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MessageStats 7.8.1 - Reports User Guide

Upgrading MessageStats Overview Typical MessageStats Upgrade Scenarios Moving the MessageStats Database Moving and Upgrading MessageStats Moving Custom Reports and Report Subscriptions Viewing, Creating, and Editing MessageStats Reports My Reports and Corporate Reports Exchange Executive Summaries Reports Exchange Organizations Reports Exchange Server Reports Exchange Content Analysis Reports Exchange Mailboxes Reports Exchange Mail Contacts Reports Exchange Distribution Groups Reports Exchange Public Folders Reports Exchange Storage Reports Exchange Internet Reports Exchange Inventory Reports Migration Reports MessageStats Gathering Reports Appendix A: How to Read the Reports Report Filter Definitions

Why Does the Date Filter Always Group Using UTC?

When I set the Date/Time Display setting for a report to local time, the date and time are converted to local time. However, if I set a Date filter for a report, the report data is still filtered according to UTC (Universal Coordinated Time). Why is that?

Basically, reports are generated in two steps.

The time conversion process adds the appropriate offset to any Date/Time fields. The Date/Time option does not change how MessageStats aggregates the data since the data was aggregated during the first step.

Date fields are not affected because they do not have a time component. Since, the Date field is not affected by the conversion to local time, data is still grouped by UTC.

Report Filter Definitions

This section provides information about the various filter settings that you can use to define the information that appears in reports.

ACE Account Name

Allows you to reduce the number of access control entries (ACEs) reported in mailbox access control lists (ACLs) by using the “is in” or “not in” parameter to select or exclude specific user accounts.

ACE Inherited

Allows you to either include or exclude inherited ACEs in mailbox ACLs in security reports.

Administrator Roles

Restricts report content to the users that have the specified administrator roles.

Body Keyword

A space-delimited list of keywords used to search the body of items in databases.


Restricts report content to include users with the specified city.


Restricts the report content to the company name that you specify.


Restricts the report content to the server connectors that you specify.


For Exchange 2010, limits the report content to objects (such as servers or mailbox databases) in the selected DAG (Database Availability Group).


Restricts the report content to the Exchange database, such as a mailbox database or a public folder database, that you specify.

Database Distinguished Name

Restricts the report content to the distinguished name of the database that you select.

Database Size (MB)

Restricts report content according to the size of the mailbox database or public folder database that you specify.


Restricts the report content to the date range that you specify.

Date/Time Display

Used to determine whether you want date and time data to appear in UTC or local server time.


Restricts the report content to the business department that you specify.


Note: Ensure that the Department attribute is defined for each mailbox account. If the attribute is not defined, null or blank record sets appear in the report and aggregated departmental information may not be accurate. The Department attribute must be defined using Microsoft Exchange.

Destination Organization

Restricts the report content to the destination Exchange organization that you specify.

Destination Region

Restricts the report content to the destination region that you specify.
Note: The Region filter list may contain <NULL> as an option. This is valid option, as some servers in our Exchange organization may not be specifically assigned to a region. If you select <NULL>, the report contains all servers not assigned to a region.

Destination Server

Restricts the report content to the destination server that you specify.

Destination Server Roles

Restricts the report content to the destination servers with the role that you specify.

Detail Level

Restricts the report content to the detail that you select:
Summary indicates that you want to include only aggregated data.
Daily indicates that you want detailed records grouped by day.
Hourly indicates that you want detailed records grouped in hourly increments (where available).

Display Name

Restricts the report content to the Display Name that you specify.


Note: The Mailbox Profile report requires that you select a mailbox display name. If you do not select a name, the report does not render.

Display Options

Display Options define the components you want to include on the report:

Data and Graph presents a graph at the top of the report

followed by a corresponding data table.

Data Only presents data table and suppresses the graph


Graph Only presents a graph and suppresses the corresponding data table.

Display Threshold

Indicates whether you want to include thresholds on your graphs. By default, threshold lines are not included. To enable threshold lines on the graphs, click Yes. For information about thresholds, see the MessageStats Administrator Guide.

Distribution Group

Restricts the report content to the distribution group that you specify.


Restricts the report content to the domain that you specify.

File Extension

The file extension (such as .doc or .xls) of an attachment to an item in an database.

File Name Keyword

A space-delimited list of keywords used to search the filenames of attachment of items in databases.


Restricts the report content to the public folder that you specify.

Folder Path

Restricts the report content to the public folder path that you specify.

Inactive for this number of days (Required)

Allows you to restrict the report to show only devices that have not been active for the specified number of days.

Internal Namespace

Restricts the report content to the internal namespace that you specify.

Item Class

MAPI-based classification of items contained in an database. Examples include IPM.NOTE, IPM.POST etc.

