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SQL Navigator for Oracle 7.5 - User Guide

Quick Overview Working With SQL Navigator Navigation Oracle Logon Code Editor Visual Object Editors Team Coding and Version Control Systems Modules, Windows And Dialogs
Analyze Tool Auto Describe Tool Benchmark Factory Bookmarks Dialog Capture Web Output Change Logon Password Dialog Code Analysis Code Assistant Code Road Map Code Templates Code Test Database Source Code Search Dialog DB Navigator Describe Difference Viewer Edit Data ER Diagram Explain Plan Tool Export Table Find and Replace Dialog Find objects Dialog Find Recycle Bin Objects Dialog Formatting Options HTML Viewer Import HTML as PL/SQL Import Table Java Manager Job Scheduler Locate In Tree Output Window PL/SQL Profiler Profile Manager Project Manager Publish Java to PL/SQL Quick Browse Rename Object Search Knowledge Xpert Select DB Object Dialog Server Output Server Side Installation Wizard Session Browser Source Preview SQL Modeler SQL Optimizer Task Manager Web Support Configuration Dialog Wrap Code
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Troubleshooting Connections to Oracle

Message Solution

Directory not in path

Ensure that the Oracle bin directory is specified in the path.

Enter the path command in the DOS prompt to check the path. If the directory is not in the path, add it to the path in autoexec.bat and reboot the system.

Oracle Required Support Files not installed

Ensure that at least one of the 32 bit Oracle Required Support Files are installed. These files are installed by default when you install any of the 32 bit Oracle products such as SQL*Net and SQL*Plus.

To verify whether the Required Support Files are installed, start the Oracle installer. All installed components are listed in the right side of the dialog box. If the Required Support Files do not appear on the right-hand side list box, install these files from Oracle software media.

Connect strings for local and remote database

If you are connecting to a local database use 2: (or a blank) as the connect string. If you are connecting to a remote database:

• Ensure that the 32 bit SQL*Net client is installed

• Ensure that the file tnsnames.ora has been properly configured using the SQL*Net Easy Configuration

• Ensure that proper network connectivity is available to the remote computer. Use the TNSPING Utility from Oracle. Open a command prompt and enter tnsping <instance name> 6. If correctly configured, SQL*Net responds with 6 OK messages and measured response times.

• Ensure that the SQL*Net listener application is running on the remote computer.

Command Line Parameters

Connection details can be passed via command line parameters. In addition, a key parameter /EXEC can be passed along with the file name in the command line to force execution of a script.

TIP: Avoid storing your password in a Windows startup shortcut unless your computer is protected from unauthorized access.

To connect to the database immediately on startup and bypass the Oracle Logon Dialog, pass the parameter in the command line when starting SQL Navigator. Use the following format:


Note the upper-case username. For example:


There is an alternative method, using /u, /p and /cs parameters (user, password, and connect string, respectively). For example, you could create a Windows shortcut with the following Target property:

"C:\Program Files\Quest Software\SQL Navigator for Oracle\sqlnavigator.exe" /u=scott /p=tiger /cs=Marvin817

Code Editor

SQL Development

The Code Editor opens ready to edit SQL code.

More Information Brief Description
Code Editor SQL The Code Editor toolbar in SQL development.
Edit, Compile And Execute Write SQL code. Compile the code.
SQL Query Results Data Grid Browse the results of executed SQL queries.
SQL Query Log (The Spool Tab) View a log of executed SQL statements. Retrieve executed SQL statements.

PL/SQL Development

The Code Editor layout for PL/SQL development is used when a stored object is opened or is being created.

More Information Brief Description
Code Editor PL/SQL The Code Editor toolbar in PL/SQL development.
Edit, Compile And Execute Write PL/SQL code. Compile the code.
PL/SQL Execution Console Set input parameters. Run the PL/SQL program.


Icon More Information Brief Description
Code Explorer Show a hierarchical view the code.
Outline Show the syntax tree of the current source.
DB Explorer Find and open database objects.
Describe Show the data structure for tables, indexes, views and synonyms.
History Show the most recent successfully executed SELECT, UPDATE, DELETE commands and PL/SQL blocks in the current session.
Dependencies Show the Dependants and Depends On objects of the current script.
Columns Show/hide columns of the retrieved table in the data grid.

PL/SQL Debugger

Tools and features for debugging stored programs.

Show/Hide the PL/SQL Debugger in the Toolbox from the Code Editor toolbar.


  • Align the Toolbox left or right of the Code Editor (Right Click on the Toolbox).
  • Pin/Unpin the Toolbox to allow more editing space.

Code Editor SQL

The Code Editor opens ready to edit SQL code. The toolbar is appropriate to SQL development. Each of the toolbar icons is described below. In addition, all standard editing functions are available. See For more information, see Edit, Compile And Execute. for more information.

General Code Editor Functions

Icon Tool Tip Description
Back Navigate between hyperlinked database objects (in the editing pane) and their dependent objects and components.
New SQL Write a single SQL statement or a series of SQL statements in a new editing pane. The toolbar will open for SQL development.
New Stored Object Create a stored object. Open the New Stored Object Dialog.

Open File

Open an external file in the Code Editor.

An alternative way to open file is to drag and drop a file from Windows Explorer to the SQL Navigator window.

Save to File Save the contents of the current Code Editor pane to an external file.
Open Object Locate a stored object using the Select DB Object Dialog and open the object in the editing pane.
Auto Code Completion Turn On/Off Auto Code Completion. When turned on, the Code Editor matches variables, parameters, procedures and types as you type.

Vertical Split

Adjust the layout of the editing pane.

