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Rapid Recovery 6.10 - User Guide

Introduction to Rapid Recovery The Core Console Repositories Core settings Protecting machines
About protecting machines with Rapid Recovery Understanding the Rapid Recovery Agent software installer Deploying Agent to multiple machines simultaneously from the Core Console Using the Deploy Agent Software Wizard to deploy to one or more machines Modifying deploy settings Understanding protection schedules Protecting a machine About protecting multiple machines Enabling application support Settings and functions for protected Exchange servers Settings and functions for protected SQL servers
Managing protected machines Snapshots and recovery points Managing privacy Encryption Authentication Replication Events Reporting VM export Restoring data Bare metal restore
About bare metal restore Differences in bare metal restore for Windows and Linux machines Understanding boot CD creation for Windows machines Managing a Linux boot image Performing a bare metal restore using the Restore Machine Wizard Using the Universal Recovery Console for a BMR Performing a bare metal restore for Linux machines Verifying a bare metal restore
Managing aging data Archiving Cloud accounts Core Console references REST APIs Glossary

Restoring volumes for a Linux machine using the command line

Before restoring from a recovery point using the command line, you must dismount the disk on which you will be restoring data.

This procedure describes how to restore the volumes on a protected Linux machine from the recovery points stored in the Rapid Recovery Core using the command line local_mount utility.

NOTE: In previous releases, this process was referred to as performing a rollback.

For information about performing restore for Linux volumes from the Rapid Recovery Core Console, see Performing a bare metal restore using the Restore Machine Wizard.

You can begin a restore from any location on the Rapid Recovery Core Console by clicking the Restore icon in the Rapid Recovery button bar. When you start a restore in this manner, you must specify which of the machines protected on the Core you want to restore, and then drill down to the volume you want to restore.

In Rapid Recovery, you can restore volumes on your protected Linux machines using the command line local_mount utility.

Caution: To restore the system or root (/) partition or entire operating system, see Performing a bare metal restore for Linux machines.

  1. Run the Rapid Recovery local_mount utility as root, for example:
    	sudo local_mount
  2. At the Rapid Recovery mount prompt, enter the following command to list the protected machines.
  3. When prompted, enter the IP address or hostname of your Rapid Recovery Core server.
  4. Enter the logon credentials, that is, the user name and password, for this server.

    A list displays showing the machines protected by this Rapid Recovery Core server. It lists the protected machines found by line item number, host or IP IP address, and an ID number for the machine (for example: 7d658e5f-fa08-4600-95f0-5f486bc1b6a4#de0896fd-571a-4cc5-aeed-264d2c3c72f4#f377e145-dd4d-3ac3-5b15-37ce8f4913ba:2).

  5. Enter the following command to list the currently mounted recovery points for the specified machine:
    	lr <machine_line_item_number>

    NOTE: You can also enter the machine ID number in this command instead of the line item number.

    A list displays that shows the base and incremental recovery points for that machine. This list includes a line item number, date and time stamp, location of volume, size of recovery point, and an ID number for the volume that includes a sequence number at the end (for example,
”293cc667-44b4-48ab-91d8-44bc74252a4f:2”), which identifies the recovery point.

  6. Enter the following command to select a recovery point to restore:
    	r <volume_recovery_point_ID_number> <device path>

    This command restores the volume image specified by the ID from the Core to the specified path. The path for the restore is the path for the device file descriptor, not the directory to which it is mounted.

    You can also specify a line number in the command instead of the recovery point ID number to identify the recovery point. In that case, you would use the protected machine line number (from the lm output), followed by the recovery point line number and volume letter, followed by the path, such as, r <machine_line_item_number> <recovery_point_line_number> <volume_letter> <path>. In this command, <path> is the file descriptor for the actual volume.

    For example, if the lm output lists three protected machines, and you enter the lr command for protected machine number 2, and you want to restore the 23 recovery point volume b to the volume that was mounted to the directory /dev/sda5, the command would be:

    	r 2 23 b /dev/sda5

    NOTE: It is possible to restore to / if needed. If performing a Bare Metal Restore using a Live DVD, it is assumed you want to restore to a different machine. For more information, see Launching a bare metal restore for Linux.

  7. When prompted to proceed, enter y for Yes.

    Once the restore proceeds, a series of messages will display to notify you of the status.

  8. Upon a successful restore, the local_mount utility will automatically mount and re-attach the kernel module to the restored volume if the target was previously protected and mounted. If not, you will need to mount the restored volume to the local disk and then should verify that the files are restored (for example, you can use the sudo mount command and then the ls command.)

Verifying a bare metal restore

After you perform a bare metal restore (BMR), you can verify the progress of the restore. When the action is completed successfully, you can start the restored server. Some troubleshooting steps are included if you encounter difficulties connecting to the Universal Recovery Console to complete the restore, and if you need to repair startup problems with the restored machine.

You can perform the following tasks:

Viewing the recovery progress

Complete the steps in this procedure to view the progress of restoring data from a recovery point (including bare metal restore) initiated from the Rapid Recovery Core Console.

  1. After you initiate the process restoring data from a recovery point, while the task is in process, you can view its progress from the Running Tasks drop-down menu on the Core Console.
  2. Optionally, you can view detailed information in the Events page. Fore more information about monitoring Rapid Recovery events, see Viewing events using tasks, alerts, and journal pages.
  3. Additionally, only in the case of performing a restore or BMR of a protected Linux machine from the command line, you can view the recovery progress within the same command shell (window) from which you initiated the restore.

Starting a restored target server

Complete the steps in this procedure to start the restored target server.

NOTE: Before starting the restored target server, you should verify that the recovery was successful. For more information, see Viewing the recovery progress.

This task is part of the process for Verifying a bare metal restore.

  1. On the target server, verify that the Rapid Recovery Universal Recovery Console is active.
  2. Eject the boot CD (or disconnect physical media with the boot CD image) from the restored server.
  3. In the Universal Recovery Console, from the top function buttons, click [Power menu] (Power menu), and then select Reboot.
  4. Specify that you want to start the operating system normally.
  5. Log on to the machine. The system should be restored to the state captured in the recovery point.
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