The following instructions show you how to build a routing map based on where you want to send the source data. A routing map sends replicated data to the correct target on the correct target system, or systems.
For details about the components of these configurations, see:
Database Specifications in a Configuration File
Target Specifications in a Configuration File
Routing to one target
A simple routing map sends replicated data from one source object to one target object.
datasource_specification |
src_owner.table |
tgt_owner.table2 |
host2[@database_specification] |
src_owner.table |
tgt_owner.table3 |
host3[@database_specification] |
Routing to a cloud service
There are special routing requirements for database targets that are hosted by a cloud service such as EC2 and RDS on Amazon AWS, Azure SQL in Microsoft Azure, Google Cloud SQL for PostgreSQL, and Compute Virtual Machines in Oracle Cloud Infrastructure. Whether the service is Infrastructure as a Service (IaaS) or Platform as a Service (PaaS) makes a difference in how you install and configure SharePlex. The following explains these requirements.
IaaS targets
If replicating to a database target hosted in an IaaS cloud service, specify the full endpoint URL as the target host in the routing map.
datasource_specification |
src_owner.table |
tgt_owner.table2 |
endpointURL@database_specification |
src_owner.table |
tgt_owner.table3 |
endpointURL@database_specification |
For example, the following routing map routes to a cloud database on Amazon EC2:
Alternately, you can map the private IP address of the cloud service to a short name in the local hosts file, and then specify that name as the host in the routing map, for example:
PaaS targets
If replicating to a database target hosted in a PaaS cloud service, there are special installation, setup, and routing requirements. Because SharePlex cannot be installed directly on a PaaS cloud server, you must install SharePlex on either the source server or an intermediary server, from which Post connects to the target cloud database. For more information, see Installation and setup for cloud-hosted databases in the SharePlex Installation and Setup Guide.
Routing to multiple targets
A compound routing map sends replicated data from one source object to multiple target objects. It enables you to specify the source and target objects once for all routes, rather than type a separate configuration entry for each route. Only one target specification can be used in a compound routing map, so all of the target objects must be identical as follows:
datasource_specification |
src_owner.table |
tgt_owner.table |
host1[@database_specification]+host2[@database_specification][...] |
Routing between objects on the same system
You can replicate between the following:
- For Oracle, you can replicate between objects that are in the same database or in different databases on the same system. You can replicate between objects that have the same name, so long as their owners are different.
When SharePlex replicates between objects on the same system, it does not create Import and Export processes. You can force SharePlex to create Import and Export processes by using the following routing map. If you do not need the Import or Export processes, omit the host* portion of the routing map.
Configuration with replication to objects in the same or different database on the same system
datasource_specification |
src_owner.table |
tgt_owner.table |
host*host[@database_specification] |
Routing limitations
- By default, SharePlex supports replication to a maximum of 19 direct target systems. That is the maximum number of processes that can read the export queue. To replicate to more than 19 targets, use named export queues. With each additional queue that you add, you can replicate to 19 additional targets. For more information, see Configure Named Export Queues.
- Each instance of sp_cop on a system permits a maximum of 1024 different routes. This limitation includes each route that uses a different named post queue (see Configure Named Post Queues.) If your replication strategy requires more than 1024 routes, consider using one or more intermediary systems to divide the routes among multiple sp_cop instances. For more information, see Configure Replication to Share or Distribute Data.
- By default, each sp_cop instance allows a total of 25 queues on a system. There will always be one capture queue on a source system and one post queue on a target. Therefore, you can have as many as 24 named export queues on a source system and 24 named post queues on a target system. If a system serves as both a source and target, you will have both a capture queue and a post queue. That allows you to create up to 23 named queues of either type (or a mix of both). If system memory permits, you can change the number of allowed queues by setting the SP_QUE_MAX_QUEUES parameter. See the SharePlex Reference Guide for more information about this parameter.
Configuration Examples by Data Source and Target
These are examples of basic configuration files according to each possible datasource type and target type.
Replicate from a regular Oracle instance to a regular Oracle instance
This configuration applies to on-premises and IaaS cloud deployments. See the System Requirements in the SharePlex Installation and Setup Guide for supported database versions and platforms.
