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SQL Navigator for Oracle 7.5 - User Guide

Quick Overview Working With SQL Navigator Navigation Oracle Logon Code Editor Visual Object Editors Team Coding and Version Control Systems Modules, Windows And Dialogs
Analyze Tool Auto Describe Tool Benchmark Factory Bookmarks Dialog Capture Web Output Change Logon Password Dialog Code Analysis Code Assistant Code Road Map Code Templates Code Test Database Source Code Search Dialog DB Navigator Describe Difference Viewer Edit Data ER Diagram Explain Plan Tool Export Table Find and Replace Dialog Find objects Dialog Find Recycle Bin Objects Dialog Formatting Options HTML Viewer Import HTML as PL/SQL Import Table Java Manager Job Scheduler Locate In Tree Output Window PL/SQL Profiler Profile Manager Project Manager Publish Java to PL/SQL Quick Browse Rename Object Search Knowledge Xpert Select DB Object Dialog Server Output Server Side Installation Wizard Session Browser Source Preview SQL Modeler SQL Optimizer Task Manager Web Support Configuration Dialog Wrap Code
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Object Menu

Operations on database objects.

Menu Icon Menu Name More Information

Create DB Object

Create a database object.

Open DB Object

Locate and open a database object.

Select DB Object Dialog


Open the selected database object for editing.

Not all database objects can be altered. You may need to drop the object and create a new one.


Show attributes, methods and arguments of the selected procedure, function, package, synonym, table, index or cluster.

Ensure the required database connection is active.


See also Auto Describe Tool


Rename the selected object.

Rename Object


Remove the selected object from the database.

To disable the Drop command: View | Preferences | General | "Drop" and "Truncate" safety options

(Oracle 10g and later): A recycle bin is available for handling and restoring dropped objects. You can use DB Navigator to retrieve objects dropped from the database. See also Find Recycle Bin Objects Dialog.

Drop with Purge

Remove the selected object from the database permanently. Do not place the object in the Recycle Bin.



Restore the selected object from the Recycle Bin.

Use DB Navigator to select an object in the Recycle Bin.

You can type a new name for the object in the New Name column if required.

Extract DDL

Extract the DDL or other SQL statements that define the selected object or access control. On requesting Extract DDL the SQL Navigator Preferences open: View | PreferencesExtract DDL | General.

SQL Navigator encloses non-alphanumeric and mixed-case object names inside double-quotes

You may like to use DB Navigator to select object(s).

Extract DDL runs as a background task. See Task Manager.

Get Metadata Get the metadata of the selected object(s).

Publish Java to PL/SQL

Create a PL/SQL package from the selected Java class stored in the database.

Publish Java to PL/SQL

Import Table

Import objects from a DMP file.

Import Table

Export Table

Export objects to a DMP file.

Export Table


Compile/Rebuild the selected object.

Menu Icon Menu Name More Information
Compile/Rebuild Compile the selected object.

Compile Dependents

Compile dependents of the selected object.

This eliminates the need to find and compile all dependent objects that became invalid when altering a procedure, table, or other structure.

Compile Dependencies Compile dependencies of the selected object.

See also Task Manager, Code Editor.

Watch for feedback in the Output Window. If the object compiles with errors, open it in the Code Editor and compile to make use of the Code Editor's error handling facilities.

If the object has been modified, you will need to save it before you can compile it. This is to ensure that the changes in the object have been applied to the database.


Execute the selected stored program and display the results in the PL/SQL Execution Console.

SQL Modeler

Open the selected object in SQL Modeler.

Scenario Example: Select a table in DB Navigator. Open the table in SQL Modeler. Build a query by selecting and dragging columns.

Quick Browse

Execute the SQL query for the selected table object in the Code Editor to view chained rows information.

See Quick Browse, SQL Query Results Data Grid

Edit Data

Execute the SQL query for the selected table object in the Code Editor with Updateable switched on.

See Edit Data, SQL Query Results Data Grid


View and collect statistics, validate structure and list chained rows for database structures such as tables, clusters and indexes.

Analyze Tool


Remove all rows from a table and reset the STORAGE parameters to the values when the table or cluster was created.

See also Task Manager.

To disable the Truncate command: View | Preferences | General | "Drop" and "Truncate" safety options


Oracle allocates space to objects in segments. Segments consist of contiguous sections called extents.

Menu Icon Menu Name More Information
Allocate Explicitly allocate a new extent for a selected table or index.


Deallocate unused space at "the end" of a segment and make that space available for other segments within the tablespace.

Coalasce Put together discontinuous fragmented extents.

For more information, see the Oracle documentation on the ALTER TABLE and ALTER INDEX commands.


Enable/Disable the selected constraint object.

If a constraint is enabled, Oracle automatically enforces it. If a constraint is disabled, Oracle does not enforce it.

See also Constraint Editor.

See also Task Manager.

Locate objects of type Constraint using Find objects Dialog.

Grant Grant object privileges for the selected object.
Revoke Revoke object privileges for the selected object.

Locate in Tree

When an object is open in an editing window, and you want to see where that object resides in the schema, you can use Locate in Tree to jump to that object’s node in DB Navigator.

Locate In Tree

Properties Show the properties of the selected object
Add to Project Add the selected object to the Project Manager

Tools Menu

Invoke and control integrated tools.

Menu Icon Menu Name More Information

Code Test

The Code Test panel automates the process of testing PL/SQL programs.

Code Test

Code Analysis

Code Analysis analyzes code against a set of rules for best practices.

Code Analysis

View Difference

Compare two scripts / two objects.

