Issue Commands for Clustered Systems
To issue sp_ctrl commands on clustered systems, use the name set with the SP_SYS_HOST_NAME parameter as the host in the [on host] options when connecting from a remote system, or set it as the default for sp_ctrl by using the host command. For more information about configuring SharePlex within a cluster, see the SharePlex Installation and Setup Guide.
Scrolling might be necessary to view the entire output of certain sp_ctrl commands. If your Command Prompt window does not have a scroll bar, you can change the window properties to produce one.
- Click the Command Prompt icon at the top left corner of the console, then select Properties from the menu.
In the Command Prompt Properties dialog box, click the Layout tab.
In the Screen Buffer Size option box, increase the Height value until it produces a scroll bar in the Command Prompt window.
- Click OK to apply the settings.
In the Apply Properties To Shortcut dialog box, select one of the options, either to apply the new properties to the current command session or to apply them as the new default for all sessions.
- Click OK to close the dialog box.
Set SharePlex Parameters for Oracle
SharePlex parameters control and tune various aspects of replication.
View and Set Parameters
A SharePlex Administrator (defined as a member of the SharePlex Admin group) can change parameters that are designated as user-configurable and is the only user authorized to do so.
View parameters
Use the list param command in sp_ctrl to view user-configurable SharePlex parameters. It displays parameter names, current settings, default values (if the parameter has been changed), and set-at points. The set-at point indicates when changes to a parameter will take effect. Possible set-at points are:
- Live means a change takes effect immediately.
- Restart Process means a change takes effect after the affected SharePlex process is restarted.
- Restart Cop means a change takes effect after sp_cop is restarted.
Additional options are available for viewing:
- All SharePlex parameters.
- Only parameters whose values have changed.
- Parameters relating to a specific SharePlex module.
To view descriptions of the SharePlex parameters, see theSharePlex Reference Guide.
Set parameters
Parameters can be set in the following ways:
With the set param command through the sp_ctrl interface. This is the preferred method because the new value remains intact no matter how many times replication stops and starts. The syntax is:
set param parameter_name value
- As environment variables on Unix and Linux systems prior to starting sp_cop. The new value remains in effect only for that session of sp_cop.
Parameters for the Capture, Read, Export, Import, and Post processes can be set on a per-process basis when there are multiple instances of a process for an instance of SharePlex.
Set SharePlex parameters through sp_ctrl
The recommended way to change a SharePlex parameter is to use the set param command in sp_ctrl.
To restore a parameter’s setting to its default value, use the reset param command.
To view descriptions of the SharePlex commands, see theSharePlex Reference Guide.
Set SharePlex parameters as environment variables
On Unix and Linux, a SharePlex parameter can be set as an environment variable. The environment variable overrides the setting in the param-defaults files, but only for the session of sp_cop for which it was set. If you shut down sp_cop and restart it without resetting the environment variable, SharePlex uses the default setting in the param-defaults file.
NOTE: On Windows systems, SharePlex environment variables must be set through the Windows Registry.
To set a SharePlex parameter as an environment variable on Unix and Linux systems, use one of the following commands. Set the environment variable before starting sp_cop or, if sp_cop is running, restart sp_cop for the new setting to take effect.
ksh shell:
$ export parameter_name=value
csh shell:
$ setenv parameter_name value
Because of the temporary nature of environment variables, avoid using them if possible; instead make your changes with the set param command. When you rely on environment variables, especially when there are multiple users of SharePlex, you incur the risk of someone forgetting to set them (or using an incorrect value) when they restart sp_cop. That can have a significant, negative impact on replication and can result in the need to resynchronize the data.