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SQL Navigator for Oracle 7.5 - User Guide

Quick Overview Working With SQL Navigator Navigation Oracle Logon Code Editor Visual Object Editors Team Coding and Version Control Systems Modules, Windows And Dialogs
Analyze Tool Auto Describe Tool Benchmark Factory Bookmarks Dialog Capture Web Output Change Logon Password Dialog Code Analysis Code Assistant Code Road Map Code Templates Code Test Database Source Code Search Dialog DB Navigator Describe Difference Viewer Edit Data ER Diagram Explain Plan Tool Export Table Find and Replace Dialog Find objects Dialog Find Recycle Bin Objects Dialog Formatting Options HTML Viewer Import HTML as PL/SQL Import Table Java Manager Job Scheduler Locate In Tree Output Window PL/SQL Profiler Profile Manager Project Manager Publish Java to PL/SQL Quick Browse Rename Object Search Knowledge Xpert Select DB Object Dialog Server Output Server Side Installation Wizard Session Browser Source Preview SQL Modeler SQL Optimizer Task Manager Web Support Configuration Dialog Wrap Code
View | Preferences About Us

Main Menu Keyboard Shortcuts

Generally available keyboard shortcuts are: Close Current Window = CTRL+F4 | Refresh = F5.

Icon Main Menu Keyboard Shortcut
File | Open File CTRL+O
File | Print CTRL+P
Edit | Undo ALT+Backspace
Edit | Redo SHIFT+ALT+Backspace
Edit | Indent CTRL+I
Edit | Unindent CTRL+U
Edit | Comment ALT+F7
Edit | Uncomment CTRL+ALT+F7
Edit | Upper Case CTRL+ALT+U
Edit | Lower Case CTRL+ALT+L
Edit | Insert | Debug Variable F2
Edit | Go to Line CTRL+G
Edit | Jump to Matching Bracket CTRL+J
Edit | Toggle Bookmark | Bookmark SHIFT+CTRL+n
Edit | Go to Bookmark | Bookmark CTRL+n
Edit | List Bookmarks ALT+B
Edit | Open Object at Cursor CTRL+Enter
Edit | Describe Object at Cursor CTRL+F3
Search | Find CTRL+F
Search | Replace CTRL+H
Search | Find Next F3
Search | Find Previous SHIFT+F3
Search | Find Objects CTRL+ALT+O
Search | Find Recycle Bin Objects CTRL+ALT+B
View | Project Manager Window CTRL+W
View | Code Editor CTRL+M
View | DB Navigator F12
Session | Stop Scroll Lock
Object | Create DB Object Alt+Insert
Object | Open DB Object CTRL+ALT+D
Object | Open CTRL+F2
Object | Describe CTRL+F3
Object | Drop ALT+Delete
Object | Drop with Purge SHIFT+Delete
Object | Extract DDL CTRL+D
Object | Compile | Compile/Rebuild CTRL+F9

Object | SQL Modeler

Open the selected object in SQL Modeler.


Object | Quick Browse F3
Object | Edit Data CTRL+E
Object | Grant ALT+G
Object | Locate in Tree CTRL+L
Tools | View Difference CTRL+ALT+V
Tools | Formatter Tools | Format Code CTRL+R
Tools | Search Knowledge Expert CTRL+K
Window | More Windows ALT+0
Help | Contents CTRL+F1
Help | Context Help F1

TIP: Many additional shortcuts are available for the various modules of SQL Navigator. For example, see the Code Editor Keyboard Shortcuts.

Customize The Screen Layout

Float / Dock

You can save multiple screen layouts of floating / docked items as per the View Menu | Screen Layout.

TIP: While moving a dockable item you can prevent it from docking by holding down the CTRL key.


Items that can be floating or docked More Information

Main Menu Bar

The main menu bar can be floating or docked.

Dockable Windows

The following windows are dockable. They can be docked to any side of the SQL Navigator application window or any other dockable window. You can dock several windows to the same site.

Dockable windows open in the same state (floating or docked) and in the same screen position or at the same site as when they were last closed. Dockable windows retain size and position between sessions.

The size and location of dockable windows are remembered in screen layouts as per View Menu | Screen Layout.


