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Client Profile Updating Utility 5.9 - Administration Guide

Configuration Parameters

The following configuration parameters are used in CPUU.ini:

Parameter Description
Admin <Domain\User> Allows the user to specify the administrative account to be used to work with Exchange mailboxes. This parameter can be used only together with the - Password parameter.
Password <EncryptedPassword> Specifies the password for the Admin account. The password must be encrypted by the Client Profile Updating Utility Configuration wizard.
AdminTrg<Domain\User>; AdminTrg<User@email> - for Microsoft Office 365 Allows the user to specify the administrative account to log on to the target mailboxes. This parameter can be used only together with the PasswordTrg parameter. The parameter is helpful when no trust relationships are established between the source and target domains.
PasswordTrg <EncryptedPassword> Specifies password for the AdminTrg account. The password must be encrypted by the Client Profile Updating Utility Configuration wizard.
AskCredentials Makes the utility prompt for credentials to log on to the source server. If the specified credentials do not allow logon to the target server, the utility prompts for target server credentials also. If the parameter was used in update mode, CPUU will prompt for credentials automatically when the profile is cleaned up or rolled back.
AskSourceCredentialsOnly Specifies that provided by user source credentials will be used for access to target linked mailboxes in case Prompt for credentials mode is selected (AskCredentials is set to 1). Possible values are 0 (default) and 1. For more details see Typical Scenario.
AllowAdditionalServices <Svc1> [Svc2] [Svc3] [...]

Forces the utility to process the non-default service providers whose MAPI names are specified as the parameter values. To process all the existing services, specify the value <All> as the parameter.

The services updated by default are:

  • Microsoft Exchange Server (MSEMS)
  • Personal Address Book (MSPST AB) Personal Folders (.PST) File (MSPST MS; MSUPST MS)
  • Outlook Address Book (CONTAB)
  • Microsoft LDAP Directory (EMABLT)
  • Internet Folders (INTERSTOR)
  • Internet E-mail (IMAIL)
Skip <Value1> [Value2] [Value3] [...] Forces the utility to skip the specified functionalities. For more information, see the Using a Dial-Up Connection while Updating Profiles topic.
Features <Value1> [Value2] [Value3] [...] Forces the utility to process only the specified features. This functionality cannot be used along with the Skip parameter.
Critical <Value1> [<Value2>] [<Value3>] [...] Forces the utility to skip profiles for which the critical functionalities specified as the values of this parameter cannot be updated. As values of this parameter, you can specify such functionalities as Rules and CONTAB. A complete list of functionalities can be found in the Critical Functionalities topic.
Remove Nicks Forces the utility to remove all nicknames from the profile. If the nickname functionality is also specified in the Critical key and errors occur during nickname removal, the update will automatically be rolled back.
RemoveJunkEmailMessages Forces CPUU to remove all junk e-mail settings from the updated profile.
ProcessOfflineProfiles Forces the utility to process offline profiles.
KeepOST Forces CPUU to associate the original source OST file with the target mailbox profile if the corresponding source mailbox was processed within a Remote Users Collection by the Mail Agent. Otherwise, this parameter is ignored.
BackupOST Forces CPUU to create a backup copy of the original source OST file if the corresponding source mailbox was processed within a Remote Users Collection by the Mail Agent. Otherwise, this parameter is ignored.
CreateRegFileForOSTRecovery Prevents the utility from creating the registry (REG) file used for restoring a lost link between OST file and a profile.
UseTargetOST UseTargetOST is used only during rollback. This option tells Client Profile Updating Utility to keep the OST file for the target mailbox after rollback.
Silent Prevents the utility from displaying any dialog boxes while updating profiles.
WatchDog Launches [1] or stops [0] the watchdog process (by default, this process starts together with CPUU). This process watches the CPUU hangs and stops the utility using the OpenStoreWait, FeatureWait, GlobalWait options. Then the watchdog process restarts CPUU.

