiple.

For example, if connected to a File Share in the Explorer View, and the navigation tree is expanded, you can select a number of folders (Folder A, Folder B, etc.) and these can all be migrated at the same time. After pasting the content all the selected content (Folder A, Folder B, etc.) will be migrated under the target SharePoint node.

In addition to using check boxes to multi-select, you can use <Shift> and the <Ctrl> keys in the conventional way.

Limitations of Multi-Select

There are a few limitations when using multi-select. These limitations are:

·Only one node type can be selected at a time - This means that if a SharePoint site node is selected, then only other site nodes can be selected, and included in the action. If a File Share connection type is made, only nodes under each specific connection can be selected at one time

While the content under those nodes will be migrated (as per the selected options), only other site nodes themselves can be selected. This is the same for SharePoint lists/libraries, and folders. When connected to a SharePoint server only a single site collection can be selected at one time, but multiple sites under the site collection level can be selected.

The first node selected in the multi-select will determine what type of node can be included, and if an invalid selection is made, then the node that you tried to select will only blink. For example, if a list is selected, then only other lists, within the site collection, can be selected. If you try to select a SharePoint folder or site, then this is an invalid selection, and the folder or site will blink.

·Available Context (Right-Click) Menu Options - When using multi-select the options that are available in the context (right-click) menu can change depending on where the multi selection is taking place.


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