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ControlPoint 8.9 - Administration Guide

Preface Configuring the Environment in Which ControlPoint Will Run The ControlPoint Configuration Site Managing Your Farm List Managing Your ControlPoint License Granting ControlPoint Access to Web Applications and Content Databases Using Discovery to Collect Information for the ControlPoint Database Cache Using Sensitive Content Manager Services Managing ControlPoint Configuration and Permissions Preparing Your Environment for Using ControlPoint Sentinel Modifying ControlPoint Configuration Settings
Changing Default Settings for Actions and Analyses Changing Default Settings to Improve Application Performance Audit Log Configuration Settings Changing Settings for Anomalous Activity Detection Restricting Functionality for Members of the Business Administrators Group Changing Default Settings for ControlPoint User Groups Changing Settings to Improve Discovery Performance Changing Settings to Accommodate Special Environmental Factors Changing Default Settings for Navigation Changing Default Settings for Compliance Managing Site Provisioning Settings Specifying Global Settings for ControlPoint Policies Setting Preferences for the ControlPoint Scheduler Miscellaneous and Custom Configuration Settings Special-Purpose Configuration Settings
Changing Trace Switch Logging Levels Archiving SharePoint Audit Log Data Troubleshooting
ControlPoint Log Files Troubleshooting Configuration Errors Troubleshooting the ControlPoint Application Interface Troubleshooting Discovery Troubleshooting SharePoint Users and Permissions Troubleshooting Site Provisioning Troubleshooting ControlPoint Operations

Abort Report Processing on Error (ABORTREPORTONERROR)

As of version 5.2.345.0, when a ControlPoint analysis includes lists and/or list items and errors are encountered, by default analysis processing will complete, with problematic list(s) and/or item(s) flagged with the text ***Error*** in the results.  

ControlPoint Application Administrators can, however, choose to have analysis processing be aborted and no results display by changing the Value of the ControlPoint Configuration Setting Abort Report Processing on Error from false to true.


NOTE:  Prior to version 5.2.345.0 the default value is true.


Display "Include users with AD group membership" Parameter (SHOWADGROUPS)

By default, if a permissions analysis is run using real-time data, users have the option to Include users with AD group membership in analysis results.

Include Implicit Users

AD Group Members

If it is important that membership in Active Directory groups not be viewable in ControlPoint, ControlPoint Application Administrators can restrict this feature by changing the Value of the ControlPoint Configuration Setting Allow Display of Ative Directory Groups Popup in Report Results True to false.


Time to Retain Page Data in Cache (CACHEREPORT4)

By default, information about an active ControlPoint operation is kept in a server memory cache for 20 minutes.  Within this time period, a user can:

·initiate and run a ControlPoint action or analysis

·return to results of an analysis from which the user has drilled down

·download search or analysis results.

After this time period has expired, the cache is cleared and the operation must be re-initiated.

ControlPoint Application Administrators can change the number of minutes that analysis data is held in server memory cache by modifying the Value of the ControlPoint Setting Time to Retain Page Data in Cache.

NOTE:  This is an Advanced Setting.

Config Setting CACHEREPORT4

If you increase this value, a ControlPoint operation will remain "active" for a longer period of time.  Keep in mind, however, that the higher the value is set the longer information about the operation will consume memory, which may be a burden on server resources (specifically, the size of the application pool process supporting the Web application that hosts the ControlPoint Configuration Site collection).

If you decrease this value and the server cache is cleared before a ControlPoint operation (such as a Copy/Move) has completed, the Task Audit that is generated at the conclusion of the operation will contain no data.  (However, a completed Task Audit for the operation can still be invoked from the Manage ControlPoint panel).

Time to Retain Temporary UI Objects in Cache (UICACHEDURATION)

By default, ControlPoint retains temporary UI-related objects in server memory for 10 minutes.  ControlPoint Application Administrators can, however, change the number of minutes that analysis data is held in server memory cache by modifying the Value of the ControlPoint Setting Time to Retain Temporary UI Objects in Cache.

NOTE:  This is an Advanced Setting.


This setting is designed to be used in conjunction with—and set to a lower value than—Time to Retain Page Data in Cache (CACHEREPORT4) to enable the cache to be cleared more quickly.

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