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지원 담당자와 채팅

SharePlex 12.0 - Installation and Setup Guide

About this Guide Conventions used in this guide Installing and Setting up SharePlex on Oracle Source Database
SharePlex Pre-installation Checklist for Oracle Download the SharePlex installer Install SharePlex on Linux and UNIX Set up an Oracle environment for replication Set up replication from Oracle to a different target type Installation and Setup for Cloud-Hosted Databases for Oracle Installation and setup for remote capture Installation and setup for HA cluster Generic SharePlex demonstration for Oracle Advanced SharePlex demonstrations for Oracle Database Setup Utilities Solve Installation Problems for Oracle
Installing and Setting up SharePlex on a PostgreSQL Database as Source and Service
SharePlex Pre-installation Checklist for PostgreSQL Download the SharePlex installer for PostgreSQL Install SharePlex on Linux for PostgreSQL as a Source Set up Replication from PostgreSQL to Supported Target Types Installation and Setup for Cloud-Hosted Databases for PostgreSQL Installation and Setup for Remote Capture for PostgreSQL Install SharePlex on PostgreSQL High Availability Cluster Configure SharePlex on PostgreSQL Azure Flexible Server with High Availability Using Logical Replication Generic SharePlex Demonstration for PostgreSQL Advanced SharePlex Demonstrations for PostgreSQL Database Setup for PostgreSQL Database Setup for PGDB as a Service Installation of pg_hint_plan extension Solve Installation Problems for PostgreSQL
Installing SharePlex on a Docker container Assign SharePlex users to security groups Solve Installation Problems Uninstall SharePlex Advanced installer options Install SharePlex as root SharePlex installed items

About this Guide

This manual provides instructions for installing and setting up SharePlex on an Oracle and PostgreSQL database(s) as a source and all the supported target types.

This manual also contains some demonstration tutorials that show how certain features of SharePlex work.

Other SharePlex documentation

For the complete SharePlex documentation set, go to https://support.quest.com/shareplex/technical-documents.

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Conventions used in this guide

Conventions used in this manual

The following typographic conventions are used in this guide:

  • Bold represents required components of a command or option that must be typed as shown.
  • Italics represent variables defined, named or entered by the user.
  • {Braces} enclose required arguments.
  • [Brackets] represent optional command components and may also be used in example command strings to emphasize required user defined variables in long strings.


    reconcile queue {queuename} for {datasource-datadest} [on host]

  • A vertical bar, or “pipe” character, ( | ) within brackets or braces indicates that you can use only one of the enclosed components.


    abort service {service | all}

Names of commands, programs, directories and files are expressed in Bold.

Other names are expressed in capital letters using the default font.


The sp_ctrl program is located in the bin directory.

Open the oramsglst file.

Find the value for ORACLE_HOME.

Click Apply.

System displays, such as prompts and command output, are expressed in a monofaced (fixed-space) font.



User is a viewer (level=3)

Windows menu items, dialog boxes, and options within dialog boxes are expressed in Bold.


From the File menu, select Print.

System names are expressed generically or fictitiously. When necessary, the source system (or primary system) is referred to as SysA. Target systems (or secondary systems) are referred to as SysB, SysC, SysD, and so forth.

Installing and Setting up SharePlex on Oracle Source Database

The following installation and setup configurations apply to the Oracle source database.


This chapter reviews some common problems that you could experience when installing or running SharePlex for the first time after installation.

Sometimes there are special installation instructions that supersede or supplement certain instructions in this manual. In addition, there can be known issues for this version that you should be aware of during or after installation. Please read the Release Notes for the version of SharePlex that you are installing before you begin the installation process.


SharePlex Pre-installation Checklist for Oracle


Review and satisfy all of the requirements in this checklist before installing SharePlex.

Note: The requirements in this checklist apply to all source and target systems where SharePlex will be installed unless otherwise noted.

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