Item Date

The delivery date for an item in an database.

Last Logon Date (UTC)

Restricts the report content to the last logon date (when a user logged on to a mailbox) that you specify.

Last Period

Allows you to specify the date range or time period to compare to the current (This Period) specified date range.

Mail Contact

Restricts the report content to the mail contact that you specify.

Mailbox Email

Restricts the report content to the mailbox email address that you specify.

Mailbox DN

Restricts the report content to the mailbox distinguished name that you specify.

Mailbox Growth

Allows you to view mailbox growth trends for primary or archive mailboxes or both.

Mailbox Quota

Allows you to see the quota information for either the primary mailboxes or for the archive mailboxes.

Mailbox Server/DAG

Restricts the report results to the mailbox server or the DAG associated with the mobile device.

Mailbox Size

Allows you to view the total size (primary and archive) of user mailboxes, the size of primary mailboxes only, or (depending on the report) the size of archive mailboxes only.


Restricts the report content to the public folder mailbox name that you specify.

Number of Mailboxes

Restricts the report content to databases with the number of mailboxes that you specify.


Restricts the report content to mailboxes associated with the specified office.


Restricts the report content to the Exchange organization that you specify.

Organizational Unit

Restricts the report content to the organizational unit that you specify.

Originating Organization

Restricts the report content to the originating Exchange organization that you specify.

Originating Region

Restricts the report content to the originating region that you specify.


Note: The Region filter list may contain <NULL> as an option. This is valid option, as some servers in our Exchange organization may not be specifically assigned to a region. If you select <NULL>, the report contains all servers not assigned to a region.

Originating Server

Restricts the report content to the originating server that you specify.

Originating Server Roles

Restricts the report content to the originating servers with the role that you specify.


Restricts the report content to the mail originator.


Restricts the report content to aggregations for the period of time that you specify. You can restrict the report content to the most recent week, month, or quarter.
Note: You must have data for at least part of the period you select. The week, month, and quarter periods are absolute, based on the last completed period.


Restricts the report content to the Skype for Business or Lync Server pool that you specified.

Public Folder

Restricts the report content to the public folder that you specify.

Public Folder Mailbox

Limits the report content to the public folder mailbox that you specify.


Restricts the report content to the mail recipient.


Restricts the report content to the mail recipients.


Restricts the report content to the region that you specify.
Note: Regions must be defined in the MessageStats Console. For information about regions, please see the MessageStats Administrator Guide.

Replica Region

Restricts the report content to the specified region where the public folder replica exists.
Note: Regions must be defined in the MessageStats Console. For information about regions, please see the MessageStats Administrator Guide.

Replica Servers

Restricts the report content to the replica server that you specify.


Restricts the report content to the number of replicas that you specify.

Replica Server Roles

Restricts the report content to the replica server roles that you specify.


Restricts the report to display only users that are assigned the role that you specify. Roles are used with public folders to assign the permission levels that you want.

Select Top

Restricts the report content to the number of records that you specify.
Note: When you select a number greater than 50, be aware that MessageStats Reports displays a maximum of 50 records in a graph, but displays unlimited records in a table.


Restricts the report content to the specified Exchange server.


Restricts the report content to the specified Exchange servers.


Restricts the report content to include only the Microsoft Online services that you specify.


Restricts the report content to the specified Exchange server or, for Exchange 2010, the Database Availability Group (DAG) associated with the Exchange object.

Server Roles

Restricts the report content to the server roles you specify. By selecting a Server role filter, you can ensure that the reports contain comparable servers or comparable data. The report content is not skewed by a single server that is not comparable to other servers.

Show Archive Mailboxes

Allows you to include archive mailboxes in the displayed report.

Show Contacts

Indicates if you want to show hidden mail contacts on the report.
All includes both hidden and non hidden mail contacts.
Hidden includes only hidden mail contacts.
Non Hidden includes no hidden mail contacts.

Show Groups

Indicates if you want to show hidden distribution groups on the report.
All includes both hidden and non hidden distribution groups.
Hidden includes only hidden distribution groups.
Non Hidden includes no hidden distribution groups.

Show Mailboxes

Indicates if you want to include mailboxes for hidden users on the report.
All includes both hidden and non hidden mailboxes.
Hidden includes only hidden mailboxes.
Non Hidden includes no hidden mailboxes.

Show Orphaned Mailboxes

Indicates if you want to include orphaned (disconnected) mailboxes in the report. Orphaned mailboxes are mailboxes that consume space in a directory database but that do not have an associated user in Active Directory.

Show Public Folders

All includes all public folders, both system and noh-system folders.
Non System filters out all the system public folders.
System filters out all the non-system public folders.
Since the public folder reports show only non-system public folders by default, you can use the Show Public Folders filter to include both system and non-system public folders, or to show only system or only non-system public folders. You can insert the Is System Folder to indicate which public folders are system and which are not.

