The following items are prerequisites:
- You must have administrative access to an account on Azure.
- You must have a storage account defined within your Azure account.
When you perform virtual export, the information is stored in a container within an Azure storage account. You can define the container from your Azure account before performing virtual export, using the procedure below.
NOTE: If you do not define containers in advance, you can choose default containers (named export and deploy, respectively) |
Complete the steps in this procedure to create a container in an Azure storage account.
- Open the Microsoft Azure dashboard.
- From the left navigation area, click
All resources.
- From the All resources pane, click the name of the
storage account in which you want to store data from your Rapid Recovery virtual exports.
- In the Settings pane, under Services, click
- From the top of the Blob service pane, in the header, click + Container.
- From the New container pane, in the Name field, type the name for your new container.
NOTE: Type a name between 3 and 63 characters, using only lowercase letters, numbers, and hyphens.
- From the New container pane, from the Public access level drop-down menu, select an access level to define whether the container can be accessed publicly. Use the following as guidance.
Option Description Private (no anonymous access) This option restricts the container to the account owner. Blob (anonymous read access for blobs only) This option allows public read access for Binary Large Objects (Blobs). Container (anonymous read access for containers and blobs) This option allows public read and list access to the entire container. For example, select Container (anonymous read access for containers and blobs).- Click OK.
If Toast alerts are active, you should see a message indicating that the container was successfully created.
The Blob service page refreshes, with the new container name displayed in the list.
- Click OK.