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Client Profile Updating Utility 5.9 - Administration Guide

Using the SwitchResMB Utility

Before starting the Switch Resource Mailboxes utility, you should take the following steps:

  1. Create the configuration file according to your source and target environment. The format of the configuration file is described in SwitchResMB.ini Parameters

TIP: To create or change Switch Message for mailboxes perform the following:

In case Microsoft Outlook 2013 and in case Microsoft Outlook 2016/2019 the section TargetMailboxesSMTP is empty or not specified, you need to create a new configuration file in the CPUU installation folder and to verify that the account specified by DCAccount parameter in the configuration file has permission to read source Active Directory information. To encrypt the password that this account use to connect to the source domain controller, run the following command line in the CPUU installation folder:

SwitchResMB.exe <configuration file name> <password for domain controller account>

The encrypted password will be saved to the DCPassword parameter of configuration file.

Caution: Password encryption is necessary in Microsoft Outlook environment and should be completed before starting the utility.

  1. Create a configuration file for Client Profile Updating Utility (CPUU.ini) in the CPUU installation folder. It is recommended to edit CPUU.ini as described in the Recommended Values for the CPUU.ini Parameters topic.
  2. Run the Switch Resource Mailboxes utility using the following command-line:

SwitchResMB.exe SwitchResMB.ini > PathToSwitchResMB.log


  • SwitchResMB.ini – the path to the configuration file
  • PathToSwitchResMB.log – The path to the log file that the utility will create. If this parameter is not specified, no log file will be created.

Only the configuration file parameter is required.

SwitchResMB.ini Parameters

The configuration file should contain the following sections and parameters:

Section [Settings]

This section is mandatory.

Parameter Details

Command line for ClientProfileUpdatingUtility.exe.

Required: Yes

Value: string (can be empty)


The source Exchange server name. The server name that is specified in Microsoft Outlook during a profile creation. Its format depends on source Exchange Server version:

  • Exchange 2010 or lower: FQDN format
  • Exchange 2013: Mailbox GUID, @ symbol, and the domain part of the user’s primary SMTP address (<Mailbox GUID>@<Domain Part>)

Required: Yes

Value: string (cannot be empty for Microsoft Outlook 2013, but for Outlook 2016/2019 should be empty)


Specifies whether source mailboxes use the Negotiate authentication method as a logon network security. The authentication method is specified in Microsoft Outlook during a profile creation.

Required: No

Value: 1 or 0


Specifies whether source mailboxes use the Password authentication (NTLM) method as a logon network security. The authentication method is specified in Microsoft Outlook during a profile creation.

Required: No

Value: 1 or 0


Specifies whether source mailboxes use the Anonymous Authentication method as a logon network security. The authentication method is specified in Microsoft Outlook during a profile creation.

Required: No

Value: 1 or 0


Specifies whether source mailboxes use the Kerberos Password authentication method as a logon network security. The authentication method is specified in Microsoft Outlook during a profile creation.

Required: No

Value: 1 or 0


Specifies whether source mailboxes use the Insert a smart card authentication method as a logon network security. The authentication method is specified in Microsoft Outlook during a profile creation.

Required: No

Value: 1 or 0


Specifies whether temporary MAPI profiles created by SwitchResMB utility for CPUU are deleted after processing. By default, the temporary profiles will be deleted after processing. If LeaveTemporaryProfiles is specified, temporary profiles will remain and can be used for troubleshooting purposes. Temporary profile name is like the following: {<random GUID value>}. To troubleshoot, open relevant temporary target profile in the Mail Control Panel applet, check profile settings to determine which prevent proper mailbox content updating, and change CPUU.ini or SwitchResMB.ini to avoid the issue.

Required: No

Value: 1 or 0

Section [AD]

This section is optional and can be used in case of Switch Message creating or changing to retrieve additional information.

Parameter Details

The source domain controller name.

Required: Yes

Value: String (cannot be empty)


The account used to connect to the source domain controller.

Required: Yes

Value: String (cannot be empty)

DCPassword The password used to connect to the source domain controller.

