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Enterprise Reporter 3.5.1 - Configuration Manager User Guide

Product Overview Configuring the Configuration Manager
Starting the Configuration Manager Finding answers and getting help Overview of Enterprise Reporter Communications and Credentials Required Using the Credential Manager Setting Up Your First Collection Computers (Nodes) Modifying Your Deployment Configuring Global Settings Customizing the Configuration Manager View
Understanding Discoveries Creating Discoveries
Step 1. Create the Discovery (Name) Step 2. Choose what to include in your discovery (Scopes) Step 2a. Choose scopes for your on-premises discoveries
Choosing your Active Directory Scopes Choosing your Computer Scopes Choosing Your Exchange Scopes Choosing Your File Storage Analysis Scopes Choosing Your Microsoft SQL Scopes Choosing Your NTFS Scopes Choosing Your Registry Scopes
Step 2b: Choose scopes for your cloud discoveries Step 3. Schedule your Discovery Step 4: Review the summary
Managing Discoveries Troubleshooting Issues with Enterprise Reporter Appendix: PowerShell cmdlets Appendix: Encryption Key Manager Appendix: Log Viewer

Resetting credentials

The Encryption Key Manager can be used to erase all encrypted passwords used by the Enterprise Reporter Credential Manager when it is impossible to restore a valid encryption key. After using this feature, passwords for all credentials must be re-entered using the Enterprise Reporter Credential Manager. The Credential Manager will display a red key icon beside each account that requires a password.

Click the Reset Credentials button.
Click OK to erase all passwords for credentials stored in the Enterprise Reporter Credential Manager.
Click OK to confirm that you wish to erase all passwords.
Click OK to accept the successful reset notification.

Appendix: Log Viewer


The Enterprise Reporter Log Viewer can be started from the Configuration Manager, the Report Manager, or the Windows Start menu. The Enterprise Reporter Database Log Viewer allows you to perform the following tasks on the log files generated by Enterprise Reporter.

Starting the Enterprise Reporter Log Viewer

Click Information | Log Viewer | View Logs
Click System Information | Log Viewer | View Logs
Click Programs | Quest | Enterprise Reporter | Log Viewer

Finding and opening log files

The first time the Log Viewer is started, it displays the contents of the default Enterprise Reporter log folder including date, time, and file size information.


To navigate to different folder containing log files, click the ellipsis to the right of the log folder path. The files in the selected folder will be listed in the Log Viewer file browser. During the time the Log Viewer is open, the contents of the folder may be updated by clicking the Refresh icon next to the log folder path.

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