Datasource:o.SID |
src_owner.table |
tgt_owner.table |
host@o.SID |
The following example replicates table SCOTT.EMP from Oracle instance oraA to target table SCOTT.EMP2 in Oracle instance oraB on target system sysprod.
SCOTT.EMP SCOTT.EMP2 sysprod@o.oraB
Replicate from Oracle to target Oracle in PaaS Cloud
To replicate from an on-premises or IaaS-based Oracle source to a target Oracle database hosted in a PaaS cloud, the SharePlex target components (Import and Post) must run on the source server or on an intermediary server. Post connects through a remote connection using a TNS alias. To set up this topology, see Installation and setup for cloud-hosted databases in the SharePlex Installation and Setup Guide.
Datasource:o.SID |
src_owner.table |
tgt_owner.table |
source_or_intermediary_host@o.SID |
The following example replicates table SCOTT.EMP from Oracle instance oraA to target table SCOTT.EMP2 in the PaaS cloud Oracle instance oraB. Post runs on intermediary target system sysprod2.
SCOTT.EMP SCOTT.EMP2 sysprod2@o.oraB
Replicate from a regular Oracle instance to an open target database
This configuration applies to on-premises and IaaS cloud deployments. See the System Requirements in the SharePlex Installation and Setup Guide for supported database versions and platforms.
Datasource:o.SID |
src_owner.table |
tgt_owner.table |
host@r.database_name |
The following example replicates table SCOTT.EMP from Oracle instance oraA to target table Scott2.Emp2 in Open Target database mydb on target system sys2. The target table is case-sensitive.
SCOTT.EMP "Scott2"."Emp2" sys2@r.mydb
Replicate from a regular Oracle instance to a file in XML or SQL format
Datasource:o.SID |
src_owner.table |
!file |
host |
The following example replicates table SCOTT.EMP from Oracle instance oraA to a file on target system sysprod.
SCOTT.EMP !file sysprod
Replicate from a regular Oracle instance to a JMS queue or topic
Datasource:o.SID |
src_owner.table |
!jms |
host |
The following example replicates table SCOTT.EMP from Oracle instance oraA to a JMS queue on target system sysprod.
SCOTT.EMP !jms sysprod
Replicate from a regular Oracle instance to a Kafka topic
Datasource:o.SID |
src_owner.table |
!kafka |
host |
The following example replicates table SCOTT.EMP from Oracle instance oraA to a Kafka topic using SharePlex target system sysprod.
SCOTT.EMP !kafka sysprod
Replicate from a regular Oracle instance to multiple instances of Kafka using single SharePlex instance
Datasource:o.SID |
src_owner.src_table |
target_owner.target_table |
source_host:export_queue*target_host:post1_queue@x.kafka |
src_owner.src_table |
target_owner.target_table |
source_host:export_queue*target_host:post2_queue@x.kafka |
Datasource:o.SID |
src_owner.src_table |
target_owner.target_table |
source_host:export_queue*target_host:post1_queue@x.kafka + source_host:export_queue*target_host:post2_queue@x.kafka |
The following example replicates table SCOTT.EMP from Oracle instance oraA to multiple Kafka instances using single SharePlex target system sysprod2.
Datasource:o.oraA |
sysprod:EXP_Q*sysprod2:POST_Q1@x.kafka |
sysprod:EXP_Q*sysprod2:POST_Q2@x.kafka |
Datasource:o.oraA |
sysprod:EXP_Q*sysprod2:POST_Q1@x.kafka+sysprod:EXP_Q*sysprod2:POST_Q2@x.kafka |
Target configurations on sysprod2:
Configure the Kafka target with the following parameters to post data to multiple instances of Kafka using single SharePlex instance:
sp_ctrl target x.kafka POST_Q1 set kafka broker= host1:9092,host2:9092,host3:9092
sp_ctrl target x.kafka POST_Q2 set kafka broker= host4:9092,host5:9092,host6:9092
Note: Hosts 1, 2, and 3 are part of the first Kafka instance, while hosts 4, 5, and 6 are part of the second Kafka instance.
Replicate from Oracle to Kafka using SSL encryption
This configuration is applicable for the Kafka target.
