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SharePlex 10.1.3 - Installation and Setup for Oracle Source

About this Guide Conventions used in this guide SharePlex pre-installation checklist Download the SharePlex installer Installation and setup for Oracle cluster Installation and setup for remote capture Install SharePlex on Linux and UNIX Install SharePlex on Windows Assign SharePlex users to security groups Set up an Oracle environment for replication Set up replication from Oracle to a different target type Generic SharePlex demonstration-all platforms Advanced SharePlex demonstrations for Oracle Solve Installation Problems Database Setup Utilities General SharePlex Utilities Uninstall SharePlex Advanced installer options Install SharePlex as root Run the installer in unattended mode SharePlex installed items

Set up replication from Oracle to JMS


The SharePlex Post process can connect and write to a JMS (Java Messaging Service) queue or topic. The data is written as XML records that include the data definitions, the operation type, and the changed column values. This data is written as a sequential series of operations as they occurred on the source, which can then be posted in sequential order to a target database or consumed by an external process or program.

These instructions contain setup instructions that are specific to this target. Install SharePlex on the source and target according to the appropriate directions in this manual before performing these setup steps.

For the versions, data types and operations that are supported when using SharePlex to replicate to this target, see the SharePlex Release Notes.

Configure SharePlex on the source

When replicating data to JMS, configure the source database and SharePlex on the source system as follows.

Enable supplemental logging

On the source system, enable PK/UK supplemental logging in the Oracle source database. SharePlex must have the Oracle key information to build an appropriate key on the target.


Set SP_OCT_USE_SUPP_KEYS parameter

On the source system, set the SP_OCT_USE_SUPP_KEYS parameter to a value of 1. This parameter directs SharePlex to use the columns set by Oracle's supplemental logging as the key columns when a row is updated or deleted. When both supplemental logging and this parameter are set, it ensures that SharePlex can always build a key and that the SharePlex key will match the Oracle key.

See the SharePlex Reference Guide for more information about this parameter.

Configure replication

On the source, create a SharePlex configuration file that specifies capture and routing information. The structure that is required in a configuration file varies, depending on your replication strategy, but this shows you the required syntax for routing data through a JMS queue or topic.

src_owner.table !jms[:tgt_owner.table] host


  • SID is the Oracle SID of the source Oracle database.
  • src_owner.table is the owner and name of the source table.
  • !jms is a required keyword indicating SharePlex is posting to JMS.
  • :tgt_owner.table is optional and specifies the owner and name of the target table. Use if either component is different from that of the source table. Allow no spaces between !jms and :tgt_owner.table. Type case-sensitive names in the correct case and enclose them within double quotes, as in "MySchema"."MyTable"
  • host is the name of the target system.

Note: For more information, see Configure data replication.

Source configuration example


MY_SCHEMA.MY_TABLE !jms:"MySchema2"."MyTable2" sysprod

Configure SharePlex on the target

These instructions establish the Java provider on the target and configure the SharePlex Post process to connect to a JMS provider.


Java Runtime Environment 1.8 or later. JRE 1.8 (or later) is required and installed along with SharePlex except on the following operating systems:

  • CentOS Linux 5.x
  • Oracle Linux 5.x
  • RHEL Linux 5.x

Prior to installing SharePlex on one of these systems, ensure JRE 1.8 (or later) is installed. Then after installing SharePlex, modify the bridge configuration file to point to the JRE binary. See the "Custom JRE" steps in each of the following procedures.

Using a JRE version later than 1.8. If you are using JMS Provider libraries compiled with a version of JRE later than 1.8, use that later version of JRE and modify the bridge (Linux/Unix) or bridge.ini (Windows) configuration file to point to that JRE binary. See the "Custom JRE" steps in each of the following procedures.

Configure SharePlex on the JMS target

These instructions configure the SharePlex Post process to post to a JMS queue or topic.


  • The JMS Provider does not necessarily need to be installed on the same machine where SharePlex is running, but you will need to copy the Provider's JMS libraries to a location in the SharePlex installation directory according to these instructions.
  • Ensure that you are using a compatible version of client libraries for your JMS Provider.
  • SharePlex is distributed with JRE 1.8. If the JMS libraries for the JMS Provider you are using are compiled with a JRE version later than 1.8, modify the bridge (or bridge.ini) configuration file as described here. Otherwise, SharePlex returns an error similar to one of the following.