View Differences Dialog

Formatter Tools

Format PL/SQL, SQL*Forms, Oracle Forms, and SQL*Plus source code.

Menu Icon Menu Name More Information

Format Code

Format the entire source currently in the editor.

To format just a selection, select the text you want to format.

Output is displayed in the Output Window.

Syntax Check

Check the syntax. Output is displayed in the Output Window.

If syntax errors are detected, the text stays unchanged. The errors are displayed in the Output Window.

Profile Code

Create a summary of the code statistics. You can copy to clipboard or save to file.

Multi-File Formatting

Open the Multi-File Formatting Selection dialog.

  • Select Folder and enter the folder that directly contains the files you want to format. Or
  • Select Files and enter the files you want to format.

Select Backup files to folder to create a backup copy of the files you are about to format.

Formatting Options

Define how the Formatter Tool formats code.

Formatting Options

Wrap Code

Access Oracle’s Wrap Code utility.

Wrap Code

Session Browser

Manage sessions in the Session Browser.

Session Browser

Search Knowledge Xpert

Knowledge Xpert (formerly RevealNet) is a library of more than 900 pre-built PL/SQL routines, written by some of the world's leading PL/SQL experts, that can be integrated into the standard PL/SQL environment.

Search Knowledge Xpert

SQL Optimizer

Analyze and tune the execution of SQL scripts.

SQL Optimizer

Requires installation of SQL Optimizer for Oracle.

Explain Plan Tool

Create, store and browse execution plans.

Explain Plan Tool

PL/SQL Profiler

Analyze the execution time and efficiency of your stored programs.

PL/SQL Profiler

SQL Modeler

Create the framework of a Select, Insert, Update, or Delete statement.

SQL Modeler

Code Road Map

Show the complex PL/SQL inter dependencies within a database.

Code Road Map

ER Diagram

Model a table and graphically see the dependencies and joins to other tables.

ER Diagram

Job Scheduler

Work with Oracle Job Manager.

Job Scheduler

Java Manager

Load and unload multiple Java source files, classes, resources and archives. This is a convenient alternative to the Oracle LoadJava and UnloadJava command line utilities.

Java Manager

Import HTML as PL/SQL

Convert a HTML file into a PL/SQL stored procedure, to be output via the Oracle Web Cartridge.

Import HTML as PL/SQL

Code Tester

Open Code Tester for Oracle.

Requires installation of Code Tester for Oracle.

Benchmark Factory

Open Benchmark Factory.

Requires installation of Benchmark Factory.

Toad Data Modeler

Open Toad® Data Modeler.

Requires installation of Toad Data Modeler.

Profile Manager

Backup and restore SQL Navigator profiles.

Profile Manager

SQL Tracker

Open SQL Tracker.

Requires installation of SQL Tracker.

Server Side Installation Wizard

Install the server-side components of SQL Navigator

Server Side Installation Wizard

Product Authorization

Enter A New Authorization Key.

Team Coding Menu

Extensive and flexible Team Coding controls, including integration with third-party version control systems.

Menu Icon Menu Name More Information


Use the Team Coding Administration page to install, set up, and manage the Team Coding environment.

Open Administer Team Coding.


Set local Team Coding options.

Open Configure Team Coding.

Team Coding Status

View the status of the Team Coding configuration and features. See Team Coding Status.


Team Coding Manager

Use the Team Coding Manager to manage and work with the objects that are controlled by Team Coding. The Team Coding Manager displays Team Coding status and controlled objects for the current active connection.

Open Team Coding Manager.

  Team Coding Summary info View the summary of all controlled objects for the current active connection.

Provider Logon

Logon to the Version Control Product.

Requires that a version control product is in use. See Provider logon.

  Add file Add a file to VCS.
Check out

Use to check out and check in an object or script. See Check in and Check out.

To indicate the object or script to check in or check out:

Not applicable when Automatic Check-Out and Automatic Check-In are enabled. For more information, see Team Projects.

Check in
Undo Check Out

Cancel the check-out. You are prompted to confirm that you want to discard any changes you have made and restore the database version of the item as it was prior to checkout.

Confirm Yes You have made and saved changes to the object and you want to discard those changes.
Confirm No You have made and saved changes to the object and you want those changes to be retained in the database. As a result the version saved in the third party version control system will be different from the version saved in the database.
Check in All Check in all changes
  Compare Contents Select a database object (in DB Navigator for example) and compare it with the latest revision.
Get Latest Revision

Get the latest version of an object or script as it is held in the Version Control System.

The Get Latest Revision command overwrites the version of the object or script in the database, replacing it with the latest version held in the Version Control System.

Help Menu

Access to user-assistance

Menu Icon Menu Name More Information


General and How-To information

Context Help

Open context-sensitive help for the current window or dialog

Not all windows and dialogs are linked to help topics.

Shortcuts & Function Keys

Look up keyboard shortcuts and function keys

Open Main Menu Keyboard Shortcuts

Find a Command

Locate SQL Navigator commands

Open Component List

SQL Navigator Community

Visit for all the latest product information, including tips and techniques.

Contact Support

Open the Support Portal. Log issues, search the knowledge base and download products.

Create Support Bundle Files

Create the support bundle file: SupportBundle.dta.

This file will contain information about your environment and installation of SQL Navigator. If you log an issue with support then they may request this file.

Check For Updates

Check for Updates

About SQL Navigator

SQL Navigator version, licensing version and options, and contact information.

Related Documents
SQL Navigator for Oracle - 7.5
Installation Notes
Release Notes
User Guide
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