March 18, 2025
New Features
Module | Feature | Description |
SharePoint Migration | Sites.Selected permission for securing SPO site collections | You now have more control over the migration of SharePoint Online (SPO) site collections, by ensuring that On Demand Migration for SharePoint has access only to specific SharePoint sites, preventing unnecessary exposure to other sites in the environment. You must configure the Sites.Selected permission which is part of the permissions model for controlling access to specific SharePoint sites or site collections.
This permission can also be used to restrict On Demand Migration for Teams for migrating Teams and M365 Groups within the scope of the specific SharePoint sites that are exposed to the application. |
Module | ID | Description |
SharePoint Migration | 544991 | New list migration option in the New SharePoint Migration Task wizard to allow user to opt in to migrate Enterprise Keywords column values |
SharePoint Migration | 545194 | Improve batch preparation stability when splitting bulk migration batches |
SharePoint Migration | 545704 | Improve stability of the file comparison in compare repair migration task |
Teams & Groups Migration | 546594 | New list migration option in the New Teams Migration Task wizard to allow user to opt in to migrate Enterprise Keywords column values. |
Resolved issues
Module | ID | Description |
OneDrive Migration | 544697 | Auto Rerun is not triggered when we have migration errors in some specific situation, and "All items that were added or modified since the last successful run" is selected. |
OneDrive Migration | 545253 | Migration task stops and reports errors in some rare situations. |
March 17, 2025
New Features
Module | Feature | Description |
Teams & Groups Migration | Remove Migration Service Account | If you have created a temporary Migration Service account for the migration of Teams and Groups, it was added to all source and target teams respectively as members or owners. To remove the account when your migration is done, you can use the Remove Migration Service Account wizard. |
March 12, 2025
Resolved issues
Module | ID | Description |
SharePoint Migration | 546122 | Premigration and comparison reports are not generated with Collect Statistics task. |
March 06, 2025
Module | ID | Description |
Teams & Groups Migration | 538743 | When Chats are discovered, previous chat statistics for 30 days has been increased to cover 180 days:
Power BI Migration | 542648 | You can use the new Continue From Last Discovery option in the New Discover Workspaces Task and the New Discover All Contents Task wizards, to continue the discovery of Power BI objects from the last discovery task if the task did not complete successfully. Selecting this option will help you save discovery time because the task can skip the objects already discovered. |
Power BI Migration | 544446 | Oracle is now a supported On-premise Gateway Connection Type with Basic or Windows authentication. |
Resolved issues
Module | ID | Description |
SharePoint Migration | 543311 | Log a warning when webpart has Azure CDN links that can’t be parsed for url remapping. |
SharePoint Migration | 543683 | List with lookup columns fails to migrate in a subsite when source is a root site that was mapped to a managed path site. |
SharePoint Migration | 543699 | Site Logo URL path is not being migrated correctly when source is a root site that was mapped to a managed path site. |
SharePoint Migration | 545121 | Site Admins are not migrated if site was remapped using "Map Site" task. |
March 04, 2025
Resolved issues
Module | ID | Description |
Mail Migration | 538994 | Mailbox Collect Statistics task fails, when an account does not have a Recoverable Items folder. |
March 03, 2025
New Features
Module | Feature | Description |
Public Folder Migration | Public Folder Provisioning | The New Public Folder Provision Task wizard is now available. The provisioning task helps you with the following premigration preparations: Provisioning public folders in the target tenant, and resolve naming conflicts. |
Module | ID | Description |
Public Folder Migration | 543692 | The Options step of the New Public Folder Migration Task wizard has been streamlined. Some options have been moved to the New Public Folder ProvisionTask. |
February 26, 2025
Deprecated Features
Module | ID | Description |
Teams & Groups Migration | 529825 | The Migration Service Accounts step in the Edit Project wizard for Teams displays the current source and target tenant names along with the username that has granted consents to the tenant. |
Resolved issues
Module | ID | Description |
Account Migration | 542687 | Private chat migration fails when using additional license |