INFO 2016-05-10 01:43:42.000860 [x.jms+jsd-olinux-01] - Connector x.jms+jsd-olinux-01 at tcp://localhost:61613 stopped.

ERROR 2016-05-10 01:43:42.000861 [x.jms+jsd-olinux-01] - org/apache/activemq/jndi/ActiveMQInitialContextFactory : Unsupported major.minor version 51.0

java.lang.UnsupportedClassVersionError: org/apache/activemq/jndi/ActiveMQInitialContextFactory : Unsupported major.minor version 51.0

The following directory naming conventions are used in the examples in this procedure:

Name Directory
SharePlex The SharePlex installation directory

To configure post to the JMS target

  1. Create a directory for your Provider under SharePlex/lib/providers. For example:


    If your Provider is Active MQ, the path may look similar to the following:


  2. Copy the client library files you require to the provider_name directory.

    For example, if your Provider is Active MQ, you might copy the following JAR files to the amq directory.



  3. (Custom JRE) If you are using a JRE version later than 1.8, set the JAVA_HOME and JRE_HOME variable values to the path to your JRE home directory. In addition, add the JAVA_HOME path to the PATH variable.
  4. (Custom JRE) If you are using a JRE other than the one installed with SharePlex which is 1.8.0_312 (e.g., SharePlex did not install JRE on your operating system or you must use a JRE version later than 1.8), modify the bridge.ini or bridge file to point to the JRE binary you intend to use.

    Use one of the following methods:

    • On Windows:

      1. The bridge.ini file is located in the following directory:


      2. If a JRE was installed during the SharePlex installation, it is located in the following directory:


      3. In the bridge.ini file, locate the line containing the "-vmargs" option. On a separate line before "-vmargs" add the "-vm" option and use it to specify the full path to the JRE you intend to use. For example:


        You must specify the absolute path to your JRE, not the relative path.

    • On Linux or Unix:

      1. The bridge file is located in the following directory:


      2. If a JRE was installed during the SharePlex installation, it is located in the following directory:


      3. In the bridge file, locate the _jvm option (for example< _jvm = "jre/bin/java") and replace the current path with the full path to the JRE you intend to use. You must specify the absolute path to your JRE, not the relative path.

  5. Start sp_cop. (Do not activate the configuration yet.)
  6. Run sp_ctrl.
  7. Issue the target command to configure Post to post to the JMS queue or topic. The values you set using the target command tell SharePlex how to instantiate on the target. In the following examples, user-defined values are shown in italics. Replace these with values specific to your JMS Provider and your provider-specific JMS libraries.

    Issue the following commands, as necessary. For detailed descriptions of the properties and values, see View and Change JMS Settings. For more information about the target command, see the SharePlex Reference Guide.

    If posting to a JMS queue:

    sp_ctrl> target x.jmsset jms factory_class=factory_class

    sp_ctrl> target x.jms set jms provider_url=url

    sp_ctrl> target x.jms set jms lib_location=path

    For example, if using Active MQ you might set the following:

    sp_ctrl> target x.jms set jms lib_location=shareplex/lib/providers/amq

    sp_ctrl> target x.jms set jms queuename=JMS_topic_queuename

    If posting to a JMS topic:

    sp_ctrl> target x.jmsset jms factory_class=factory_class

    sp_ctrl> target x.jms set jms provider_url=url

    sp_ctrl> target x.jms set jms lib_location=path

    For example, if using Active MQ you might set the following:

    sp_ctrl> target x.jms set jms lib_location=shareplex/lib/providers/amq

    sp_ctrl> target x.jmsset jms destination=topic

    sp_ctrl> target x.jms set jms queuename=JMS_topic_queuename

Enable Logs for JMS Replication

We need to implement the logging mechanism with a different approach than the one we used earlier for legacy framework. In the current version, we have removed the -OB_debugToLog, -OB_debugToConsole parameters. Now, users get more control to generate and retain the log details by resetting properties inside the file.

