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SQL Navigator for Oracle 7.5 - User Guide

Quick Overview Working With SQL Navigator Navigation Oracle Logon Code Editor Visual Object Editors Team Coding and Version Control Systems Modules, Windows And Dialogs
Analyze Tool Auto Describe Tool Benchmark Factory Bookmarks Dialog Capture Web Output Change Logon Password Dialog Code Analysis Code Assistant Code Road Map Code Templates Code Test Database Source Code Search Dialog DB Navigator Describe Difference Viewer Edit Data ER Diagram Explain Plan Tool Export Table Find and Replace Dialog Find objects Dialog Find Recycle Bin Objects Dialog Formatting Options HTML Viewer Import HTML as PL/SQL Import Table Java Manager Job Scheduler Locate In Tree Output Window PL/SQL Profiler Profile Manager Project Manager Publish Java to PL/SQL Quick Browse Rename Object Search Knowledge Xpert Select DB Object Dialog Server Output Server Side Installation Wizard Session Browser Source Preview SQL Modeler SQL Optimizer Task Manager Web Support Configuration Dialog Wrap Code
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Find and Replace Dialog

Find or replace text strings in the current text file.

Note: Select Regular expressions if you want your strings to be recognized as Regular Expressions. Regular Expressions are a widely-used method of specifying patterns of text to search for. Special metacharacters allow you to specify, for instance, that a particular string you are looking for occurs at the beginning or end of a line, or contains >n< recurrences of a certain character.

Find objects Dialog

Find objects in any schema.


What To Search For

You can construct a search argument for any database object.

  • You can use wild-card characters %" and "_" (according to SQL LIKE operator definitions).
  • You can filter by schema, object type, date last modified and status.

TIP: To display a dynamic list of all objects in a schema

  1. In DB Navigator, select a schema node in the top level of the DB Navigator tree.
  2. Click Search | Find Objects.


Now Objects Are Found

Task Action


View a description of object structure ( index, cluster, procedure, function, or package).

Use Describe or Auto Describe Tool on the selected object.


Sort on any column (name, owner, type, creation/modification date, status) in ascending or descending order.

Click the column header.

Open the object for editing

Double click on the object.

See Visual Object Editors or the Code Editor for more information.

Locate in schema

Display the selected object in DB Navigator.

For more information, see Locate In Tree.

Batch selection and update

On selecting multiple objects you can

  • apply commands like Copy Text, Drop, Extract DDL, Compile, Get Metadata, Properties, Send to Code Analysis, Add to Project Manager, Enable, Disable, and Truncate to the entire batch of objects. For more information, see Object Menu.
  • drag the group of objects into a text editor or DB Navigator.


TIP: Other actions are available. Right-click on the object and select a command from the shortcut menu

Find Recycle Bin Objects Dialog

Search for objects in the recycle bin.

Note: Requires Oracle 10g or later.


What To Search For

You can construct a search argument for any database object.

  • You can use wild-card characters %" and "_" (according to SQL LIKE operator definitions).
  • You can filter by schema, object type, drop date and System Change Number (SCN).


Now Objects Are Found

Task Action


Sort on any column (name, owner, type, creation/modification date, status) in ascending or descending order.

Click the column header.

Open the object for editing

Double click on the object.

See Visual Object Editors or Code Editor for more information.

Batch selection and update

When multiple objects are selected, you can apply commands like Copy Text, Purge and Flashback to the entire batch of objects.


TIP: Other actions are available. Right-click on the object and select a command from the shortcut menu

Formatting Options

Configure how the Formatter Tool formats code. Formatter Tools are available from the Tools Menu.


Formatting Options Toolbar

Icon Tool Tip Description
Open Open a previously saved file of SQL Navigator formatting options.


Save the currently selected formatting options to the SQL Navigator installation folder, filename FmtOptions.opt.

TIP: Click File | Save as in the Formatting Options window to save the options to a different file name or location.

Reset Pane to Recommended Defaults Reset the Formatting Options to the default values


TIP: SQL Navigator loads the Formatting Options from the default file (FmtOptions.opt) and default location each time the Formatting Tool Options window is opened and when the Formatter Tool performs formatting. The default location for Formatting Options is in the SQL Navigator installation folder.


Set formatting options

Category Options in the Category

Oracle Formatter Options


Show tooltips when the mouse cursor is hovered over certain options.

Copy Options to Clipboard

Copy the options in both INI and XML format to clipboard for backup or reviewing purposes.

Show the Example Window

Show an example window when navigating different pages of the Formatter Options window. You can specify a script file to be formatted as an example, or select the Document per Pane option to use the example scripts from the Example document folder.

You can modify the example scripts in the Example window. Changes are saved automatically.


Select Enable to generate a header tagline after formatting the script. You can specify some text to be included in the header tagline. Do not use /* or */ in the text.

Note: The date time options are currently not in use.


Set physical output characteristics such as tab size, margins, and indents.


Select this option to align trailing comments to the right margin.


Modify the lowercase, uppercase, or initial capitals of various syntax elements.

Operators & Punctuations

Specify the behavior of various operators and punctuations.


Set alignments of various syntax elements.

List Arrangements

Define list attributes such as parentheses, commas and folding/stacking characteristics.

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Installation Notes
Release Notes
User Guide
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