Configure the Kafka target with the following parameters to post data onto Kafka before starting the replication with SSL encryption:
- sp_ctrl target x.kafka set kafka broker = <kafka-server-hostname>:<Kafka-server-port>
- sp_ctrl target x.kafka set kafka security.protocol = SSL
- sp_ctrl target x.kafka set kafka = <ca-cert-file-path>
- sp_ctrl target x.kafka set kafka ssl.certificate.location = <.pem-file-path>
- sp_ctrl target x.kafka set kafka ssl.key.location = <ssl-key-file-path>
- sp_ctrl target x.kafka set kafka ssl.key.password = <key-password>
- sp_ctrl target x.kafka set kafka sasl.mechanisms = PLAIN
- sp_ctrl target x.kafka set kafka api.version.request = true
All the values in the <> need to be replaced with actual parameters from the Kafka producer.
Before setting the target Kafka replication parameters, you need to first stop Poster, set the parameters, and then start the Poster. |
This configuration applies to on-premises and IaaS cloud deployments. See the System Requirements in the SharePlex Installation and Setup Guide for supported database versions and platforms.
Datasource:o.SID |
src_owner.table |
!kafka |
host |
The following example replicates table SCOTT.EMP from Oracle instance oraA to the Kafka server using SharePlex target system sysprod
SCOTT.EMP !kafka sysprod
Replicate from Oracle to Kafka using SASL authentication
This configuration is applicable for the Kafka target.
Configure the Kafka target with the following parameters to post data onto Kafka before starting the replication with SASL authentication.
All the values in the <> need to be replaced with actual parameters from the Kafka producer.
Before setting the target Kafka replication parameters, you need to first stop Poster, set the parameters, and then start the Poster. |
This configuration applies to on-premises and IaaS cloud deployments. See the System Requirements in the SharePlex Installation and Setup Guide for supported database versions and platforms.
Datasource:o.SID |
src_owner.table |
!kafka |
host |
NOTE: The "Host" value should be the IP address or hostname of the Kafka server (target). Make sure the Kafka server entry is updated in the /etc/hosts file.
The following example replicates table SCOTT.EMP from Oracle instance oraA to the Kafka server using SharePlex target system sysprod.
SCOTT.EMP !kafka sysprod
Replicate from Oracle to Kafka using Kerberos authentication
This configuration is applicable for the Kafka target.
Configure the Kafka target with the following parameters to post data onto Kafka before starting the replication with kerberos authentication
- sp_ctrl target x.kafka set kafka sasl.kerberos.keytab = <kerberos-keytab-file>
- sp_ctrl target x.kafka set kafka sasl.kerberos.kinit.cmd = <kerberos-kinit-cmd>
Note: The {} property is no longer supported for the sp_ctrl target x.kafka set kafka sasl.kerberos.kinit.cmd = <kerberos-kinit-cmd> parameter.
All the values in the <> need to be replaced with actual parameters from the Kafka producer.
Before setting the target Kafka replication parameters, you need to first stop Poster, set the parameters, and then start the Poster. |
This configuration applies to on-premises and IaaS cloud deployments. See the System Requirements in the SharePlex Installation and Setup Guide for supported database versions and platforms.
Datasource:o.SID |
src_owner.table |
!kafka |
host |
NOTE: The "Host" value should be the hostname of the Kafka server (target). Make sure the Kafka server entry is updated in the /etc/hosts file.
The following example replicates table SCOTT.EMP from Oracle instance oraA to the Kafka server using SharePlex target system sysprod
SCOTT.EMP !kafka sysprod
Replicate from Oracle to Kafka using mTLS authentication
This configuration is applicable for the Kafka target.
Note: Before setting the target Kafka replication parameters, you need to first stop Poster, set the parameters, and then start the Poster.
This configuration applies to on-premises and IaaS cloud deployments. See the System Requirements in the SharePlex Installation and Setup Guide for supported database versions and platforms.
Datasource:o.SID |
src_owner.table |
!kafka |
host |
The following example replicates table SCOTT.EMP from Oracle instance oraA to the Kafka server using SharePlex target system sysprod
SCOTT.EMP !kafka sysprod
Replicate data from Oracle to Azure Event Hubs
These configurations need to be done for replicating data from source to Azure Event Hubs. SharePlex for Kafka is used to communicate with Azure Event Hubs through the Kafka Event Hubs connectors.
