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Migrator for Notes to Exchange 4.16.1 - Administration Guide

About the Migrator for Notes to Exchange documentation Notes Migration Manager NABS Discovery Wizard Internet Domains Discovery Wizard Directory Export Wizard Collection Wizard Groups Provisioning Wizard Notes Data Locator Wizard Provisioning Wizard Send PAB Replicator Wizard Data Migration Wizard SSDM Statistics Collection Wizard The Log Viewer Using the Qsched.exe task-scheduling utility SSDM Scheduling Administration utility Office 365 Admin Account Pool utility PowerShell cmdlets for Migrator for Notes to Exchange Appendix A: How do I ...?
Post-installation configuration Pre-migration preparations Batch-migration process Other features

Group Collections: Manage Groups

This screen lets you define, organize, and manage group collections. The group-provisioning features of Migrator for Notes to Exchange are applied to collections of groups, and this screen launches the Collection Wizard that lets you define and edit those collections.

The Current group collections table shows all defined group collections. Notes Migration Manager generates some standard, default collections from the object data exported from the Notes source directory and these default collections are identified in the table as Auto-Defined. The Auto-Defined collections include an All Groups collection, consisting of all Group objects found in the export table.

The table also shows whether each collection is designated as Visible (or not), a designation that determines whether the collection appears in other tables and lists of collections elsewhere in Migrator for Notes to Exchange. (Migrator for Notes to Exchange’s provisioning, migration and other features are applied to particular collections, which are specified from drop-down lists or tables.) Migrator for Notes to Exchange’s Collection Wizard, where collections are defined and collection attributes may be edited, includes a Visible check box that sets this option.

The Collection Wizard, launched from this screen, lets you define a New collection by selecting groups from Active Directory, or by importing groups from a .tsv (tab-separated-values format) file or both. You can also Edit an existing collection (but not an Auto-Defined collection), Copy an existing collection to a new name, and Edit the copy.

NOTE: Although you cannot edit an Auto-Defined collection, you can Copy an Auto-Defined collection to a new name, and Edit the copy.

You can filter the contents of the Current group collections table to show only collections associated with a particular label by specifying the label in the Show collections labeled as drop-down list.

NOTE: Labels are a device for classifying and sorting collections by alphanumeric strings that can be assigned to collections in the Collection Wizard that creates them. Typically labels are defined to characterize and group subsets of collections—for example, to sort collections by an organization’s administrative divisions, you could define labels for Engineering, IS, Marketing, R&D, Sales, and so forth. Or you could define labels for Atlanta, Chicago, Denver, Houston, Minneapolis, and so on to sort collections by satellite office locations. Throughout Notes Migration Manager you can sort lists and tables of collections by label, or specify a particular label to filter a list or table of collections to show only collections that are assigned that label.

The Collection members table in the bottom half of the screen shows the members of whatever user collection is currently selected in the table in the top half of the screen.

Select the label from the Show collections labeled as drop-down list.
Select the collection in the Current group collections table. Note that these Collection members are groups, not the individual members of a group.
Select the group in the Collection members table, and click View Members.
Click New collection to launch the Collection Wizard, to select members from Active Directory, or import members from a .tsv file, or both.
Select one or more members in the Collection members table, and click Create collection to launch the Collection Wizard, with the selected members already added to the collection. (This feature lets you easily define a subset collection from any existing collection.)
Select the collection in the Current group collections table, and click Edit to launch the Collection Wizard.
Select the collection in the Current group collections table, and click Copy.
To export all user-defined group collections in Migrator for Notes to Exchange’s SQL database to a TSV file
NOTE: Note that this feature exports all group collections, not only the collections that are selected in the table. This includes both auto-defined and user-defined group collections. Also, the export feature sends all collections to a single TSV file, not to different files for different collections.
Click Export Collections.
The feature opens an Export Group Collections dialog box (a standard Windows Save As dialog box).
Click Export.
When the feature has completed its run, click OK to dismiss the dialog box and return to the Manage Users screen in Notes Migration Manager.
Click Import Collections.
The feature opens an Import Group Collections dialog box (a standard Windows Open dialog box).
Click Import.
When the feature has completed its run, click OK to dismiss the dialog box and return to the Manage Users screen in Notes Migration Manager.

Group Collections: Provision Groups

This screen lets you run the Groups Provisioning Wizard which configures a task to provision the groups in a group collection into Active Directory. You can perform the provisioning task immediately or you can schedule the task to run at a later time.

Show collections labeled as: Filters the contents of the Select collection list to show only collections associated with a label, You select the label in the Show collections labeled as drop-down list. Labels are a device for classifying and sorting collections. For information, see the note under Group Collections: Manage Groups.
Select collection to provision: Use this drop-down list to specify the collection you want to provision.
Provision groups: Launches the Groups Provisioning Wizard.
Summary of provisioning run (table, not labeled): Reports results of most recent provisioning run, by numbers of objects of various types.
Next scheduled run for collection: Displays the next scheduled run of a group-provisioning task for the selected collection, as configured by a previous run or as amended on the Manage Scheduled Operations screen.

User Collections

User Collections: Manage Users

This screen lets you define, organize, and manage user collections. Provisioning, migration, and other functions of MNE are applied to collections of users.This screen launches the Collection Wizard that lets you define and edit the collections.

