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KACE Systems Deployment Appliance 9.2 Common Documents - Release Notes

Quest® KACE® Systems Deployment Appliance 9.2 Release Notes

Quest® KACE® Systems Deployment Appliance 9.2 Release Notes

This release notes document provides information about the Quest KACE Systems Deployment Appliance version 9.2.

About this release

About this release

The KACE Systems Deployment Appliance provides a network-centric solution for capturing and deploying images. The KACE Systems Deployment Appliance provides a seamless cross-platform imaging solution from a single Administrator Console enabling you to provision Microsoft® Windows®, as well as Red Hat, CentOS and Ubuntu Linux platforms. You can deploy the configuration files, user states, and applications as an image to a single device or to multiple devices simultaneously.

The appliance provides the tools necessary to automate deployments in both homogeneous and heterogeneous hardware environments, and provides reliability of large-scale image deployments with multicast and task engine capabilities. The built-in driver feed allows for downloads of Dell, HP, and Lenovo drivers for business class model machines, while drivers from other manufacturers can be added manually with ease. You can also integrate the KACE Systems Deployment Appliance with the KACE Systems Management Appliance to image devices in the KACE Systems Management Appliance inventory. The KACE Systems Deployment Appliance is available as a virtual appliance.

The KACE Systems Deployment Appliance version 9.2 is a minor release of the product which offers new features, enhancements, and resolved issues.

New features and enhancements

New features and enhancements

The following new features and enhancements are included in this release:

Resolved issues

Resolved issues

The following is a list of issues resolved in this release.

Table 2. Resolved Issues

Resolved issue

Issue ID

Labels are correctly shown in Choose Action menus.


Updated linking URL to use Linked Appliance Name for better dependability.


Newer versions of CentOS 8 now fingerprint properly.


VNC password can not be blank.


Hardware Platform is now specific to the platform on which it is installed.


Uploading an unattend file in Scripted Installation Wizard works properly.


If powershell.exe is used in the command line of an application task, the .exe portion is removed


PowerShell tasks are limited to .ps1 or .psm1 extensions.


Common Tasks dashboard widget was updated with links to features that are used more often.


Downloading Windows Media Manager from the source media choose action menu no longer results in an error.


View By Label filter now shows on User State list page.


Media Manager correctly displays error when USMT upload fails.


Set Computer Name assigns a random name in unattend file if using a data file and the device is not listed in that file.


SDA Breadcrumb Task now works properly with offline deployments.


A cancelled capture no longer shows on the image list page.


Microsoft Kernel Debug Network Adapter is now ignored when determining MAC addresses.


SMA PowerShell Managed Installs now import properly.


Automated deployment list does not show deployment names when there is no boot environment set as default.


Samba password can not be saved if it contains a colon.


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