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MessageStats 7.8.1 - Reports User Guide

Upgrading MessageStats Overview Typical MessageStats Upgrade Scenarios Moving the MessageStats Database Moving and Upgrading MessageStats Moving Custom Reports and Report Subscriptions Viewing, Creating, and Editing MessageStats Reports My Reports and Corporate Reports Exchange Executive Summaries Reports Exchange Organizations Reports Exchange Server Reports Exchange Content Analysis Reports Exchange Mailboxes Reports Exchange Mail Contacts Reports Exchange Distribution Groups Reports Exchange Public Folders Reports Exchange Storage Reports Exchange Internet Reports Exchange Inventory Reports Migration Reports MessageStats Gathering Reports Appendix A: How to Read the Reports Report Filter Definitions

My Reports and Corporate Reports

Introduction to Corporate Exchange At A Glance

The default Corporate Exchange at a Glance report provides an enterprise-level view of your Exchange network. Additionally, the [My Reports] and [Corporate Reports] nodes of the MessageStats Reports tree contain the reports that you have customized or created using the MessageStats Web Report Wizard.

When you open MessageStats Reports, the Corporate Exchange at a Glance page appears as the default home page. The Corporate Exchange at a Glance page delivers a single view that provides a high-level overview of your Exchange environment and includes the following metrics:

In addition to the default Corporate Exchange At A Glance metrics, you can customize the view using MessageStats parts. For more information, see Configuring Report Parts .

You can include or remove specific MessageStats parts to create a report that aligns with your business needs, priorities, and direction. By tailoring the report to your needs, you can save time navigating through various reports to view frequently-required information.

About My Reports

The [My Reports] node serves two purposes:

When you click the [My Reports] node, the My Exchange at a Glance page renders on the right pane of the reporting console. If you have created any new reports or saved any report settings on existing reports, the new or customized reports are listed under the [My Reports] folder in alphabetical order.

Depending on your Web Reports security role, you may not be able to create new Custom reports. For more information, see Role-based Security .

My Exchange at a Glance

You can use the My Exchange at a Glance page to create your own personalized “At a Glance” report. Initially, you click the Configure Parts button to create a report that contains customized composite report parts that are relevant to your particular area of responsibility.

Each MessageStats user can include report parts that are specific to individual interests and roles in the company. For example, an Exchange operations manager could include parts that contain information about traffic flow through the Exchange system, while migration teams might include parts that identify unused public folders in an Exchange organization.

When you create an initial My Exchange At A Glance report, you can remove the Introduction to My Exchange At A Glance part before you add any relevant parts to your report.

Select the My Reports node and click Configure Parts.
Click OK to generate your report.

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