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Toad Edge 2.6 - User Guide

SQL Recall View

SQL Recall displays the last 100 performed SQL statements. The statements are grouped by connection and can be filtered and pinned. You can view the entire statement simply by selecting in the view. Double-clicking a statement will cause it to be pasted into the currently active Worksheet.

Button Option Description

Filter Filters the statements according to the input. It is possible to use wildcards (? and *) and regular expressions as well as filter by multiple comma separated values
Expand All Expands all connections to display their statements
Collapse All Collapses all connections, hiding all statements
Copy Copies the currently selected statement to clipboard. You can copy multiple statements at once
Hide Unpinned Entries Hides statements that are not pinned
Pin Entry Pins the selected statement(s) so they can be filtered using the option above
Delete All Deletes all statements from the view
Delete Deletes the selected statement(s) from the view

SQL Warnings View

SQL Warnings View

SQL warnings will make sure to display all server messages including warnings. These warnings are pulled from the JDBC class called SQLWarning .This will help the user in viewing the necessary server warnings as well as RAISE NOTICE/DEBUG/INFO messages of PostgreSQL functions. The warnings are grouped by their parent SQL command. You can copy the view’s contents by right clicking and pressing Copy.

Button Option Description
Clear Console Deletes the contents of the view
Expand all Expands all statements to display their warnings.
Collapse all Collapses all statements to hide their warnings.
Copy Copies the selected statements and warnings to clipboard. You can copy multiple items at once.

Session Browser

The Session Browser displays database sessions and their state. The information is continuously updated and all changing values are highlighted. The sessions can be filtered and inactive sessions can be hidden. If the current user has sufficient privileges, it is also possible to close sessions.

To start monitoring sessions

  • Select a database connection from the Select Connection dropdown menu
  • The refresh period can be configured in the View Menu dropdown menu

To end a session

  • Select session that you want to end and then click the End Selected Session button

Toolbar button Name Description
Refresh Manual update of the status of all sessions
Select Connection Select a connection here in order to monitor its sessions
Hide Inactive Sessions Hides sessions that are currently not being active (e.g. sessions that are asleep)
Resize Columns to Data Resizes columns so they fit the values they contain
End Selected Session Ends the selected session
View Menu Allows you to change the monitoring refresh period
Copy Copy the selected session

Snapshots View

This view displays all taken Snapshots, grouped by connection and database. From here you can filter, export/import and also delete snapshots.

Button Option Description
Import Snapshot When a database is selected, you can import a snapshot from file (.json). This snapshot will be then listed under the database in the view
Export Snapshot Exports the selected snapshot as a JSON file
Compare Snapshot with Active Database Compares the selected snapshot with the database that is currently marked as Default in Object Explorer. Note that the currently selected connection in Connections View must have a default database for this option to be available
Compare with Each Other When you select two snapshots, you can compare them with each other using this option
Generate Script Generates a create script based on the selected snapshot. The script can be generated to clipboard, a worksheet or to a file
Delete Snapshot Removes the selected snapshot from the view and deletes the snapshot file
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