Configure the SharePlex source machine with the following Kafka parameters to post data onto Azure Event Hubs before starting the replication.
- sp_ctrl Target x.kafka set kafka api.version.request = true
- sp_ctrl target x.kafka set kafka broker = <Azure Event Hubs namespace>:<Kafka-server-port>
- sp_ctrl Target x.kafka set kafka sasl.mechanisms = PLAIN
- sp_ctrl Target x.kafka set kafka sasl.username = $ConnectionString
- sp_ctrl Target x.kafka set kafka sasl.password =<Primary key generated in Event Hubs namespace>
- sp_ctrl Target x.kafka set kafka security.protocol = SASL_SSL
- sp_ctrl Target x.kafka set kafka topic = <Kafka Event Hubs topic generated inside Event Hubs namespace>
All the values in the <> need to be replaced with actual parameters from Azure Event Hubs.
Before setting the target Kafka replication parameters, you need to first stop Poster, set the parameters, and then restart the Poster. |
This configuration applies to on-premises and IaaS cloud deployments. See the System Requirements in the SharePlex Installation and Setup Guide for supported database versions and platforms.
Datasource:o.SID |
src_owner.table |
!kafka |
src_hostname |
The following example replicates table SCOTT.EMP from Oracle instance oraA to the Azure Event Hub using SharePlex target system sysprod.
SCOTT.EMP !kafka sysprod
Replicate data from Oracle to SQL Server
This configuration applies to on-premises and IaaS cloud deployments. See the System Requirements in the SharePlex Installation and Setup Guide for supported database versions and platforms.
Datasource:o.SID |
src_owner.table |
dst_owner.table |
dst_hostname |
The following example replicates table SCOTT.EMP from Oracle instance oraA to the MS SQL Server on host sysprod
SCOTT.EMP SCOTT.EMP sysprod@r.sp_ss
Replicate Data from Oracle to Azure SQL database
This configuration applies to on-premises and IaaS cloud deployments. See the System Requirements in the SharePlex Installation and Setup Guide for supported database versions and platforms.
Datasource:o.SID |
src_owner.table |
dst_owner.table |
dst_hostname |
The following example replicates table SCOTT.EMP from Oracle instance oraA to the Azure SQL database on host sysprod
SCOTT.EMP SCOTT.EMP sysprod@r.azuresqldb
Replicate data from Oracle to PostgreSQL database
This configuration applies to on-premises and IaaS cloud deployments. See the System Requirements in the SharePlex Installation and Setup Guide for supported database versions and platforms.
Datasource:o.SID |
src_owner.table |
dst_owner.table |
dst_hostname |
The following example replicates table SCOTT.EMP from Oracle instance oraA to PostgreSQL target server on host sysprod:
SCOTT.EMP SCOTT.EMP sysprod@r.sp_ss
Replicate data from Oracle to MariaDB
This configuration applies to on-premises and IaaS cloud deployments. See the System Requirements in the SharePlex Installation and Setup Guide for supported database versions and platforms.
Datasource:o.SID |
src_owner.table |
dst_owner.table |
dst_hostname |
The following example replicates table SCOTT.EMP from Oracle instance oraA to MariaDB target server on host sysprod:
SCOTT.EMP SCOTT.EMP sysprod@r.sp_ss
Replicate data from Oracle to MySQL database
This configuration applies to on-premises and IaaS cloud deployments. See the System Requirements in the SharePlex Installation and Setup Guide for supported database versions and platforms.
Datasource:o.SID |
src_owner.table |
dst_owner.table |
dst_hostname |
The following example replicates table SCOTT.EMP from Oracle instance oraA to MySQL target server on host sysprod:
SCOTT.EMP SCOTT.EMP sysprod@r.sp_ss
Replicate from and to an Oracle pluggable database (PDB) in a container database (CDB)*
This configuration applies to on-premises and IaaS cloud deployments. See the System Requirements in the SharePlex Installation and Setup Guide for supported database versions and platforms.
Datasource:o.PDBalias |
src_owner.table |
tgt_owner.table |
host@o.PDBalias |
This example replicates table SCOTT.EMP from an Oracle PDB that uses the TNS alias of aliasA to target table SCOTT.EMP in an Oracle PDB that uses the TNS alias of aliasB on target system sysprod.