Required: Yes

Value: String (cannot be empty)

Section [RPCOverHTTP]

This section is mandatory in case of migration from Exchange 2013 or higher with Microsoft Outlook 2013 (earlier than 15.0.4779.1001, December 8, 2015, update for Outlook 2013 (KB3114349))


Parameter Details

Specifies whether to use the RPC over HTTP setting for creation of source mailboxes.

Required: Yes

Value: 1 or 0


Specifies source RPC proxy server which is specified in s in Microsoft Outlook during a profile creation.

Required: Yes

Value: String (cannot be empty)


The principal name for proxy server which is specified in Exchange Proxy Settings in Microsoft Outlook during a profile creation.

Required: Yes

Value: String (can be empty)


Specifies whether to use the Connect using SSL only option which is specified in Exchange Proxy Settings in Microsoft Outlook during a profile creation.

Required: Yes

Value: 1 or 0


Specifies whether to use the Mutually authenticate the session when connecting with SSL option which is specified in Exchange Proxy Settings in Microsoft Outlook during a profile creation.

Required: Yes

Value: 1 or 0


Specifies whether to use the On fast networks, connect using HTTP first, then connect using TCP/IP option which is specified in Exchange Proxy Settings in Microsoft Outlook during a profile creation.

Required: Yes

Value: 1 or 0


Specifies whether to use the On slow networks, connect using HTTP first, then connect using TCP/IP option which is specified in Exchange Proxy Settings in Microsoft Outlook during a profile creation.

Required: Yes

Value: 1 or 0


Specifies whether to use the NTLM Authentication method for connecting to proxy server. It is specified in the page Exchange Proxy Settings in Microsoft Outlook during a profile creation.

Required: No (by default the utility uses NTLM authentication method)

Value: 1 or 0


Specifies whether to use the Basic Authentication method for connecting to proxy server. It is specified in Exchange Proxy Settings in Microsoft Outlook during a profile creation.

Required: No (by default the utility uses NTLM authentication method)

Value: 1 or 0


Specifies whether to use the Negotiate Authentication method for connecting to proxy server. It is specified in Exchange Proxy Settings in Microsoft Outlook during a profile creation.

Required: No (by default the utility uses NTLM authentication method )

Value: 1 or 0

Section [SwitchMessage]

This section is optional. It is used for creating or recreating Switch Message for mailboxes.

Parameter Details

Specifies whether a Switch Message needs to be recreated for each mailbox.

Required: No

Value: 1 or 0


Indicates what version of Switch Message should be created.

Required: Yes

Value: one of the following (cannot be empty)

  • Legacy —If mailboxes are migrated by Migration Manager for Exchange Legacy agents.
  • Contemporary — if mailboxes are migrated by ODME or Migration Manager for Exchange MAgE.

Indicates type of target Exchange server.

Required: Yes if MigrationAgentType=Contemporary. Otherwise, no.

Value: one of the following (cannot be empty):

  • Exchange —if target server is Microsoft Exchange On-Premises
  • O365—– if migration target is Microsoft Office 365 tenant

In case the configuration file is created using previous versions of CPUU it can contain more parameters, but only the parameters specified above are used.

Section [Mailboxes]

This section is mandatory for Microsoft Outlook 2013. It should contain a list of legacyExchangeDN attribute of source resource mailboxes which should be updated.

Section [MailboxesSMTP]

This section is mandatory for processing Microsoft Outlook 2016 and Microsoft Outlook 2019 profiles. It should contain a list of SMTP addresses of source resource mailboxes to be updated. In case of Microsoft Outlook 2013 profiles, the Switch Resource Mailboxes utility looks for SMTP addresses for a list of mailboxes from section [Mailboxes].

Section [TargetMailboxesSMTP]

This section is used for creating or recreating Switch Message for mailboxes only. It is optional for processing Microsoft Outlook 2013 and should only be specified for processing Microsoft Outlook 2016 and Microsoft Outlook 2019 profiles. It should contain a list of SMTP addresses of target mailboxes to be updated. If this section is empty or not specified, the Switch Resource Mailboxes utility looks for target SMTP address AD property for each mailbox from a list of mailboxes in section [MailboxesSMTP] by querying Active Directory.