To enable the logs for JMS, follow the below steps:

  1. Navigate to <Prod/Opt_Directory>/.app-modules/openbridge/configuration/ location and update the required parameters in the file.
  2. Restart SharePlex.
  3. To enable full debug, set rootLogger.level to All. There are other possible values for rootLogger.level which are mentioned in the form of comments in the file.
  4. To enable console logging, set appender.console.filter.threshold.level to All. There are other possible values for appender.console.filter.threshold.levelwhich are mentioned in the form of comments in the file.

Note: You can change other parameters as per standard syntax. Refer to the below link for information.

View and Change JMS Settings

To view current property settings for output to JMS, use the following command:

target x.jms show

To change a property setting, use the following command.

target x.jms [queue queuename] set jms property=value


  • queue queuename is the name of a Post queue. Use this option if there are multiple Post processes.
  • property and value are shown in the following table.

Table 1: JMS target properties

Property Input Value Default


Required Fully qualified class name of the factory class. Sets the JNDI environmental property java.naming.factory.initial to specify the class name of the initial context factory for the provider.



Required RMI URL with no object name component. This sets the JNDI environmental property java.naming.provider.url to specify the location of the registry that is being used as the initial context.

Use the correct format depending your JMS Provider and type of URL. For example, if using LDAP your URL might be similar to the following:


Ask your JMS Provider Administrator for the JMS Provider URL.



Required Path to the directory where you installed the client library files.


destination={queue | topic}

Messaging domain. Valid values are queue (port-to-port) or topic (publisher-subscriber model).



Name of a JNDI connection factory lookup. You can specify multiple names with a comma-separated list, for example: (jndi.name1, jndi.name2).



Name of the user that is attaching to JMS. If authentication is not required, omit this and the password option.



Password of the JMS user.



Name of the JMS queue or topic.


persistent={yes | no}

yes logs messages to disk storage as part of send operations.

no prevents logging.

session_transacted ={yes | no}

no directs Post to issue a JMS commit for every replicated message, making each one immediately visible and consumable. This is the default.

yes directs Post to operate in a transactional manner. In this mode, Post issues a JMS commit (to make messages visible and consumable) at intervals based on the following:

  • Issue a commit before the data is read-released from the Post queue, as controlled by the value set for the SP_OPX_READRELEASE_INTERVAL parameter.
  • Issue a commit every JMS write, as controlled by the value set for the SP_OPX_CHECKPOINT_FREQ parameter, until the SP_OPX_READRELEASE_INTERVAL is reached.


Use this option if the JMS provider that you are using cannot consume messages that contain the default set of properties supplied by SharePlex. It enables you to remove or add properties. Supply the properties as a comma-delimited list.

  • To add a property, specify it as name=value.
  • To remove a SharePlex property, prefix the name with a dash. For example this string removes two SharePlex properties: -JMSXDeliveryCount,-JMSXGroupSeq.
client_id Use this option if the JMS provider that you are using cannot consume messages that contain the default SharePlex client ID. Set this value to the client ID that your provider accepts. None

Use this option when Post is configured to post to a JMS server in transactional style (issue a JMS commit at intervals, rather than after every message as directed by the session_transacted property). This parameter specifies the interval between JMS commits. It works in conjunction with the SP_OPX_READRELEASE_INTERVAL parameter. Valid values are 1 to any positive integer.


Set recovery options

If the JMS process aborts suddenly, or if the machine that it is running on aborts, row changes may be written twice to the JMS target. The consumer must manage this by detecting and discarding duplicates.

Every record of every row-change operation in a transaction has the same transaction ID and is also marked with a sequence ID. These attributes are id and msgIdx, respectively, under the txn element in the XML output (see View the XML format).

The transaction ID is the SCN at the time the transaction was committed and the sequence ID is the index of the row change in the transaction. These two values are guaranteed to be the same if they are re-written to the JMS queue in a recovery situation.

If desired, you can configure the target to include additional metadata with every row-change record by using the following command:

target target [queue queuename] set metadata property[, property]

Table 2: Optional JMS metadata properties

Property Description
time The time the operation was applied on the source.
userid The ID of the database user that performed the operation.
trans The ID of the transaction that included the operation.
size The number of operations in the transaction.


target x.jms set metadata time, userid, trans, size

To reset the metadata

target x.jms [queue queuename] reset metadata

To view the metadata

target x.jms [queue queuename] show metadata

Control memory settings

If you configured Post to process large amounts of transactions to JMS through multiple named Post queues, you may need to allocate more memory to the Post JMS bridge. The default settings are 256MB and 512MB.