Watchdog stops all processes that are specified as the value for the StopProcesses parameter before it starts CPUU. The following processes are stopped by default:

  • Microsoft Communicator (Communicator.exe)
  • Microsoft Outlook (Outlook.exe)
  • Blackberry Desktop Software 6.x (Rim.Desktop.exe)
  • Blackberry Desktop Software (Legacy) (Desktopmanager.exe)
  • Google Calendar Sync (GoogleCalendarSync.exe)
Attempt [N] Sets the maximum number of attempts to restart CPUU (by default, three times).
OpenStoreWait Sets the maximum allowed wait period to open a store (in seconds).
FeatureWait Sets the maximum allowed wait period for a feature to finish its operations (in seconds).
GlobalWait Sets the maximum run time period for CPUU (in seconds).
[Notification] In this section, you can forces the utility to send a notification message about update results to the addresses specified in the file. The format of the section can be found in the Notification Format topic.

Important: All user's and public folders SMTP domain names that are the same at source and at target must be specified.

The following is an explanation of CPUU behavior depending on ProcessedDomainsFQDNs:

Please do not use semicolon {;}, comma {,}. or any other separators except space character when you specify the values for the ProcessedDomainsFQDNs parameter, for example: ProcessedDomainsFQDNs=<domain name 1> <domain name 2> <domain name 3>.

  • If ProcessedDomainsFQDNs is empty, and there is only one Exchange account in a profile, CPUU switches this Exchange account in the profile.
  • If ProcessedDomainsFQDNs is not empty, and there is only one Exchange account in a profile, CPUU checks that the Exchange account is allowed by ProcessedDomainsFQDNs and, if so, then switches this account. Otherwise, the account will be skipped.
  • If ProcessedDomainsFQDNs is empty, and there are a few Exchange accounts in a profile, CPUU logs the following error: "Profile <profile name> contains multiple Exchange accounts". CPUU requires that you specify the ProcessedDomainsFQDNs parameter to determine if the primary account is allowed to switch.
  • If ProcessedDomainsFQDNs is not empty, and there are a few Exchange accounts in a profile, CPUU checks that the primary Exchange account is allowed by ProcessedDomainsFQDNs and, if so, then switches the primary account and ignores the others.

Specifies whether local Autodiscover XML files will be used. Possible values are 0 (default) and 1.

  • 1: Use local Autodiscover XML files
  • 0: Do not use local Autodiscover XML files

See Autodiscover step of the Typical Scenario topic for details.

AutodiscoverSourceURL Specifies URL of the Autodiscover service for source. See Advanced Tuning step of the Typical Scenario topic for details.
AutodiscoverTargetURL Specifies URL of the Autodiscover service for target. See Advanced Tuning step of the Typical Scenario topic for details.
AuthorityURL Specify the Authentication Authority, from which an authentication token can be obtained. If not specified, CPUU will use
ResourceURL Specify the resource that the token is needed for. If not specified, CPUU will use

Notification Format

The Client Profile Updating Utility Configuration wizard creates a section in the CPUU.ini file that contains the notification settings. You need to reference this section only if you want to create the command-line by yourself and receive notifications about CPUU activities.

Section Format

Here is an example of the CPUU.ini file section that stores notification settings:

[Admin notification]


Attach log=statistics



Subject=%R: Profile %P on computer %H

Body=The mail client profile %P for user %U on computer %H has been processed by Client Profile Updating Utility (CPUU), and was %R. The profile was processed at %T, %D. See the CPUU log file for details.

Admin notification – The name of the section. Cannot be changed.

SMTPAddress – Specifies one or several SMTP addresses to which the notification will be sent.

Priority – Defines the priority of the notification.

Possible values: low, high, normal.

Attach log – Defines what should be attached to the notification message. Possible values:

  • none – No attachment will be send with the notification.
  • all – The full log will be attached to the notification.
  • statistics – The statistics gathered from the log file will be attached to the notification.

Notification – Defines in what cases notification should be sent. Possible values:

  • success – Notification will be sent if the profile has been successfully updated.
  • fail – Notification will be sent if the profile has not been updated.
  • all – Notification will be sent in any case.

Profile – Defines which profile should be used to send notifications.

  • default – This is the default value. Notification will be sent using the default profile, after all profiles have been processed. This setting is turned on by default. To use this mode, the default profile must be included in the list of profiles intended for switching.
  • current – Notification will be sent via the current profile as soon as this profile is updated.

Subject – Specifies the notification subject.

Body – Specifies the notification body.