Select from the options to split the editing pane in half either horizontally or vertically. The content of the editing pane will be visible in both panes. You can scroll the panes independent of each other.

TIP: To open a different script in one of the panes:

  1. Open the second script in a new editing pane of the Code Editor.
  2. Return to the split panes. In the pane to load the second script right-click and select Split/Compare | Second Source.
  3. Select the second source from the list of all scripts currently open in the Code Editor.


SQL Specific Functions

Icon Tool Tip Description

Send to Session

Switch to other sessions and continue working within the same window, with the same script. This feature allows you to run the same script against different databases without the need to copy it into another instance of the Code Editor. It also allows you to correct the oversight of opening a file into the wrong session.

You can choose from a list of current sessions or start a brand new session.


  • When you run that window (execute the SQL or compile the PL/SQL code, for example), SQL Navigator will prompt you to change to the new (current) session. It allows you to quickly correct the oversight of opening a file into the "wrong" session.
  • You can change session while editing SQL scripts only. This option is not available to stored programs.

Add Condition

Insert Where clause conditions in the SQL script using a graphical interface.

  1. Type the SQL statement up to the where clause (Select * from emp_table).
  2. Click Add Condition to open the Add Filter window.
  3. Select and fill in the field, operator and value(s) accordingly.
  4. Click Ok to insert the where clause.

The Value(s) field is shown depending on which Operator has been selected.

Use when there is no semicolon (;) in the script.

Remove All Conditions



Edit the data returned by SQL queries. Update, delete and insert new records and save your changes back to the database. This feature is particularly useful for creating test data.


  • Updateable requires simple SELECT statements with no joins, subqueries in select clause, calculated fields, group by, having, count(), substr or DISTINCT.
  • Updateable queries are slow to execute.
Off Data returned by SQL queries is read-only.

Stop on Error

Use in conjunction with Execute to End to validate syntax.

Not Selected Execute all SQL statements. Highlight all erroneous statements.
Selected Stop execution of SQL statements on encountering the first error. Highlight the offending code.

Fetch All

Limit the rows retrieved on execution of the SQL statement:

Not Selected

Retrieve enough rows to fill the visible area of the grid.

Fetch additional rows on scroll down requests.

Selected Retrieve all rows.
Spool Screen Select to capture a log of executed SQL statements in the SQL Query Log (The Spool Tab).

Scan Defines/Substitutions

Turn On/Off Scan Defines/Substitutions

Turn on Scan Defines/Substitutions if your script uses variables or text that contain the characters &, &&, or = :[bind variable]. Otherwise, the statements containing the variables will generate an error.

Echo SQL On/Off

SQL History

Show/Hide the Toolbox History

If the Toolbox is unpinned, showing History will not make History visible until the Toolbox is shown.

Expand SQL Pane Maximize screen real estate of the SQL pane.

Skip to Top

Execution Control Buttons:

  • The location of the cursor marks the execution start point.
  • Use Skip to Previous and Skip to Next to move the cursor through the SQL statements.
  • Click Execute to End or press F9 to run the script to the end.
  • Click Execute Step or press F8 to execute the current statement.
  • To work with the result see SQL Query Results Data Grid.


  • You cannot run multiple queries within the same session simultaneously. If you need to run multiple queries simultaneously, you can open another connection to the same database.
  • To validate syntax use Execute to End in conjunction with Stop on Error.
Skip to Previous
Execute to End
Execute Step
Skip to Next
Skip to Bottom

PL/SQL Debugger

Show/Hide the Toolbox PL/SQL Debugger

If the Toolbox is unpinned, showing the PL/SQL debugger will not make the PL/SQL debugger visible until the Toolbox is shown.

Abort Debug Session For more on debug see PL/SQL Debugger.


Team Coding Version Control

To enable Team Coding see Administer Team Coding.

Icon Tool Tip Description

Get Latest Revision

Get the latest version of an object or script as it is held in the Version Control repository.

The Get Latest Revision command overwrites the version of the object or script in the database, replacing it with the latest version held in the VCS repository. You can use the View Differences Dialog to compare versions before overwriting the object.

Check Out

Check out or check in the current object or script.


Check In

Undo Check Out

Cancel the check-out. You are prompted to confirm that you want to discard any changes you have made and restore the database version of the item as it was prior to check-out.

Confirm Yes You have made and saved changes to the object and you want to discard those changes.
Confirm No You have made and saved changes to the object and you want those changes to be retained in the database. As a result the version saved in the third party version control repository will be different from the version saved in the database.


Tools and Applications

Icon Tool Tip Description
SQL Optimizer SQL Optimizer
Explain Plan Explain Plan Tool

PL/SQL Formatter

Format PL/SQL, SQL*Forms, Oracle Forms, and SQL*Plus source code.

Menu Icon Menu Name More Information

Format Text

Format the entire source currently in the editor.

To format just a selection, select the text you want to format.

Output is displayed in the Output Window.

Syntax Check

Check the syntax. Output is displayed in the Output Window.

If syntax errors are detected, the text stays unchanged. The errors are displayed in the Output Window.

Profile Code

Create a summary of the code statistics. You can copy to clipboard or save to file.

Multi-File Formatting

Open the Multi-File Formatting Selection dialog.

  • Select Folder and enter the folder that directly contains the files you want to format. Or
  • Select Files and enter the files you want to format.

Select Backup files to folder to create a backup copy of the files you are about to format.

Format Options

Define how the Formatter Tool formats code.

Formatting Options

Knowledge Xpert Search Knowledge Xpert
Code Analysis Code Analysis
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