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Rapid Recovery 6.7 - User Guide

Introduction to Rapid Recovery The Core Console Repositories Core settings Protecting machines
About protecting machines with Rapid Recovery Understanding the Rapid Recovery Agent software installer Deploying Agent to multiple machines simultaneously from the Core Console Using the Deploy Agent Software Wizard to deploy to one or more machines Modifying deploy settings Understanding protection schedules Protecting a machine About protecting multiple machines Enabling application support Settings and functions for protected Exchange servers Settings and functions for protected SQL servers
Managing protected machines Snapshots and recovery points Managing privacy Encryption Authentication Replication Events Reporting VM export Restoring data Bare metal restore
About bare metal restore Differences in bare metal restore for Windows and Linux machines Understanding boot CD creation for Windows machines Managing a Linux boot image Performing a bare metal restore using the Restore Machine Wizard Using the Universal Recovery Console for a BMR Performing a bare metal restore for Linux machines Verifying a bare metal restore
Managing aging data Archiving Cloud accounts Core Console references REST APIs Glossary

Monitoring replication

When replication is set up, you can monitor the status of replication tasks for the source and target Cores. You can refresh status information, view replication details, and more.

  1. On the source Core, open the Rapid Recovery Core Console, and from the icon bar, click [Replication] (Replication).
    The Replication page appears.
  2. On this page, you can view information about and monitor the status of replication tasks as described in the following table.
    Table 102: Replication tasks
    Section Description Available Actions

    Seed Drives (#)

    After you specify the use of a seed drive when defining replication, until you abandon or consume it, a Seed Drives (#) link appears on the Outgoing Replication pane on the source Core. The number displayed indicates how many seed drives are pending.

    NOTE: This link does not appear unless a seed drive is pending.

    Click this link to list seed drives that have been written but not yet consumed by the target Core. Further expand the collapsible menu to show information about outstanding seed drives, including the target Core and the date range of the recovery points included in the seed drive.

    In the drop-down menu, click Abandon to abandon or cancel the seed process.

    Outgoing Replication

    Lists all target Cores to which the source Core is replicating. It includes a state indicator, the target Core name, the number of machines being replicated, and the progress of a replication transmission.

    On a source Core, from the [More]
        (More) drop-down menu, you can select the following options:

    • Details. Lists the ID, URL, display name, state, customer ID, email address, and comments for the replicated Core.
    • Change Settings. Lists the display name and lets you edit the host and port for the target Core.
    • Schedule. Lets you set a customized schedule for replication to this target Core.
    • Add Machines. Lets you select a host from a drop-down list, select protected machines for replication, and create a seed drive for the new protected machine’s initial transfer. You can optionally choose to include recovery points for machines already added to replication.
    • Delete. Lets you delete the replication relationship between source and target Cores. Doing so ceases all replication to this Core.

    Incoming Replication

    Lists all source machines from which the target receives replicated data. It includes the remote Core name, state, machines, and progress.

    Lists all source Cores from which the target receives replicated data. The display name for the source Cores listed are populated from the value in the Replication Wizard when defining replication. It includes a state indicator, the remote Core name, and the progress of a replication transmission.

    On a target Core, from the [More]
        (More) drop-down menu, you can select the following options:

    • Details. Lists the ID, host name, customer ID, email address, and comments for the replicated Core.
    • Consume. Consumes the initial data from the seed drive and saves it to the local repository.
    • Delete. Lets you delete the replication relationship between target and source Cores. Doing so ceases all replication from this Core.

    Pending Replication Requests

    This information applies to managed service providers only. When a customer clicks he Requests link in the Incoming Replication pane, a summary table section appears listing the customer ID, email address, and host name for the request.

    In the drop-down menu, click Ignore to ignore or reject the request, or Review to review the pending request.

Pausing and resuming replication

You can pause replication temporarily for the source (outgoing) or target (incoming) Cores.

The option to pause replication is only available when replication is active. The option to resume replication is only available if replication is paused.

Complete the steps in the following procedure to pause or resume replication.

  1. Open the Rapid Recovery Core Console, and from the icon bar, click [Replication]
    The Replication page appears.
  2. To pause replication for all replicated machines, do the following:
    1. Click the checkbox at the top of the summary table to select the source or target Core.
    2. Click Pause from the menu preceding the summary table.
      Replication for all protected machines in the selected Core is paused.
  3. To pause replication for only certain machines, do the following:
    1. Click the [Expand]
      arrow to the right of any Core.
      The view expands to show each of the protected machines from the selected Core that are being replicated.
    2. Click in the first column to select each machine for which you want to pause replication. Click any selection again to clear the checkbox for machines you do not want to pause.
    3. Click Pause from the menu preceding the summary table.
      Replication for the selected protected machines is paused.
  4. To resume replication for all replicated machines, do the following:
    1. Click the checkbox at the top of the summary table to select the source or target Core.
    2. Click Resume from the menu at the top of the summary table.
      Replication for all protected machines in the selected Core is resumed.
  5. To resume replication for only certain machines, do the following:
    1. Click the [Expand]
      arrow to the right of any Core.
      The view expands to show each of the protected machines from the selected Core that are being replicated.
    2. Click in the first column to select each machine for which you want to resume replication. Click any selection again to clear the checkbox for machines you do not want to resume.
    3. Click Resume from the menu at the top of the summary table.
      Replication for the selected protected machines is resumed.

Forcing replication

From the source Core, you can force replication at any time, instead of waiting for a replication job to queue after a specific event such as a backup or attachability check.

Complete the steps in the following procedure to force replication on either the source or the target Core.

  1. On the source Core, open the Rapid Recovery Core Console, and from the icon bar, click [Replication] (Replication).

    The Replication page appears.

  2. Do one of the following:
    • To force replication on a source Core, from the Outgoing Replication pane, select a Core, and from the menu at the top of the summary table, click [Force] Force.
    • To force replication on a target Core, from the Incoming Replication pane, select a Core, and from the menu at the top of the summary table, click [Force] Force.
    The Force Replication dialog box appears.
  3. Optionally, if you want to repair any orphaned chains of recovery points, select restore orphaned recovery point chains.
  4. To confirm, in the Force Replication dialog box, click Yes.
    The dialog box closes, and replication is forced.

Managing settings for outgoing replication

The changes made to these settings affect the data transfer to all target Cores associated with this source Core.

  1. On the source Core, open the Rapid Recovery Core Console, and from the icon bar, click [Replication] 
    The Replication page appears.
  2. In the Outgoing Replication pane, at the top of the summary table, click [Settings]
    The Replication Settings dialog box appears.
  3. In the Replication Settings dialog box, edit the replication settings as described in the following table.
    Table 103: Replication settings
    Option Description
    Cache lifetime (seconds) Specify the amount of time between each target Core status request performed by the source Core.
    Volume image session timeout (minutes) Specify the amount of time the source Core spends attempting to transfer a volume image to the target Core.
    Maximum parallel streams Specify the number of network connections permitted to be used by a single protected machine to replicate that machine’s data at one time.
    Maximum transfer speed (MB/s) Specify the speed limit for transferring the replicated data.
    Maximum transfer data size (GB) Specify the maximum size in GB for transferring blocks of replicated data.

    Restore Defaults

    Select this option to change all replication settings to the system defaults.

    NOTE: Take note of any customized settings before selecting this option. You will not be prompted to confirm this action

  4. When satisfied, click Save to save the replication settings and close the dialog box.
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