To increase the JMS bridge memory

Open the openbridge.ini file and set the following parameters in the format shown:





Configure debugging

You can configure Post to log whether each write to a queue or topic succeeded or failed. This is controlled with the debugging setting.

To enable debugging

Open the openbridge.ini file and set the -OB_debugToLog parameter to true.


View the XML format

To view the XML formatting of the records that SharePlex sends to JMS, see the format category of the target command documentation in the SharePlex Reference Guide.

Set up replication from Oracle to Kafka


The SharePlex Post process can connect and write to a Kafka broker. The data can be written in JSON or XML output as a sequential series of operations as they occurred on the source, which can then be consumed by a Kafka consumer.

These instructions contain setup instructions that are specific to this target. Install SharePlex on the source and target according to the appropriate directions in this manual before performing these setup steps.

For the versions, data types and operations that are supported when using SharePlex to replicate to this target, see the SharePlex Release Notes.

Guidelines for posting to Kafka

  • A SharePlex Post process acts as a Kafka producer. A SharePlex Post process can write to one or more topics that have one or more partitions.
  • The SharePlex Post process does not create a topic itself, but you can configure the Kafka broker to auto-create topics.

Configure SharePlex on the source

When replicating data to Kafka, configure the source database and SharePlex on the source system as follows.

Enable supplemental logging

On the source system, enable PK/UK supplemental logging in the Oracle source database. SharePlex must have the Oracle key information to build an appropriate key on the target.


Set SP_OCT_USE_SUPP_KEYS parameter

On the source system, set the SP_OCT_USE_SUPP_KEYS parameter to a value of 1. This parameter directs SharePlex to use the columns set by Oracle's supplemental logging as the key columns when a row is updated or deleted. When both supplemental logging and this parameter are set, it ensures that SharePlex can always build a key and that the SharePlex key will match the Oracle key.

See the SharePlex Reference Guide for more information about this parameter.

Configure replication

On the source, create a SharePlex configuration file that specifies capture and routing information. The structure that is required in a configuration file varies, depending on your replication strategy, but this shows you the required syntax for routing data to Kafka.

src_owner.table !kafka[:tgt_owner.table] host


  • SID is the Oracle SID of the source Oracle database.
  • src_owner.table is the owner and name of the source table.
  • !kafka is a required keyword indicating SharePlex is posting to Kafka.
  • :tgt_owner.table is optional and specifies the owner and name of a target table. Use this feature if you want the data to appear as if it came from a table other than the source table. Allow no spaces between !kafka and :tgt_owner.table. Type case-sensitive names in the correct case and enclose them within double quotes, as in "MySchema"."MyTable"
  • host is the name of the target system.

Note: See Configure data replication.

Source configuration example


MY_SCHEMA.MY_TABLE !kafka sysprod

Configure SharePlex on the target

These instructions configure the SharePlex Post process to connect to Kafka. You must have a running Kafka broker.

To configure post to Kafka

  1. Create a Kafka topic.
  2. Start sp_cop. (Do not activate the configuration yet.)
  3. Run sp_ctrl.
  4. Issue the target command to configure posting to a Kafka broker and topic. The following are example commands.

    sp_ctrl> target x.kafkaset kafka broker=host1:9092,host2:9092,host3:9092

    sp_ctrl> target x.kafka set kafka topic=shareplex

    See View and change Kafka settings for command explanations and options.

    Note: Specify more than one broker so that SharePlex will attempt to connect to the other brokers in the list if any one of them is down.

Set the Kafka record format

SharePlex can output to either XML or JSON format as input to Kafka. XML is the default. To set the input format and specify format options, use one of the following target commands:

target x.kafka set format record=json


target x.kafka set format record=xml


To view samples of these formats, see the format category of the target command documentation in the SharePlex Reference Guide.

