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Space Manager with LiveReorg 9.0 - User Guide

Smart Start for Space Manager Collect Statistics Profile DML Activity Manage Storage Reorganize Objects with Reorg Manager Partition Tables with the Partitioning Wizard Run and Monitor Scripts Run Reports Options Troubleshooting Administration Functions Appendix About Us

What Is Not Supported for the Partitioning Wizard

The following Oracle features are not supported for the Partitioning Wizard.

Category Oracle Feature Not Supported
Tables and Indexes

Indexes without their tables

To reorganize an index online independently of its table, perform a standard reorg with Rebuild ONLINE


Temporary tables


Tables with dimensions


Advanced Queuing tables


Replication tables; objects that are part of a replication group


External tables


Domain indexes (including interMedia text indexes and ConText indexes)


Tables owned by SYS or SYSTEM or with names starting with QUEST_%

IOTs and Clusters

IOTs and IOT overflows


Clusters, clustered tables, cluster indexes, indexes on clustered tables

Materialized Views

Materialized views


Materialized view logs

LONG Data Types

LONG and LONG RAW data types

User Defined Data Types

Object tables (data types for tables)


Nested tables

Various Data Types

URI data types


XMLType columns and tables


Oracle Label Security


Tables with security policies enabled


  • Destination tables cannot be system or reference partitioned.
  • Columns with user defined datatypes (UDTs) cannot be used in new partitioning keys. They are preserved in existing partitioning keys as long as you do not change partitioning method or number of partitions. This applies to all supported UDTs. Also, index used as posting index must not contain an object type attribute in its column list.


Key Concepts for the Partitioning Wizard

This section describes key concepts for partitioning. Refer to this section as you use the Partitioning Wizard.

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View Partitioning Schemes

Tabs in the Partitioning Wizard are designed to let you easily review partitioning schemes as you define them:

  • Objects to be Reorganized—This tab identifies which parts of a partitioning scheme have been defined for each object. If an object is already partitioned, only changes are reflected in the Objects and Partitions tab. For example, if you change partitioning key values for a range partitioned object, a Y for “yes” is displayed in the Values column. But the Actions and Keys columns are blank.

    Note: The Objects to be Reorganized tab is displayed in all windows where options can be selected for individual objects. This tab is not displayed in windows where options are used globally for all objects on the list.

  • Space Usage Summary—This tab allows you to check space availability in target tablespaces.

A summary displays on the Schedule Script Execution page to allow you to review the reorg method, a list of objects included in the reorganization, and the switch types to be used.


Specify Partitioning Method

Use the Partitioning Method page of the Partitioning Wizard to specify partitioning method, index locality, and number of partitions and subpartitions. You can specify a default number of subpartitions for an object or specify a number for each partition. Please note that LOBs are automatically partitioned in the same way as their tables.

For an overview of the Partitioning Wizard, see Smart Start for the Partitioning Wizard.

If an object is already partitioned, the Partitioning Method page displays its current partitioning method, number of partitions, index locality, and segment names. You can change partitioning method, unpartition an object, convert to composite partitioning, add or remove partitions or subpartitions, change index locality, and change names.

After you change method settings, the Partitioning Wizard tries to preserve partitioning key settings, if possible. The wizard displays a message when new settings are invalid or cause other settings to become invalid. You can adjust invalid settings based on information in the message.

Tip: You can save Partitioning Wizard settings as a Reorg Plan to edit and reuse later. See Save Reorg Manager Settings for more information.

To specify the partitioning method

  1. Launch the Partitioning Wizard. See Launch Partitioning Wizard for more information.
  2. Select a table in the Objects to Reorganize list.
  3. Select a partitioning method for the table from the Partition by field.
  4. Enter number of partitions in the Number of partitions field.

    A table can contain one partition or multiple partitions. When hash is the partitioning method, enter an even number to ensure that rows are distributed evenly.  If you do not want to add subpartitions to the table, click Apply.

    Tip: To convert a partitioned object to a nonpartitioned object, enter 0 as the partition count.

  5. Select Create subpartitions to subpartition the table. From the Subpartition by field, select a partitioning method for all partitions.

  6. If you want all partitions in a table to contain the same number of subpartitions, specify a default number in the Default number of subpartitions field. Then click Apply. Skip this step and proceed to the next if you want to customize the number of subpartitions per partition.

  7. If you want to vary the number of subpartitions per partition, select the Partition-level subpartitioning checkbox. Specify the number of subpartitions each partition should contain in the # Subpartitions column. Then click Apply.

    Note: If most partitions should contain the default number of subpartitions, click Reset subpartitions to default to populate the # Subpartitions column with the default number. Then modify the number of subpartitions for individual partitions.

  8. If a table has indexes, specify locality for each index. When locality is global, you can also specify the number of partitions and partitioning method.

    Select an index in the list and then select one of the following options:

    • Local—Select Local to partition an index in the same way as its table, with the same number of partitions and subpartitions, and the same partitioning key columns and values. If Local is the default setting, partitions and subpartitions for all indexes on a table are added to the Object list when you click Apply for the table.
    • Global—Select Global to partition an index independently of its table. Then enter a number in the Number of partitions field. (Enter 0 if an index should be non-partitioned.) If your database is Oracle 11 or later, also select a partitioning method from the Partition by field. Click Apply to apply all settings.

      Note: If you change partitioning for an index but do not change partitioning for its table, a message asks if you want to reorganize the table along with the index. Click Yes to include the table in the partitioning script. If you click No, you must make changes to the table in a later partitioning-related window. If no changes are made, the table and its indexes are excluded from the script.

  9. If you want to change names for all new and existing partitions and subpartitions in an object, click Change Default Names. (You can change names for individual segments in the Partition Names window.) The Default Partition Names dialog displays. Enter names as follows:

    • Prefix for default partition names—Enter a name for partitions. (P is the wizard’s default.) This is used for all partitions in a table and its local indexes, including existing partitions. It is used for all partitions in a global index. A sequential partition number is appended to the name of each partition to guarantee that it is unique.
    • Prefix for default subpartition names—Enter a name for subpartitions. (SP is the wizard’s default.) This is used for all subpartitions in a table and its local indexes, including existing subpartitions. A sequential subpartition number is added at the end of each name; the parent partition name is added at the beginning.
    • Include base object name in default partition names—Select this checkbox to include the name of the parent table or parent index in the names of new partitions and subpartitions. The parent name is added at the beginning of each partition or subpartition name.

    Click OK to close the Default Partition Names dialog. Then click Apply to apply new names.

    Note: Names are stored in uppercase characters if you do not enter them with double quotes. Each name can have up to 30 characters. That maximum is shared by all parts of a name, including numbers and parent names. If all parts add up to more than 30 characters, certain parts are truncated. However, sequential numbers are always included.

  10. Click Next to proceed to the next page. See Specify Partitioning Key Columns for next steps.

Tip: You can specify default values for some partitioning options in Tools | Options | Partitioning Wizard | Defaults. See Partitioning Wizard Defaults.


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