SSCOTT.EMP SCOTT.EMP sysprod@o.aliasB
* You can also replicate data from an Oracle PDB to any other supported target. For more information, see Configure Capture and Delivery.
Replicate to maintain a change history target
This configuration applies to on-premises and IaaS cloud deployments. See the System Requirements in the SharePlex Installation and Setup Guide for supported database versions and platforms.
Datasource: o.SID |
src_owner.table |
!cdc:tgt_owner.table |
host@c.SID |
The following example replicates table SCOTT.EMP from Oracle instance oraA to change-history target table SCOTT.EMP2 in Oracle instance oraB on target system sysprod.
SCOTT.EMP !cdc:SCOTT.EMP2 sysprod@c.oraB
For more information, see Configure Replication to a Change History Target.
Replicate data from Oracle to Oracle using Extended Data Types
These configurations need to be done for replicating data from Oracle to Oracle using extended data types.
Your Oracle database should be supporting the Extended Data Type.
SharePlex does not replicate data with Extended Data Type when target type is SQL, JMS, File, or Kafka.
This configuration applies to on-premises and IaaS cloud deployments. See the System Requirements in the SharePlex Installation and Setup Guide for supported database versions and platforms.
Datasource:o.SID |
src_owner.table |
tgt_owner.table |
host@o.SID |
The following example replicates table SCOTT.EMP from Oracle instance oraA to target table SCOTT.EMP2 in Oracle instance oraB on target system sysprod.
SCOTT.EMP SCOTT.EMP2 sysprod@o.oraB
Replicate data from Oracle to Snowflake
This configuration applies to on-premises and IaaS cloud deployments. See the System Requirements in the SharePlex Installation and Setup Guide for supported database versions and platforms.
Datasource:o.SID |
src_schema.table |
dst_schema.table |
dst_hostname |
The following example replicates table scott.emp from Oracle instance oraA to the Snowflake on host sysprod
"scott"."emp" "SCOTT"."EMP" sysprod@r.dbname
Replicate data from PostgreSQL to PostgreSQL database
This configuration applies to on-premises and IaaS cloud deployments. See the System Requirements in the SharePlex Installation and Setup Guide for supported database versions and platforms.
Datasource:r.dbname |
src_schema.table |
dst_schema.table |
dst_hostname |
The following example replicates table SCOTT.EMP from a PostgreSQL instance dbnameA to a PostgreSQL target server on host hostB:
scott.emp scott.emp hostb@r.mydb
Replicate data from PostgreSQL to Oracle database
This configuration applies to on-premises and IaaS cloud deployments. See the System Requirements in the SharePlex Installation and Setup Guide for supported database versions and platforms.
Datasource:r.dbname |
src_schema.table |
dst_owner.table |
dst_hostname |
The following example replicates table SCOTT.EMP from a PostgreSQL instance dbnameA to an Oracle target server on host hostB:
"scott"."emp" "scott"."emp" hostB@o.mydb
Replicate from a PostgreSQL instance to a Kafka topic
Datasource:r.dbname |
src_schema.table |
!kafka |
host |
The following example replicates table SCOTT.EMP from PostgreSQL instance testdbA to a Kafka topic using SharePlex target system targetHost.
scott.emp !kafka targetHost
Replicate data from PostgreSQL to SQL Server
This configuration applies to on-premises and IaaS cloud deployments. See the System Requirements in the SharePlex Installation and Setup Guide for supported database versions and platforms.
Datasource:r.dbname |
src_schema.table |
dst_owner.table |
dst_hostname |
The following example replicates table SCOTT.EMP from PostgreSQL instance testdbA to MS SQL Server on host sysprod
Datasource: r.testdbA
SCOTT.EMP SCOTT.EMP sysprod@r.dbname
Replicate data from PostgreSQL to Snowflake
This configuration applies to on-premises and IaaS cloud deployments. See the System Requirements in the SharePlex Installation and Setup Guide for supported database versions and platforms.
Datasource:r.dbname |
src_schema.table |
dst_schema.table |
dst_hostname |
The following example replicates table scott.emp from PostgreSQL instance testdbA to Snowflake on host sysprod
Datasource: r.testdbA
"scott"."emp" "SCOTT"."EMP" sysprod@r.dbname
You can use wildcard characters to specify multiple objects of a schema in one entry of the configuration file. SharePlex replicates any objects that satisfy the wildcard, except those that you explicitly exclude.
