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Spotlight on DB2 6.9.3 - User Guide

Spotlight on IBM DB2 LUW (Linux, Unix, and Windows)
New in This Release Getting started with Spotlight on IBM DB2 LUW Desktop features specific to Spotlight on IBM DB2 LUW Spotlight on IBM DB2 LUW drilldowns
About Spotlight on IBM DB2 LUW drilldowns Buffer Pool Analysis drilldown Client Application Analysis drilldown Database Analysis drilldown Database Manager Summary drilldown Diagnostic Log drilldown FCM Analysis drilldown Tablespace Analysis drilldown Top SQL drilldown Operating System drilldown Workload Management Analysis drilldown
Spotlight on IBM DB2 LUW alarms Spotlight on IBM DB2 LUW Options Tuning SQL statements in Spotlight on IBM DB2 LUW
Spotlight Basics
Spotlight Connections Monitor Spotlight Connections Alarms Charts, Grids And Home Page Components View | Options Troubleshooting
Spotlight History Spotlight on Windows
Connect to Windows Systems Background Information Home Page Alarms Drilldowns View | Options Troubleshooting
Spotlight on Unix About us Third-party contributions Copyright

E-mail server

You can set the message service that Spotlight uses when sending e-mail.

To set the Spotlight mail server

  1. Select View | Options.
  2. Select Alarms and Notifications | E-mail server.
  3. Select the method that you want Spotlight to use when sending email



Messaging Application Program Interface (MAPI)

A standard Windows interface that you can use to send e-mail.

Simple Mail Transfer Protocol (SMTP)

An independent TCP/IP protocol used to send e-mail.

Click Change SMTP settings to set the required SMTP mail options.


Related Topics


You will not always have the Spotlight console open in front of you while Spotlight is diagnosing the performance of your connections. In this situation, you can set up Spotlight to continuously oversee the status of all your connections, and to alert you whenever important alarms require your attention.

To set notification options

  1. Select View | Options.
  2. Select Alarms and Notifications | Taskbar.
  3. Change the available options to specify Spotlight's notification behavior.



    Show the Spotlight icon in the task bar notification area.

    Select this option to display a Spotlight icon in the System Tray area of your Windows task bar. The icon has the following properties:

    • Its color reflects the highest-severity alarm raised by a current connection.
    • Double-clicking the icon restores the Spotlight console (if minimized).

    Note: You can also employ a floating Connection status bar to display the status of all current Spotlight connections. Connection Status bar

    Pop up an alert where the severity is...

    Select this option to enable the Spotlight icon to display an appropriate text message when the status of the current Spotlight connection reaches or exceeds the severity chosen in the associated drop-down list. Use the drop-down list to choose the threshold that will trigger the message.

    Note: The Spotlight icon in the Windows system tray displays the highest-severity alarm currently triggered for the corresponding connection.

    Do not show alerts if Spotlight is the active window.

    Select this option if you are currently using Spotlight, and do not want to be notified of new alarms that may already be visible.


Related Topics


Spotlight Basics describes how Spotlight applications work. It contains these sections:



Spotlight Connections

Create / Modify / Delete connections to systems, and monitor those systems.

Monitor Spotlight Connections Monitor connections, detect alarms, investigate the cause of alarms.

Alarms are the warnings that Spotlight raises when a metric falls outside its "normal" range of values.

Charts, Grids and Home Page Components Spotlight displays provide detailed statistics of the monitored system, relevant to diagnosing the cause of alarms. Make the best use of them.
View | Options Customize Spotlight.
Troubleshooting Solve problems using Spotlight.


Chart configuration

Spotlight makes extensive use of charts (historical and otherwise) in its drilldown windows. You can set a number of display options for these charts.

To set the appearance of charts

  1. Select View | Options.
  2. Select Appearance | Chart configuration.
  3. Configure as appropriate.

    Option Description

    Chart line style

    Click the box, and from the list choose a line style that can be used to display charts. The sample chart above the control demonstrates how charts will appear under the chosen line style.

    Show data tool tips when hovering over charts

    Select this option to display tool tips when you hover the mouse pointer over an item in a Spotlight chart.

    Show data from previous sessions

    Select this option to display data from previous connections to this system (if available).

    This affects only the display of data from previous sessions. It does not affect the collection of data.

    Amount of history to display in charts

    This affects the time scale in all Spotlight charts, including those displayed when you select Show History from the shortcut menu invoked when you right click a Spotlight home page component. Spotlight Home Page Components


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관련 문서
Spotlight on DB2 - 6.9.3
Getting Started Guide
Release Notes
User Guide
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