Before you can deploy a VM in Azure, you must have a protected machine on a Rapid Recovery Core with at least one recovery point, and you must set up continual export (virtual standby) in the Core Console.
On the Azure side, you must have already created a virtual network.
For more information about setting up continual export, see Setting up continual export to Azure. This process also requires you to have an Azure account with sufficient storage associated with your Core.
When you set up virtual standby for a protected machine to Azure, the latest backup information is continually exported from the Core to your Azure account after every backup snapshot. This process overwrites the previous set of export files stored on the Azure VM in the export folder location with updated backup information. Before you can boot the virtual export as a VM (for example, if your original protected machine has failed), you must first select the appropriate virtual standby machine in the Core Console, and deploy it. This process generates a bootable VM in the deployment container within Azure.
Complete the steps in this procedure to deploy your most recent virtual standby export files to a bootable VM in Azure.
NOTE: Type a name between 3 and 15 characters, using only letters, numbers, and hyphens. The name must start with a letter and cannot end with a hyphen. |
NOTE: For more information on Azure configurations and pricing, see the virtual machines pricing page on the Azure website. For links to other useful references on Microsoft websites, see Microsoft Azure documentation. |
NOTE: Your VM must include a system disk. Accordingly, the system disk is automatically selected and cannot be excluded from the new VM. |
NOTE: If Toast alerts are enabled, you can open the Monitor Active Task dialog box to view the progress. Alternatively, you can monitor the progress of the deployment by viewing tasks on the Events page. |
Once the deployment completes, in your Azure account, you can see the new VM in Azure's Virtual machines view.
Caution: Once the VM is available, you are also paying fees. To avoid ongoing charges from Microsoft, delete the deployed VM when it is not needed. You can always deploy a VM from the latest set of virtual export files by repeating this procedure. |
If your Core has continual export set up, the configuration parameters for each virtual export appear as a row on the Virtual Standby page. From here you can view the status of established continual exports, and manage your virtual standby machines. You can add a virtual standby, force export, pause or resume virtual standby, or remove the requirements for continual export from your Core Console.
When a one-time export takes place, the job is listed in the export queue on the Virtual Standby page. During this time, you can pause, resume, or cancel the one-time export operation.
Virtual export to a virtual standby VM does not occur if the VM is powered on.
Complete the steps in this procedure to manage virtual exports.
Column | Description | ||
Select item |
For each row in the summary table, you can select the check box to perform actions from the list of menu options preceding the table. | ||
Status indicator |
Colored spheres in the Status column show the status of virtual standby. If you hover the cursor over the colored circle, the status condition is displayed.
| ||
Machine Name | The name of the source machine. | ||
VM Status | This column shows for each virtual standby definition whether continual export has been initiated. | ||
Destination | The virtual machine and path to which data is being exported. | ||
Export Type | This column shows the type of virtual machine platform for the export, such as vCenter/ESXi, VMware Workstation, Hyper-V, VirtualBox, or Azure. | ||
Hypervisor Status | This column displays the availability of the hypervisor host. | ||
Last Export | This column shows the date and time of the last export.
If an export has just been added but has not completed, a message displays stating the export has not yet been performed. If an export has failed or was canceled, a corresponding message also displays. | ||
Settings | The
Column | Description |
Select item |
For each row in the summary table, you can select the check box to perform actions from the list of menu options preceding the table. These options include:
Status indicator | Shows as a percentage the status of the current export. When no one-time exports are queued, this column has no value. |
Machine Name | The name of the source machine. |
Destination | The virtual machine and path to which data is being exported. |
Export Type | This column shows the type of virtual machine platform for the export, such as vCenter/ESXi, VMware, Hyper-V, VirtualBox, or Azure. |
Schedule Type | Click on |
This section describes how to restore data from recovery points saved to your repository using Rapid Recovery Core.
Topics include:
The Rapid Recovery Core can instantly restore data or recover machines to physical or virtual machines from recovery points. The recovery points contain agent volume snapshots captured at the block level. These snapshots are application aware, meaning that all open transactions and rolling transaction logs are completed and caches are flushed to disk before creating the snapshot. Using application-aware snapshots in tandem with Verified Recovery enables the Core to perform several types of recoveries, including:
NOTE: When you restore data or perform virtual export, the recovery point used must be part of a complete recovery point chain. For more information about recovery point chains, see the topic Recovery point chains and orphans. |
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