The following variables can be used in the subject and body of the notification message:


%u, %U User name (for Windows 9x, the Profile name parameter value is used)

%p, %P Profile name

%h, %H Computer name

%t, %T Time

%d, %D Date

%% %


Critical Functionalities

If you run CPUU from the command line rather than using the configuration files configured by Client Profile Updating Utility Configuration wizard, you can force CPUU to skip profiles in which it cannot update the functionalities that you define as critical. For example, if it is critical that rules be updated, you can specify Rules as the value of the –Critical parameter in the INI file.

Below you will find the list of critical functionalities that can be specified as values for the –Critical parameter and the names of the appropriate Microsoft Outlook settings:

Value Microsoft Outlook Setting
Activities Activities
AddBoxes Additional Mailboxes
CONTAB Outlook Address Book
Delegates Delegates
Rules Rules
SRS Send/Receive Settings
SearchFolders Search Folders
Shortcuts Shortcuts (for Microsoft Outlook)

Most of the functionalities listed here are described in the What the Utility Updates topic.

CPUU Return Codes

If errors occur during the profiles update, the corresponding return codes are recorded in the CSV file. The name of this file has the same format as the CPUU log file name (CPUU_#h_#d_#t.csv). The file contains the following data separated by tab character.

<profile name> <current status of the profile> <previous status of the profile>

The following table contains the CPUU return codes and its descriptions:

Error code Error Description
0 PROFILE_WAS_NOT_PROCESSED Profile is not processed.
1 PROFILE_IS_BACKUP Profile is a backup copy of the original profile.
2 PROFILE_ALREADY_UPDATED Profile is already updated.
3 PROFILE_BACKUP_NOT_FOUND Backup profile was not found. Cannot restore and update profile.
4 PROFILE_NOT_RESOLVED Profile cannot be resolved and is being skipped.
5 PROFILE_NOT_EXCHANGE_SERVICE Server name and/or mailbox DN is not specified for the Exchange service. Profile is being skipped.
6 PROFILE_IS_OFFLINE Profile is being skipped, because offline profiles cannot be processed unless the '-ProcessOfflineProfiles' parameter is specified with the 'On' value.
7 PROFILE_HAS_NO_SEREVER No 'Microsoft Exchange Server' service is specified in this profile.
8 PROFILE_UNEXPECTED_SERVICES Profile contains unexpected service(s) and is being skipped.
9 PROFILE_FAILED_TO_CREATE_BACKUP Cannot create a backup copy for this profile.
10 PROFILE_MODIFYING_OK Profile was successfully updated.
11 PROFILE_MODIFYING_FAILED Cannot update profile.
12 PROFILE_RESTORE_OK Profile was successfully rolled back.
13 PROFILE_RESTORE_FAILED Cannot roll back profile.
14 PROFILE_CLEANUP_OK Profile was successfully cleaned.
15 PROFILE_CLEANUP_FAILED Cannot clean up profile.
16 PROFILE_CLEANUP_CANCELED Cleanup operation was canceled by the user.
17 PROFILE_IS_UNABLE_OPEN_DEFSTORE Cannot open default message store.
18 PROFILE_IS_UNABLE_OPEN_MAILBOX_STORE Cannot open mailbox message store.
19 PROFILE_HAS_UNSUPPORTED_AUTHENTICATION Profile authentication type is not supported.
20 PROFILE_HAS_CFG_UI_LOCK Profile is locked due to open properties dialog box.
21 PROFILE_IS_OFFLINE_AND_RC Unexpected error occurred.
22 PROFILE_NOT_FREESPACE_FOR_BACKUPOST Not enough disk space for the OST file backup.
23 PROFILE_MORE_THAN_ONE_ACCOUNT_IS_ALLOWED_TO_SWITCH CPUU requires that you specify the 'ProcessedDomainsFQDNs' parameter to determine if the primary account is allowed to switch. See the ProcessedDomainsFQDNs entry in "Configuration Parameters" above for more details.
24 PROFILE_NO_ACCOUNT_IS_ALLOWED_TO_SWITCH Primary Exchange account of profile is not valid for switching according to the 'ProcessedDomainsFQDNs' parameter. See the ProcessedDomainsFQDNs entry in "Configuration Parameters" above for more details.
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Client Profile Updating Utility - 5.9
Administration Guide
Release Notes
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