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Rapid Recovery 6.3 - Release Notes

End of support for tiering recovery points to the DR appliance

Tiering recovery points to the DR appliance deprecated and not supported in release 6.3

A tiering repository is a secondary repository (located on a DR Series deduplication appliance) defined on your Core into which recovery points in Rapid Recovery Core versions 6.1.x and 6.2.x were relocated from a primary DVM repository.

NOTE: In release 6.2, tiering was only supported on DR Series deduplication appliances running OS 4.0.

Recovery points are deleted from your primary DVM repository after they are moved. The Core continued to manage the relocated recovery points until they were eventually rolled up and deleted.

As indicated previously, the tiering feature is discontinued and is no longer supported by Rapid Recovery Core.

Rapid Recovery customers who want to continue tiering must remain on Rapid Recovery Core version 6.2.1 or 6.1.3. These customers cannot take advantage of new features of Rapid Recovery Core or Agent.

End of support for Azure Service Management

Azure Service Management features deprecated

Microsoft announced that support for Azure Service Management (ASM) is retired as of June 30, 2018.

Accordingly, in release 6.3, Rapid Recovery no longer supports ASM for virtual export. Instead, Rapid Recovery virtual export to Azure exclusively supports Azure Resource Manager (ARM). When setting up a cloud type for your Azure account, use cloud type Microsoft Azure Resource Manager (Virtual Export).

NOTE: When using ARM with Rapid Recovery, additional steps are required for your Azure account. These prerequisites are fully addressed in the topic "Before virtual export to Azure" in the Rapid Recovery 6.3 User Guide.

When archiving recovery points to Azure in Rapid Recovery release 6.3, you can use Azure storage accounts created using either ARM or ASM, as long as the Rapid Recovery cloud account type is Microsoft Azure (for Archive).

However, the use of classic Azure storage accounts in Rapid Recovery Core is deprecated, and support in Rapid Recovery Core is expected to be removed in a future release. As a best practice, Quest recommends creating storage accounts using ARM and using this fully supported storage account type for both virtual export and archiving recovery points.

You are no longer required to associate Azure management certificates with your Rapid Recovery Core, or to refresh or delete them. You are also no longer required to obtain or load your Azure Publish Settings File. These setup steps were required exclusively for configuring ASM with your Core.

Correspondingly, the following topics have been removed from the Rapid Recovery 6.3 User Guide:

  • Working with Azure management certificates associated with your Core
  • Obtaining the Publish Settings file for your Azure account
  • Loading an Azure management certificate
  • Refreshing or deleting Azure management certificates

For more details in these Release Notes, see Support for Azure Resource Manager, Core cloud account types, and Azure storage accounts.

SQL Server support changes

Rapid Recovery customers are advised of the following changes in support for SQL Server.

Support for SQL Server 2005 is discontinued

In April of 2017, Microsoft SQL Server 2005 reached end of life. Microsoft no longer supports that version of Exchange Server..

Accordingly, Rapid Recovery support of Exchange 2007 is deprecated. As indicated in Rapid Recovery 6.2.1 Release Notes, customers are reminded that Rapid Recovery no longer supports SQL Server 2005. References to this version of SQL Server are removed from documentation in this release.

Support for SQL Server 2008 and 2008 R2 is deprecated

Mainstream support by Microsoft for SQL Server 2008 and SQL Server 2008 R2 ended on July 8, 2014. Extended support by Microsoft for these versions ends in July of 2019.

Customers are advised that support in Rapid Recovery for SQL Server 2008 and 2008 R2 is deprecated. In a future release of Rapid Recovery Core (after July 2019), support for these versions of SQL Server will be removed. Notification is provided so that customers can plan in advance accordingly.

Quest recommends migrating to newer, supported versions of SQL Server if you want to continue protecting your data using Rapid Recovery.

Resolved issues

This topic contains resolved issues in the following categories:

The following is a list of issues addressed in this release.


Table 1: Core and Windows resolved issues

Issue ID Resolved Issue Description Functional Area

Double license consumption corrected for release 6.3. Rapid Recovery Core consumes one license from your license pool per processor or CPU socket. In earlier releases, if protecting the same hypervisor in 2 Cores, twice the number of licenses were consumed. Now, if you protect guest VMs from the same VMware host in two separate Rapid Recovery6.3 Cores, only a single set of licenses from your license pool (one per socket) are consumed. Requirements: Both Cores must be part of the same Rapid Recovery License Portal group and both Cores must be version 6.3.0 or greater.

License consumption


Upgrade, Deploy and other web-installer dependent jobs were failing due error code: 3002. Message: "The certificate for MSI issued to Quest Software Inc is invalid."



Partial backup data was not deleted from repository after failed transfer.



Mount for recovery points from attached archive failed with error: 'The index xxxxxx is greater than the maximum valid index, which is one less than the capacity yyyyyy' if the volume had been shrunk.

Mounts, Archive


When Core service was not shut cleanly and an archive was attached, the GUI did not load, with error "Oops.. Looks like something went completely wrong."

Core service, Archive


Agent protection failed with error "GetResponse timed out (stuck on collecting metadata)" on specific environment.

Core service, Archive


In a specific environment, when a scheduled archive was canceled and the incomplete archive deleted, the next scheduled archive did not include the deleted recovery points, and the resulting archive could not be imported. To correct this issue, the archive structure is refreshed after a scheduled archive is canceled, and subsequent archives are valid.