Size (KB)

Restricts the report content to the message size that you specify.

SMTP Domain

Restricts the report content to include only the SMTP domains you specify.


Restricts the report content to the data source that you specify.

Source Organization

Restricts the report content to the originating Exchange organization that you specify.

Source Region

Restricts the report content to the originating region that you specify.

Source Server

Restricts the report content to the originating Exchange server that you specify.


Restricts the report content to the gathering status that you specify.

Subject Keyword

Restricts the report content to the audit text that you specify. The Subject Keyword filter lets you narrow the report content to one or more of the text strings that you have identified in using the Subject Audit Management functionality. If you do not select a specific Subject Keyword, the report includes all audited subject text strings, grouped by the text string.

For more information please see the MessageStats Administrator Guide.

Subscription Company Name

Limits the report content to users that have the specified subscription company name.


Allows you to restrict report content to contain only users associated with the specified subscriptions.

This Period

Allows you to specify the date range or time period to compare to a previous (Last Period) specified date range.

Total % Volume Used

Restricts the report content to the used volume percentage that you specify.

Total Number of Mailboxes

Allows you to filter the report by the total number of mailboxes.

Total Received

Restricts the report content to the internal namespaces that have received a higher total number of messages than the number that you specify.

Total Received (MB)

Restricts the report content to the internal namespaces that have received a higher total volume of messages than the number that you specify.

Total Recipients

A list of recipients of an item in an database.

Total Database Size (MB)

Restricts the report content to the size of the volume that you specify.

Total Volumes (MB)

Restricts the report content to the volume of the message databases that you specify.

Trend and Forecast Options

Indicate your graph display preference for the report.
Display Neither suppresses both trend lines and forecasts.
Trend Only includes trend lines, but not forecasts.
Trend and Forecast includes both trend lines and forecasts.


Restricts the report content to the user account that you specify.

User Name

Restricts the report content to the user name that you specify.


Restricts the report content to the volume that you specify.

Volume % Used

Restricts the report content to the volumes with the percentage of used space that you specify.

Volume Size (MB)

Restricts the report content to the volume size that you specify.

Lotus Notes Report Pack Filters

Collection Label

Restricts report content in the Notes Migration Status reports to include only the specified collection label. In Notes Migrator for Exchange, labels are used to classify collections, using alphanumeric strings, into subsets of users. For example, a label can be used to group users within a collection by geographic location or administrative level.

Collection Name

Restricts report content in the Notes Migration Status reports to the specified collection of users or groups. The migration feature of Notes Migrator for Exchange is applied to the collections of users and groups, whose members are defined through the Collection Wizard.

Data Store Title

Restricts report content for the Lotus Notes Migration Status reports to include only information for the selected data store. The data store title usually reflects the user or group that owns the data store.

Data Store Type

Restricts report content for the Lotus Notes Migration Status reports to include only the selected data store types, such as mail file, personal address book, or archive.


Restricts the report content to the department associated with the user.

Display Name

Restricts the report content to the Display Name that you specify.


Restricts the report content to the Domino domain that you specify.

Exchange Organization

Restricts report content for Notes Migration Status reports to include only the selected Exchange organization.

Exchange Server Name

Restricts report content for Notes Migration Status reports to include only the selected Exchange servers.

Mailbox Domain

Limits the report to the Domino domain in which the mail file is located.

Mailbox File

Allows you to limit the report content to specific mail files (.nsf).

Mailbox Owner

Allows you to limit the report content to the specified mail file owners.

Mailbox Server

Restricts the report content to the Domino mail servers that you specify.

Mailbox Title

Allows you to limit the report content to mail files that have the selected mailbox title. By default, the mailbox title is set to the name of user who owns the mail file.


Restricts report content for Notes Migration Status reports to include only the selected distribution list members.

Notes Domain Name

Restricts report content for Notes Migration Status reports to include only the selected Domino (Lotus Notes) domains.

Notes Migrator Database

Restricts report content for Notes Migration Status reports to include only information retrieved from the specified Notes Migrator database.

Notes Server Name

Restricts report content for Notes Migration Status reports to include only the selected Domino (Lotus Notes) servers.

Operation Type

Restricts the report content in the Migration Status reports to include only the selected Notes Migrator operation type, such as Administrator Driven Migrator or Self-Service Desktop Migrator.

Owner Department

Restricts the report to the department that is associated with the user who has owner rights to the Lotus Notes mail file.


Restricts the report content to the Domino servers that you specify.

Work Item Run Start Time

Restricts report content in a Notes Migration Status report to include only the information contained in migration tasks with the specified run date and time.

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