Note: Only object names can be wildcarded. Owner names cannot be wildcarded.
Requirements and limitations of wildcard support
Supported wildcard syntax
SharePlex supports the following SQL wildcards
- Percent (%) wildcard to specify a string. (See the Use Wildcards to Specify Multiple Objects.)
- Underscore (_) wildcard to specify a single-character.
- For table names that contain a percent sign or an underscore character (for example emp_salary), SharePlex recognizes the backslash (\) as an escape character to denote the character as a literal, not a wildcard.
Specify wildcarded names in the configuration file
Use this template for help when specifying a wildcarded name in the configuration file.
Configuration with wildcarded object names
datasource_specification |
expand src_owner.wildcard_name [not (list)] |
tgt_owner.wildcard_name |
routing_map |
Description of syntax elements
expand |
Indicates that the specification contains wildcard characters that must be expanded. When SharePlex detects the expand keyword, it queries the database for all objects that match the criteria in the wildcard specification. Without this required keyword, the wildcard characters are assumed to be part of an explicit object name, and no wildcard expansion is performed.
Note: Leave a space between expand and the start of the source object specification. |
src_owner.wildcard_name |
- src_owner is the owner of the source objects. Owner names cannot be wildcarded. If wildcards are used in the owner name, SharePlex assumes that they are part of the owner (schema) name.
- wildcard_name is the wildcarded name of the source objects.
Oracle: The names of the target objects must be identical to those of the source objects, but the objects may belong to different owners. |
not (list) |
An exclusion list that defines objects to omit from the wildcard expansion. Use this option to exclude objects that you do not want to be replicated.
Note: This not keyword does not have the same meaning as the SQL wildcard NOT operator.
- The not keyword and parentheses are required elements.
- list is a comma-separated list of tables owned by the same owner, either wildcarded or explicit. Example: not (spo%, gen%, product).
Leave a space before and after the not keyword. A space is allowed after each comma in the list.
Note: If an object that satisfies a wildcard is listed elsewhere in the configuration file, that entry overrides the processing or routing specified in the wildcarded entry. In this case, a not clause is not needed. See the Examples. |
tgt_owner.wildcard_name |
- tgt_owner is the owner of the target objects.
- wildcard_name is the wildcarded name of the target objects.
The target specification must be in the form of owner.%. Partially expanded target wildcarded names are not supported, such as |
routing_map |
Any valid routing map. For more information, see Routing Specifications in a Configuration File |
Validate a wildcard specification
To confirm that a wildcard specification will produce the specific list of tables that you want to replicate, issue the verify config command in sp_ctrl before you activate the configuration. This command produces a list of the objects that SharePlex will capture and replicate, as well as any problems that occurred. For more information about this command, see the SharePlex Reference Guide.
Examples of valid wildcard specifications
Example 1: The following wildcard specification directs SharePlex to activate all tables owned by scott, where the table name is like prod% except if the table name is like %temp%. All tables that match this description are replicated to tables of the same names on the target in the hal schema. Note that SharePlex automatically upshifts the names, so that it actually activates all tables where the table name is like 'PROD%' but not like '%TEMP%'.
expand not (%temp%) hal.% sysa@o.sidB
Example 2: The following example shows how you can specify special handling for one of the tables in a wildcarded specification, in this case the photo table. All tables but photo are routed through the default post queue. The separate entry for the photo table overrides the wildcarded entry and processes the photo table through a named post queue. For more information, see Configure Named Post Queues.
cust.% cust.% hostB@o.oraB hostB:lobQ@o.oraB
The following are additional examples of valid wildcard specifications
expand scott.%test% scott.% sysa@o.sidB
expand scott.%t__t% fred.% sysa@o.sidB
expand scott.% not (spo%, gen%, prodct) scott.% sysa@o.sidB
expand not (%temp%) hal.% sysa@o.sidB
Examples of invalid wildcard specifications
The following example contains a wildcarded schema, which is not permitted.
expand rob%.%test% scott.% sysa@o.sidB
The following example contains a partially wildcarded target object name, which is not permitted.
expand scott.%test% scott.%obj% sysa@o.sidB