SwitchResMB.ini Example

Below is an example of the INI file for Switch Resource Mailboxes utility if your source is Exchange Server 2010 or earlier and Microsoft Outlook 2013 is used:
/o=SourceOrg/ou=Exchange  Administrative  Group  (FYDIBOHF23SPDLT)/cn=Recipients/cn=Room-1
/o=SourceOrg/ou=Exchange  Administrative  Group  (FYDIBOHF23SPDLT)/cn=Recipients/cn=Room-2
/o=SourceOrg/ou=Exchange  Administrative  Group  (FYDIBOHF23SPDLT)/cn=Recipients/cn=Room-3

If no switch message exists in the source resource mailbox, СPUU (SwitchResMB) will create switch messages, and to do this, you need to add the following two sections:

Below is an example of the INI file for Switch Resource Mailboxes utility if your source is Exchange Server 2013 or higher and Microsoft Outlook 2013 is used:
/o=SourceOrg/ou=Exchange  Administrative  Group  (FYDIBOHF23SPDLT)/cn=Recipients/cn=Room-1
/o=SourceOrg/ou=Exchange  Administrative  Group  (FYDIBOHF23SPDLT)/cn=Recipients/cn=Room-2
/o=SourceOrg/ou=Exchange  Administrative  Group  (FYDIBOHF23SPDLT)/cn=Recipients/cn=Room-3

If no switch message exists in the source resource mailbox, СPUU (SwitchResMB) will create switch messages, and to do this, you need to add the following two sections:

Below is an example of the INI file for Switch Resource Mailboxes utility if Microsoft Outlook 2016/2019 is used:

If no switch message exists in the source resource mailbox, СPUU (SwitchResMB) will create switch messages, and to do this, you need to add the following two sections:

OR add the following two sections:


Recommended Values for the CPUU.ini Parameters

It is recommended to edit the CPUU configuration file (CPUU.ini) before you start the Switch Resource Mailboxes utility as suggested below:


Features= Delegates Rules


Important: When using CPUU in conjunction with Migration Manager for Exchange, there is no defined limit for the maximum number of features that can be processed by CPUU. If you want to process all mailbox features, do not specify a value for the Features parameter. The feature list from the example above is recommended only for resource mailboxes.

However, if you use CPUU in conjunction with ODME, specify Skip=All.

It is also recommended to use the Silent=1 switch so that CPUU does not display any dialog boxes.

SwitchResMB Exit Codes

When the Switch Resource Mailboxes utility finishes, it sets the value of the errorlevel variable based on its exit status. The following bit mask can be used to retrieve Switch Resource Mailboxes utility completion status from the errorlevel code:

0 Processing successfully completed
1 Processing failed with errors
2 Incorrect command line parameters
4 Incorrect parameters in the INI configuration file
8 Unable to create one profile
16 Unable to create all profiles
32 Incorrect CPUU command line
64 Unable to start CPUU for updating profiles
128 Unable to start CPUU for cleanup


The following topics describe issues that may occur when working with the Client Profile Updating Utility, and how to resolve them:

Dealing with Slow Connection while Updating Profiles

When CPUU updates a user profile on a computer, it establishes a connection between the computer and an Exchange server where the corresponding user mailbox resides to get necessary data from the mailbox and update it accordingly. The problem is that if the user's computer has a slow connection to networks where that Exchange server is located (for instance, computer is connected to network through VPN or dial-up connection), those tasks will be performed slowly. That, in turn, affects overall CPUU performance so it may take several hours to update the user profile.

What you can do

You have the following options to achieve the best possible performance when connection between user's computer and network is slow:

1. Choose to process only necessary features

When planning to process user profiles on computers with slow connection to Exchange server, consider skipping features that are not necessary, or can be easily restored by user her- or himself.

As an example, the Nicknames (AutoNameCheck) feature take the longest to be updated over a slow connection.

