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Replicator 7.4 - Command Line Reference Guide

Introduction Installing Metalogix Replicator Configuring Metalogix Replicator
Enable Web Applications for Replication Connect Web Applications Map SharePoint Content for Replication
Add Replicator List Mappings Add Replicator Map Family Remove Replicator List Mappings Remove Replicator Map Family Disable Replicator Alert Replication Disable Replicator Map Disable Replicator Map Family Suspend Replicator Map Family Resume Replicator Map Family Enable Replicator Alert Replication Enable Replicator Map Enable Replicator Map Family Write Replicator Map Write Replicator Map Families Suspend Replicator Map Families Write Replicator Paused Map Families Resume Replicator Map Families Set Replicator Map Family Write Replicator Maps Set Replicator Map Inheritance Update Replicator Map Update Replicator Map Connection Update Replicator Map Family Update Replicator Map Lists
Get Replicator Objects Commands
Managing Metalogix Replicator
Replicate SharePoint Content Monitor Replication Networks Maintain Replication Networks
Register Offline Activation Add Replicator Supported Web Part Add Replicator Supported WSS Versions Set Replicator Alerts Remove Replicator Orphaned Config Remove Replicator Orphaned Disk Objects Clear Replicator Web Application Configuration Copy Replicator Alerts Remove Replicator Supported Web Part Export Replicator Settings Import Replicator Settings Export Replicator KPI Settings Import Replicator KPI Settings Export Replicator KPI Results Import Replicator KPI Results Clear Replicator Map Queue Move Replicator Alerts Clear Replicator Queue All Clear Replicator Queue Completed Clear Replicator Queue Completed or Error Reapply Replicator Error Queue Items Install-ReplicatorSolution Test Replicator Consistency Start Replicator Maintenance Update Replicator Account Write Replicator Features Update Replicator Settings File
Managing Administrative Farm Settings
Appendix – Repadm equivalents for PowerShell commands About





Update an existing Replication Map with the specified settings.


Standard, Enterprise, and Runtime only





Enter a URL to a Web Application, Site Collection, Web Site, List, or Folder.



Enter a name for the Map Family.



Specify whether the URL is to a Web Application, Site Collection, Web Site, List, or Folder.



Enable or disable the Replication Map when created.



Enable or disable inheritance on the Replication Map when created.



Enable or disable inheriting child maps.



Explicitly breaks inheritance for use with event modifications.



Specify the event names that you want to capture with this map family. The event names are listed under Supported Events for the Queue Map command in this guide. Separate multiple event names with a semi-colon. For example, "List Add;List Item Add".



Specify the event names that you do not want to capture with this map family. The event names are listed under Supported Events for the Queue Map command in this guide. Separate multiple event names with a semi-colon. For example, "List Add;List Item Add".



Specify the event group names that you want to capture with this map family. All events in that group will be captured. Valid values are Web Application, Site Collection, Web Site, List, List Item, Workflow, and Look and Feel. Separate multiple group names with a semi-colon. For example "List;List Item".



Specify the event group names that you do want to capture with this map family. No events in that group will be captured. Valid values are Web Application, Site Collection, Web Site, List, List Item, Workflow, and Look and Feel. Separate multiple group names with a semi-colon. For example "List;List Item".



Adds all events in the current event pool to the selected events list for this map.



Removes all events in the selected events list for this map.



Enter the map family name.

PowerShell Code Example

Update-ReplicatorMap -URL "http://corporateoffice" -MapFamily "Portal Map Family" -Type WebSite -RemoveEventsByGroupName "Workflow:Look and Feel"




[[-URL] <String>]
[[-MapFamily] <String>]
[-Type <String>]
[-Enabled [<SwitchParameter>]]
[-Inherit [<SwitchParameter>]]
[-ChildInherit [<SwitchParameter>]]
[-AddEventsByName <String>]
[-RemoveEventsByName <String>]
[-AddEventsByGroupName <String>]
[-RemoveEventsByGroupName <String>]
[-AddAllEvents [<SwitchParameter>]]
[-RemoveAllEvents [<SwitchParameter>]]
[-BreakInheritance [<SwitchParameter>]]
[-InputReplicationMap <ReplicationMap>]

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