Account Migration | 540813 | Mailbox reset removes items only from Primary when both Primary and Archive mailbox are selected. |
OneDrive Migration | 542318 | Update rerun condition when download fails. |
SharePoint Migration | 542860 | External Sharing settings on site are not updated if setting site owner fails. |
February 21, 2025
New Features
Module | Feature | Description |
Power BI Migration | Refreshing Permissions | As part of the preparation for migration of Power BI objects, you can now refresh the permissions of discovered Workspace and Connection objects. This new task ensures that service principal permissions for Workspaces and Connections in the source tenant are refreshed and fully updated. |
February 19, 2025
New Features
Module | Feature | Description |
Power BI Migration | Validating Workspace Access | You can now validate Power BI Workspaces before migration. The validation checks whether the workspaces selected for validation are secured by the Microsoft Entra security group specified in validation options, and the access level is set to Administrator. |
Module | ID | Description |
Power BI Migration | 531210 | The Skip rebind option in the Migration Options step of the New Migrate Workspaces Task wizard, lets you prevent Power BI from retaining the data source connection for reports during migration. |
February 18, 2025
New Features
Module | Feature | Description |
Mail Migration | Role Based Access Control for Exchange Online | You now have more control over the migration of your mailbox contents by restricting access to specific mailboxes within your tenant, while allowing access to others. This resource-scoped access control method uses Role-Based Access Control (RBAC) for applications in Exchange Online. Exchange Online RBAC permissions must be configured in the tenant for Exchange Web Services (EWS) to ensure that Quest On Demand Migration for Mailboxes is permitted to migrate mailbox data for specific users within the RBAC scope. |
February 13, 2025
New Features
Module | Feature | Description |
Power BI Migration | Resetting Workspaces | If you delete a workspace in the target environment to recreate, rename, or simply start over again, the Reset Workspace action can reset the source workspace to the discovered state. This action removes mappings and all other dependencies to the target workspace. |
February 11, 2025
Module | ID | Description |
Teams & Groups Migration | 529825 | The Migration Service Accounts step in the Edit Project wizard for Teams displays the current source and target tenant names along with the username that has granted consents to the tenant. |
Resolved issues
Module | ID | Description |
SharePoint Migration | 539581 | Home.aspx does not migrate with conflict resolution mode "Skip if target files is newer" |
SharePoint Migration | 539921 | ODM SharePoint Reports are not being displayed within collections |
SharePoint Migration | 539391 | SharePoint Alerts for Home.aspx are not migrating to the target |
February 05, 2025
Resolved issues
Module | ID | Description |
General Migration | 535908 | Removed PowerShell concurrent connections setting from Configure Connections. |
Account Migration | 531667 | Improved the discovery task for big tenants. |
SharePoint Migration | 538830 | Permissions groups may not be mapped correctly between renamed sites if more than one associated groups are assigned to the same permission group. |
SharePoint Migration | 539221 | Multi-geo region mapping for SharePoint site migrations initiated from ODM Teams failed for organizations with the V2 Vanity Admin URL feature flag. |
January 22, 2025
Module | ID | Description |
SharePoint Migration | 469379 | Click More > Remove from the SharePoint Contents tab to start the Remove SharePoint Objects wizard which removes selected objects from the migration list. The Remove command replaces the Delete command. |
SharePoint Migration | 490341 | The option Discover new webs and lists for migration in the Migration Scope step of the New SharePoint Migration Task wizard lets you refresh or ignore the child webs or lists of the sites selected for migration. |
SharePoint Migration | 514378 | Event counts for Site objects are available in the SharePoint Object Details pane |
Resolved issues
Module | ID | Description |
Account Migration | 534820 | Account matching does not use the domain prefix portion when mail attribute is used. |
January 15, 2025
Resolved issues
Module | ID | Description |
SharePoint Migration | 533827 | List fails to provision due to permission for unexpected member type. |
SharePoint Migration | 533848 | Improve warning message when migrating SharePoint site with Mail-Enabled Security Group as 'Default Target User'. |