Scheduled archive


Scheduled archives failed, with error "Value cannot be null. Parameter name: source" after upgrade from 6.1.3 to 6.2.x.

Scheduled archive, Upgrade


Core service hung; GUI did not load, with error "Oops.. Looks like something went completely wrong" in specific cases.

Core service


Replication rate for huge base images were extremely slow due to small write buffer size on the target Core.



Archive to the Amazon Glacier failed after minor network interruption due to the absence of retry logic that has subsequently been added.

Archive to Amazon Glacier


There was no ability to archive cluster nodes without adding cluster volumes to an archive.

Archive, Clusters


Rollup failed with error "cannot find the recovery point with the id __" on a system test environment.



No virtual machines were displayed on the Virtual Machines page of a protected vCenter/ESXi server when a protected VM with Agent installed was added for agentless protection, and the VM was associated with its parent host.

Protection of ESXi. Linking


Data was lost on disk located on Scale Out File Server (SOFS) if you added some data to the disk and evicted active SOFS cluster node.

Hyper-V, agentless protection, clusters


Unexpected base images occurred for cloned disks during Hyper-v agentless transfers.

Hyper-V, agentless protection


Replication was not paused after upgrading Target Core from release 5.4.3 to release 6.2.x.



Not all disks were exported after VirtualBox export of ESXi agentless VM based on Windows 8.1 x86 and Windows 8.1 x64.

Virtual exports


Core GUI would not launch after upgrade from 6.1.1 to 6.1.2 on specific environment.

Core Console


Azure Market Place Offer used "dell_software" in the URI.



Core GUI hung for Agent Settings page when maintaining repository was in progress.

Repository, Maintenance Job, GUI


Table 2: DL appliance resolved issues

Issue ID Resolved Issue Description Functional Area
107303 Retention policy settings became disabled on DL1000 and DL1300 after upgrade to 6.2.0. Retention policy


Table 3: Documentation resolved issues

Issue ID Resolved Issue Description Functional Area

License and copyright information for the following components (missing from release 6.2 in-product help) appears as expected in the Rapid Recovery Core in-product help topic "Third-party components":

  • ANTLR 3.3.3
  • bash-completion 2.1
  • btrfs-tools 4.4.1
  • ca-certificates 2016.10.04
  • casper 1.376
  • Castle Windsdor 2.5.3
  • Chromium 57
  • cURL 7.47
  • docutils 0.14
  • efibootmgr 0.12-4
  • fakeroot 1.20.2
  • gcc 5.3.1
  • gdisk 1.0.1
  • Google APIs Client Library for .NET 1.32.2
  • htop 2.0.1-1
  • JavaScriptEngineSwitcher 2.4.10
  • jQuery 1.9.2
  • Newtonsoft.Json 11.0.2, 4.0.8
  • jsTree 3.1.0
  • Linux-libc-dev 4.4.0
  • libc6-dev-2.23
  • libc-dev-bin 2.2.3
  • libesdb 2015409
  • libext2fs1.43.4
  • libfakeroot 1.20.2
  • libreadline5 5.2
  • lsscsi 0.27-3
  • lupin-casper 0.57
  • lvm2 2.02.167
  • make 4.1
  • mc 4.8.15-2
  • mdadmin 3.3-2ubuntu7
  • Microsoft Windows Azure Storage 8.2.0
  • Mono 5.2
  • openssh-server 7.2p2
  • Oracle ManagedDataAccess 12.2.1100
  • parted 3.2-15
  • PuTTy 0.70
  • screen 4.3.1-2build1
  • Select2 4.03
  • SSH.Net 2016.1.0
  • zlib 1.2.8
  • python minimal 2.7.11

Additionally, this section contains substantial updates to ensure all third-party components are identified as required.

Third-party components, licensing, copyright


For agentlessly protected machines only, web help contains a link on the protected virtual machine's System Information page that shows an incorrect topic, "Viewing system information for the Core." The link has been corrected and now points to the topic "Understanding system information for a protected machine."

In-product help
107985 Support for SQL Server 2005 was discontinued in Rapid Recovery Core release 6.2.1. Accordingly, references to this version no longer appear in documentation for release 6.3. Supportability
106264 Rapid Recovery 6.3 User Guide correctly indicates that log truncation for Oracle is disabled by default and must be enabled if users want this function. Oracle log truncation

Rapid Recovery 6.3 User Guide topic "Deploying a virtual machine in Azure" has been modified. It contains no unnecessary steps.

Virtual export to Azure
101858 Rapid Recovery 6.3 User Guide topic "Setting up continual export to Azure" has been modified. It contains no unnecessary steps. Virtual export to Azure

In release 6.3 and later, to export a VM to Azure, you can use an existing container or (using Advanced storage options), you can define an export container or deployment container.

Virtual export to Azure
101837 Steps for creating a container in classic Azure Service Management mode for Azure were included in the Rapid Recovery 6.2 User Guide. Note that as of release 6.3, containers must be created using Azure Resource Management. Supportability


Table 4: Linux resolved issues

Issue ID Resolved Issue Description Functional Area
107966 Ubuntu 16 and 18 on Hyper-V hung when taking snapshots. Linux

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