  • The size and location of the Output Window is remembered only when docked.
  • When the Output Window is docked, the Output Window remains visible ("on top") when other windows are opened. When the Output Window is not docked it can be hidden behind the current window.

Toolbars available in the Main Window

The toolbars can be docked to any side of the SQL Navigator application window or can float on top of the current window.

Task Bar

The task bar can be docked to any side of the SQL Navigator application window or can float

Toolbars in the Main Window

Customizations Description
Show/Hide Buttons
  1. If the toolbar is docked, click the down arrow to the far right of the toolbar.

    If the toolbar is floating, click the down arrow on the title bar.

  2. Click Add or Remove Buttons.
  3. Select the buttons to show.

Add/Remove Toolbars.

Reorder Items.

Add items from a master list.

  1. If the toolbar is docked, click the down arrow to the far right of the toolbar.

    If the toolbar is floating, click the down arrow on the title bar.

  2. Click Add or Remove Buttons | Customize.

TIP: While the Customize dialog is open, move the mouse pointer over a toolbar button and right click. Choose an option from the shortcut menu. Reset the toolbar, delete or rename the button, change its appearance or add a separator.

Reset the Toolbar to Default.
  1. If the toolbar is docked, click the down arrow to the far right of the toolbar.

    If the toolbar is floating, click the down arrow on the title bar.

  2. Click Add or Remove Buttons | Reset Toolbar.

Main Menu Bar

Customizations More Information
Customizable Menu Items While the menu is docked, click the down arrow in the far right corner. If the menu is floating, click the down arrow on the title bar.

Oracle Logon

Oracle Logon Dialog

Manage your database connections, including to create a database connection.


Oracle Client Settings

Field Description
Oracle Home/Client Select from the list of available Oracle Home names.
TNSNAMES/LDAP/SQLNET Configuration File Path The location of your Oracle configuration files.
Names.Directory_Path As specified in your sqlnet.ora file.


Connection Parameters

Fill in the fields for one of the TNS, Direct or LDAP tabs.


Field Description
Database Select from the list of database connections in the TNSNAMES.ora file.


DIRECT is used for Direct Connection.

Field Description
Host Enter the name or IP address of the machine which hosts the Oracle server.
Port Enter the port number for the Oracle server.
Service Name Enter the service name of the Oracle server.
SID Enter the Oracle System Identifier (SID) of the Oracle server. Use this option when connecting to an instance running a version earlier than Oracle 8.1.


Select from the databases on the LDAP server.


Username / Password

Field Description


Your Oracle username to the database.

When Save Password is selected the username field automatically recalls username/password combinations based on the first letter(s) entered into the field.


Your Oracle password to the database/username combination.

Save password

Select to save the password for this database/username combination.


  • Your password is saved in encrypted format.
  • Ensure you have safeguards in place to prevent other users from physical access to your computer (for example, automatic keyboard locking).
  • If you have saved a password then deselect Save Password to delete it.

TNSNames Editor

Add a new service and configure the TNSNames.ora file: Oracle TNS Configuration.


TIP: To change the logon password for the active connection: Close this dialog. Select Session | Change Password to open Change Logon Password.



Option Description

Bytes per Character

Allow the system to automatically detect the number of bytes per character for the connection or select from the list of available numbers.

The default preference is set in View | Preferences | General | Session. If you receive ORA-01026 errors (or similar) when working with the database, we recommend setting this preference to the minimum possible value (2, 3 or 4) that eliminates the errors.

Connect As

Select the type of system privileges you want to use for this connection—Normal, SYSDBA, or SYSOPER.

Your Username must first be granted these privileges. For information about system privileges, see the Oracle Database Administrator’s guide.

Enable using DBA views

Selected Use DBA views to query the Oracle Data Dictionary.
Not Selected Use ALL views to query the Oracle Data Dictionary.

For more information, see DBA Dictionary Views.

Your Username must first be granted appropriate Oracle privileges.

Enable Trace

When selected, SQL Navigator generates a log file of database operations and results. Quest Support may request you enable trace for troubleshooting purposes.

Enabling Trace slows down your access to the database.


Optionally, assign to the connection a category color. For more information, see Connection Category Color.

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SQL Navigator for Oracle - 7.5
Installation Notes
Release Notes
User Guide
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