You can configure CPUU to skip it in CPUU.ini:


NOTE: For detailed information on supported features, see What the Utility Updates

2. Use SwitchResMB to process mailbox features

You can use SwitchResMB to process user mailbox features and then CPUU to finally switch the user profile. For details, see the topic below.

Processing user mailboxes with SwitchResMB and CPUU

For slow connections you can take an option to use Switch Resource Mailboxes (SwitchResMB.exe) utility installed on a computer in the same network where the Exchange server is located to process features and settings in the user mailbox. Then the corresponding user profile can be switched by CPUU locally on the user's computer. In this case, all features must be skipped when running CPUU.

This approach allows to achieve best performance, however the SwitchResMB utility has some limitations regarding supported mailbox features in comparison to CPUU.

TIP: For information how to use SwitchResMB, see Updating Resource Mailboxes.

The following table denotes which CPUU features can be processed by SwitchResMB. Carefully review it to decide whether this approach is appropriate for you or not.

CPUU Feature SwitchResMb with Outlook 2013, 2016

Additional Mailboxes

Not supported

Contact Members Limited support: contacts stored in PST file cannot be processed
CONTAB Not supported
Delegates Supported
Folder Lists Not supported

Nick files

Other User's Folders

Not supported

Public FAV

Rules Limited support: rules with links to items in PST file cannot be processed
Send/Receive Settings Not supported
Search Folders Limited support: search folders in PST file cannot be processed


Not supported

User Names




Limited support: links to items in PST file cannot be processed

Calendar Pane
Contacts Pane
Tasks Pane
Notes Pane
Journal Pane

Dealing with local Autodiscover service usage issues

This section will help you to look into possible root cause of Autodiscover problems by matching CPUU log messages.

Error message in CPUU log Root cause

[TraceW] Failed to get Autodiscover response for email 'gc04@gemini.local'. Autodiscover URL: 'https://trideca1.gemini.local/autodiscover/autodiscover.xml'.

WinHTTP result: 0x00002ee7, Description: The server name or address could not be resolved

[Warning] Cannot get an Autodiscover response for the user 'gc04@gemini.local' from the URL: 'https://trideca1.gemini.local/autodiscover/autodiscover.xml'.

[Error] Cannot get an Autodiscover response on source. See logged errors to resolve the issue. Profile will not be processed.

Incorrect Autodiscover URL was specified for source


[TraceW] Failed to get Autodiscover response for email 'gc04@gemini.local'. Autodiscover URL: 'https://trideca.gemini.local/autodiscover/autodiscover.xml'.

Custom result: 0xc01000cf, Description: HTTP status code 401 (Unauthorized) received. This response indicates that authorization has been refused for the account used to access destination, or specified credentials are invalid.

[Error] Cannot get an Autodiscover response on target. See logged errors to resolve the issue. Profile will not be processed.

Incorrect credentials were specified for target



[Warning] User LegacyExchangeDN properties are different: from the source Autodiscover response: '/o=First Organization/ou=Exchange Administrative Group (FYDIBOHF23SPDLT)/cn=Recipients/cn=gc04', from the profile: '/o=Orga1/ou=Exchange Administrative Group (FYDIBOHF23SPDLT)/cn=Recipients/cn=99fd5306e4d641c6b88c597fb146402f-gc04'.

[Error] Cannot get an Autodiscover response on source. See logged errors to resolve the issue. Profile will not be processed.

Autodiscover URL points to wrong Exchange server for source


[TraceW] Failed to get Autodiscover response for email 'gc04@gemini.local'. Autodiscover URL: 'https://trideca.gemini.local/autodiscover/autodiscover.xml'

WinHTTP result: 0x00002efd, Description: A connection with the server could not be established


WinHTTP result: 0x00002ee7, Description: The server name or address could not be resolved

[Warning] Cannot get an Autodiscover response for the user 'gc04@gemini.local' from the URL: 'https://trideca.gemini.local/autodiscover/autodiscover.xml'.

[Error] Cannot get an Autodiscover response on source. See logged errors to resolve the issue. Profile will not be processed.

Cannot connect to the target Autodiscover service due to network problems, or service unavailability, or wrong URL

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