View and change Kafka settings

To view current property settings for output to Kafka, use the following target command:

target x.kafka show

To change a property setting, use the following command.

target x.kafka [queue queuename] set kafka property=value


  • queue queuename is the name of a Post queue. Use this option if there are multiple Post processes.
  • property and value are shown in the following table.

Table 3: Kafka target properties

Property Input Value Default

Required. The host and port number of the Kafka broker, or a comma delimited list of multiple brokers. This list is the bootstrap into the Kafka cluster. So long as Post can connect to one of these brokers, it will discover any other brokers in the cluster.


Optional. A user-defined string that Post will send in each request to help trace calls.

compression.code={none, gzip, snappy} Optional. Controls whether data is compressed in Kafka. Options are none, gzip or snappy. None
partition={number | rotate | rotate trans}

Required. One of the following:

  • A fixed partition number: Directs Post to post messages only to the specified partition number. For example, setting it to 0 directs Post to post only to partition 0. This option is suitable for use in testing or if the target has multiple channels of data posting to the same Kafka topic.
  • The keyword rotate: Directs Post to apply messages to all of the partitions of a topic in a round-robin fashion. The partition changes with each new message. For example if a topic has three partitions, the messages are posted to partitions 0,1,2,0,1,2, and so on in that order.
  • The keyword rotate trans: This is similar to the rotate option, except that the partition is incremented with each transaction rather than with each message. For example, if a topic has three partitions, the messages are posted to partition 0 until the commit, then to partition 1 until the commit, and so on in that order. This option is suitable if you are replicating multiple tables to a single topic. It allows you to distribute data across several partitions, while still preserving all of the operations of a transaction together in a single partition. This enables a consumer that reads from a single partition to receive a stream of complete transactions.
request.required.acks=value Optional. This is a Kafka client parameter. By default it is set to a value of -1, which means all. Consult the Kafka documentation about this subject, because all really means all in-sync replicas. This parameter can be used in conjunction with the min.insync.replicas broker parameter to tune behavior between availability and data consistency. Important: It is possible for data to be lost between a Kafka producer (SharePlex in this case) and a Kafka cluster, depending on these settings. -1

Required. The name of the target Kafka topic.

This string may contain the special sequences %o or %t. The %o sequence is replaced by the owner name of the table that is being replicated. The %t sequence is replaced by the table name of the table that is being replicated. This feature may be used in conjunction with a Kafka server setting of auto.create.topics.enabled set to 'true'. Also view your server settings for default.replication.factor and num.partitions because these are used as defaults when topics are auto created.

Important! If using multiple topics, you must also set the following properties with the target command:

  • The output must be in JSON. Set the record property of the format category to json:

    target x.kafka set format record=json

  • Commits must be disabled. Set the commit property of the json category to no:

    target x.kafka set json commit=no


* To avoid latency, if Post detects no more incoming messages, it sends the packet to Kafka immediately without waiting for the threshold to be satisfied.

Set recovery options

If the Kafka process aborts suddenly, or if the machine that it is running on aborts, row changes may be written twice to the Kafka topic. The consumer must manage this by detecting and discarding duplicates.

Every record of every row-change operation in a transaction has the same transaction ID and is also marked with a sequence ID. These attributes are id and msgIdx, respectively, under the txn element in the XML output (see Set up replication from Oracle to Kafka).

The transaction ID is the SCN at the time the transaction was committed, and the sequence ID is the index of the row change in the transaction. These two values are guaranteed to be the same if they are re-written to the Kafka topic in a recovery situation.

If desired, you can configure Post to include additional metadata with every row-change record by using the following command:

target x.kafka [queue queuename] set metadata property[, property]

Table 4: Optional metadata properties

Property Description
time The time the operation was applied on the source.
userid The ID of the database user that performed the operation.
trans The ID of the transaction that included the operation.
size The number of operations in the transaction.


target x.kafka set metadata time, userid, trans, size

To reset the metadata

target x.kafka [queue queuename] reset metadata

To view the metadata

target x.kafka [queue queuename] show metadata

Set up replication from Oracle to a SQL or XML file


SharePlex can post replicated Oracle data to a file formatted as SQL or XML. This data is written as a sequential series of operations as they occurred on the source, which can then be posted in sequential order to a target database or consumed by an external process or program.

