Displays the list of all storage_group-related options that can be used as a reference when using the QoreStor CLI.
storage_group --help
Usage: storage_group --show [--name <name>] [--verbose] storage_group --add --name <name> [--compression_mode <fast|best>] [--quota <Quota value in GiB or TiB>] storage_group --update --name <name> --compression_mode <fast|best> [--quota <Quota value in GiB or TiB>] storage_group --encryption --name <name> [--set <ON | OFF>] [--mode < static | internal >] [--interval <7 days to 70 years>] storage_group --delete --name <name> storage_group --setpassphrase --name <name> storage_group --help storage_group <command> <command-arguments> <command> can be one of: --show Displays the current list of storage_group. --add Adds a new storage_group. --update updates a storage_group. --encryption updates encryption settings of a storage_group. --delete Deletes an existing storage_group. --setpassphrase sets passphrase to a storage_group. For command-specific help, please type storage_group --help <command> eg: storage_group --help show