The Current user collections table shows all defined user collections. Notes Migration Manager generates some standard, default collections from the object data exported from the Notes source directory and these default collections are identified in the table as Auto-Defined. The Auto-Defined collections include an All Users collection, that consists of all the user objects found in the export table.

MNE can also generate collections of users logically grouped by their Notes ACL and delegation data, so that users with stronger work associations can be migrated together to minimize business disruptions during the transition. For information, see To generate Smart Collections.

The Current user collections table also shows whether each collection is designated as Visible, a designation that determines whether the collection appears in other tables and lists of collections elsewhere in MNE. The Collection Wizard, where you define collections and you can edit collection attributes.

You can filter the contents of the Current user collections table to show only collections associated with a particular label by selecting the label in the Show collections labeled as drop-down list.

NOTE: Labels are a device for classifying and sorting collections by alphanumeric strings that can be assigned to collections in the Collection Wizard. Typically labels are defined to group subsets of collections—for example, to sort collections by administrative divisions, you could define labels for Engineering, IS, Marketing, R&D, Sales, and so on. Or you could define labels for Atlanta, Chicago, Denver, Houston, Minneapolis, and so on, to sort collections by geographic office locations. Throughout Notes Migration Manager you can sort lists and tables of collections by label or specify a label to filter a list of collections, to show only the collections that are assigned that label.

The Collection Wizard lets you define a New collection by selecting members from Active Directory, or by importing members from a .tsv (tab-separated-values format) file, or both. You can also edit an existing collection (but not an Auto-Defined collection), or copy an existing collection to a new name and edit the copy.

The Collection members table in the bottom of the screen shows the members of the user collection currently selected in the table.

Select the label from the Show collections labeled as drop-down list.
Select the collection in the Current user collections table.
Click New collection to launch the Collection Wizard, to select members from Active Directory, or import members from a .tsv file, or both.
Select one or more members in the Collection members table and click Create collection to launch the Collection Wizard with the selected members added to the collection. This feature lets you define a subset collection from any existing collection.
Click Smart Collections.
This button launches the Smart Collections Generator where MNE starts reading the user source ACL data, sorting the users by their ACL associations, and determining logical break points between suggested collections. When the generator finishes, the suggested Smart Collections appear in the left pane and the controls at the bottom of the window are enabled.
Optional: Review the collection members. You can click on a collection in the left pane to view its members in the right pane.
Optional: Redistribute members among the collections by adjusting the maximum number of members per collection. By default, the generator sets the maximum size at whatever number of members permits grouping without dividing ACL-related members across two collections. If you prefer a different per-collection maximum, use the track bar (a horizontal slide control) below the collections table to try different values until you are satisfied with the result. However, a smaller number will divide ACL-related members across the break point between two collections.
Optional: To hide previously defined Smart Collections from the list in the Manage Users table, click the check box: [X] Hide previously generated Smart Collections.
When the Smart Collections are defined, click Save to save them in MNE. When MNE posts its confirmation note, click OK to return to the Manage Users screen.

You can export the user collections to a TSV file and use a program such as Microsoft Excel to edit the file. Use this procedure to edit user collections and user collection membership.

NOTE: This feature exports all user collections, not only collections that are selected in the table. This includes both auto-defined and user-defined user collections. The export feature sends all collections to a single TSV file, not to different files for different collections.

The Collection Wizard lets you use the exported directory data (in the SQL database) to define the member contents of user and group collections. A collection is a defined subset of the users or groups that were found and exported from the Notes/Domino source. The provisioning, migration, and other features of MNE are applied to collections of users and groups, and you use the Collection Wizard ito define these collections.

Click Export Collections.
Click Export.
Click OK to return to the Manage Users screen.
Click Import Collections.
The Import User Collections window opens (a standard Windows Open dialog box).
Click Import.
Click OK to return to the Manage Users screen in Notes Migration Manager.

You can export a specific set of users belonging to a collection to a TSV file and use a program such as Microsoft Excel to edit user properties.

You can edit the exported directory data, and the data associated with defined user collections, for a variety of reasons including:

To populate the SearchKey column with appropriate per-user values for the Provisioning Wizard.

The names and definitions of column headings in the SQL database table are documented in chapter 4 (Directory Export Wizard) of this Administration Guide (see Exported Data Elements in the SQL database).

Some of the columns in these data tables contain critical values that must not be edited, while others can be edited as needed, and still others must be edited to implement certain strategic options or accomplish certain program features.

NOTE: Each run of the Directory Export Wizard overwrites the current contents of Migrator for Notes to Exchange’s SQL database (including any imported TSV values) with data newly exported from the Domino Directory—except that you may choose whether the wizard should overwrite or keep any DominoServerAddress values that have been changed by a TSV import. The wizard’s default is to preserve TSV- imported DominoServerAddress values, but the Directory Export Wizard offers an option to overwrite them.

Export a user collection in the MNE SQL database to a TSV file.

Select a collection in the Current user collections table
Click Export Members to TSV.
The Export Objects window opens (a standard Windows Save As dialog box).
Click Export.
When the feature has completed its run, click OK to dismiss the dialog box and return to the Manage Users screen.
Click Import Members from TSV.
The Import Objects window opens (a standard Windows Open dialog box).
Click Import.
When the feature has completed its run, click OK to dismiss the dialog box and return to the Manage Users screen in Notes Migration Manager.
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