These instructions contain setup instructions that are specific to this target. Install SharePlex on the source and target according to the appropriate directions in this manual before performing these setup steps.

For the versions, data types and operations that are supported when using SharePlex to replicate to this target, see the SharePlex Release Notes.

Configure SharePlex on the source

On the source, create a SharePlex configuration file that specifies capture and routing information. The structure that is required in a configuration file varies, depending on your replication strategy, but this shows you the required syntax for routing data to a SQL or XML file.

src_owner.table !file[:tgt_owner.table] host


  • SID is the Oracle SID of the source Oracle database.
  • src_owner.table is the owner and name of the source table.

  • !file is a required keyword that directs Post to write to a file.
  • tgt_owner.table is optional and specifies the owner and name of the target table. Use if either component is different from that of the source table.
  • host is the name of the target system.

Note: For more information, see Configure data replication in the SharePlex Administration Guide.

Source configuration example:

The following example replicates the parts table in schema PROD from Oracle instance ora112 to a file on target system sysprod.

Datasource:o.ora112 !file sysprod

Configure SharePlex on the target

By default, SharePlex formats data to a file in XML format, and there is no target setup required unless you want to change properties of the output file (see Set up replication from Oracle to a SQL or XML file.) To output in SQL format, use the target command to specify the SQL output as follows.

To output data in SQL format

  1. Start sp_cop.
  2. Start sp_ctrl.
  3. Issue the following required target commands to output the records in SQL. Note: Use all lower-case characters.

    target x.file [queue queuename] set format record=sql

    target x.file [queuequeuename] set sql legacy=yes

    where: queue queuename constrains the action of the command to the SharePlex Post process that is associated with the specified queue.

    See Set up replication from Oracle to a SQL or XML file for descriptions of these settings and other optional properties that you can set.

To view samples of the SQL and XML formats, see the target command documentation in the SharePlex Reference Guide.

View and change target settings

To view current property settings for output to a file, use the following command:

target x.file show

To change a setting, use the following target command.

target x.file [queue queuename] set [category] property=value


File storage and aging

Post writes to a series of files. The active working file is prepended with the label of current_ and is stored in the opx/current subdirectory of the variable-data directory.

Output Format Name of Current File





Important: Do not open or edit the current_ file.

Post uses the max_records, max_size and max_time parameters to determine the point at which to start a new active file. When this switch occurs, Post moves the processed data to a sequenced file in the opx subdirectory of the variable-data directory. The file names include the name of the post queue, the time and date, and an incrementing ID.

SQL files:

/installed/vardir> ls -1 opx






XML files:

/installed/vardir> ls -1 opx






To force a file switch

The current file cannot be viewed or consumed without stopping Post. To access the data in the current file, you can use the target command with the switch option to move the data to a sequenced file, from which it can then be consumed or viewed. After issuing this command, the switch occurs after Post processes a new record.

target x.file [queue queuename] switch

Generic SharePlex demonstration-all platforms



  • This chapter demonstrates the basics of SharePlex replication. This demonstration can be run on Unix, Linux, or Windows systems for any of the supported SharePlex source and target databases.
  • Notes:

    • These demonstrations are for use with databases. They do not support replication to a file or a messaging container.
    • These are only demonstrations. Do not use them as the basis for deployment in a production environment. To properly implement replication in your environment, follow the instructions in the SharePlex Installation and Setup Guide and the SharePlex Administration Guide.
    • For more information about the commands used in the demonstrations, see the SharePlex Reference Guide.
    • The demonstrations assume that SharePlex is fully installed on a source system and one target system, and that any pre- and post-installation setup steps were performed.

    What you will learn

    • How to activate a configuration
    • How SharePlex replicates smoothly from source to target systems
    • How SharePlex quickly and accurately replicates large transactions
    • How SharePlex queues the data if the target system is unavailable
    • How SharePlex resumes from its stopping point when the target system is recovered
    • How SharePlex recovers after a primary instance interruption
    • How SharePlex replicates an Oracle TRUNCATE command
    • How SharePlex verifies synchronization and repairs out-of-sync rows
    • How to use named queues to spread the processing of different tables across parallel Post processes
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