January 07, 2025
Resolved issues
Module | ID | Description |
SharePoint Migration | 531795 | The background images of the links inside "Hero" and "Banner" web parts are not getting preserved if the background image of the link is configured as "Automatic" or "Web Search". |
SharePoint Migration | 532293 | The links in web parts are not getting link corrected if migrating to a mapped site that has "-" in the path. |
SharePoint Migration | 533318 | The AuthorByLine in the title area of the page is not mapped properly. |
December 10, 2024
Module | ID | Description |
General Migration | 509262 |
Basic - Minimal - This new On Demand Migration consent can be used for the source tenant in account migrations. It cannot be used for the target tenant. This is the minimal consent required to allow On Demand Migration to access Entra ID and Exchange Online to read user and group information from the source tenant. Basic - Full - This new On Demand Migration consent is required for the target tenant to perform account migrations, but it can also be used for the source tenant. This consent allows On Demand Migration access to Entra ID and Exchange Online to read user and group information from the source tenant and to write the information to the target tenant. Basic - This is now a legacy consent. |
Account Migration | 501988 | Added option to filter the "Reserved" licenses under "ODM Licensed" filter dropdown. |
Mail Migration | 509262 | Mailbox - Minimal -This new On Demand Migration consent should be used for the source tenant only. This is the minimal consent required to read Entra ID and Teams content from the source tenants.
Mailbox - Full - This new On Demand Migration consent can be used for the source and target tenants. This consent is required to read and write Entra ID and Teams content from the source to the target tenant. Mailbox Migration - This is now a legacy consent. |
OneDrive Migration | 509262 | OneDrive - Minimal - This new On Demand Migration consent can be used for the source tenant in OneDrive migrations. It cannot be used for the target tenant. This is the minimal consent required to allow On Demand Migration to access Entra ID and SharePoint Online, to read OneDrive content from the source tenant.
OneDrive - Full - This new On Demand Migration consent is required for the target tenant in OneDrive migrations, but it can also be used for the source tenant. The consent allows On Demand Migration to access Entra ID and SharePoint Online, to read OneDrive content from the source tenant, and write the content to the target tenant. |
Resolved issues
Module | ID | Description |
Account Migration | 529816 | "Target Name" column name in the Edit columns dropdown displaying invalid characters. |
Mail Migration | 530674 | Updated the field label from “Deleted” to “Deleted Items” in the New Mail Migration Task wizard. |
OneDrive Migration | 530493 | Negative numbers displayed for Total Size in UI. |
SharePoint Migration | 531373 | SharePoint logo is not loading in the target site application pages after migration. |
SharePoint Migration | 520506 | Improved preparation of managed metadata column data. |
December 05, 2024
New Features
Module | Feature | Description |
Power BI Migration | Provisioning Workspaces | The new task for provisioning Power BI workspaces helps you with the following premigration preparations:
November 27, 2024
Resolved issues
Module | ID | Description |
General Migration | 522167 | Pay As You Go licenses could not be combined with PrePaid license. |
SharePoint Migration | 526663 | Export task fails if the download link for a selected error report has expired. |
SharePoint Migration | 528699 | Tasks fail to start for older projects due to data type mismatch in project properties. |
Teams & Groups Migration | 448754 | Task operations fail when EWS MaxConcurrency limit is exceeded. |
November 26, 2024
Module | ID | Description |
Teams & Groups Migration | 526152 | You can now specify a custom folder for archiving HTML chat files in the Edit Project wizard that starts when you click Configure Project in the Teams migration workspace. |
November 21, 2024
Module | ID | Description |
General Migration | 361582 |
The new Collections column in the following list views indicates the most recent collection where the object is added and the number of additional collections that also contain this object. If you add an object to more than one collection, the corresponding object detail pane displays the list of collections that contain the object.
Resolved issues
Module | ID | Description |
Account Migration | 518494 | Matching task using Immutable ID throws error The given key 'immutableId' was not present in the dictionary. |