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Rapid Recovery 6.10 - User Guide

Introduction to Rapid Recovery The Core Console Repositories Core settings Protecting machines
About protecting machines with Rapid Recovery Understanding the Rapid Recovery Agent software installer Deploying Agent to multiple machines simultaneously from the Core Console Using the Deploy Agent Software Wizard to deploy to one or more machines Modifying deploy settings Understanding protection schedules Protecting a machine About protecting multiple machines Enabling application support Settings and functions for protected Exchange servers Settings and functions for protected SQL servers
Managing protected machines Snapshots and recovery points Managing privacy Encryption Authentication Replication Events Reporting VM export Restoring data Bare metal restore
About bare metal restore Differences in bare metal restore for Windows and Linux machines Understanding boot CD creation for Windows machines Managing a Linux boot image Performing a bare metal restore using the Restore Machine Wizard Using the Universal Recovery Console for a BMR Performing a bare metal restore for Linux machines Verifying a bare metal restore
Managing aging data Archiving Cloud accounts Core Console references REST APIs Glossary

About managing protected machines

You can manage protected machines from the Rapid Recovery Core Console, including the following tasks:

  • You can view protected machines in the Rapid Recovery Core Console using options described in the topic Viewing protected machines.
  • You can configure settings for a particular machine, which supersede Core default settings. Some configuration tasks include changing hypervisor host or VM settings, accessing system information, modifying transfer settings, customizing nightly jobs, or configuring notifications for events. For more information, see Configuring machine settings.
  • You can remove a machine or cluster from protection, view license information for a protected machine, or diagnose problems by viewing the log file for a protected machine. For more information on these and other tasks, see Managing machines.
  • You can view and manage data saved in the Core. For more information, see Managing snapshots and recovery points.

Viewing protected machines

From the Home page on the Rapid Recovery Core Console, when viewing the Summary Tables view, you can see summary information for any machines protected by the Core in the Protected Machines pane.

NOTE: A software agent acts on behalf of the user to take specific actions. Protected machines are sometimes referred to as agents, since they run the Rapid Recovery Agent software to facilitate data backup and replication on the Rapid Recovery Core.

You can view the status, the display name for each machine, which repository it uses, the date and time of the last snapshot, how many recovery points exist in the repository for the machine, and the total amount of storage space the snapshots use in the repository.

To manage aspects of any protected machine, start by navigating to the machine you want to view, configure, or manage. From the Home page, there are three ways to navigate to a protected machine:

  • You can click on the IP address or display name of any protected machine from the Protected Machines pane. This takes you to the Summary page for the selected protected machine.
  • In the left navigation area, you can click on the title of the Protected Machines menu. The Protected Machines page appears. On this page, you can see summary information about each machine. For a detailed description of this page, see Viewing summary information for a protected machine.
  • In the left navigation area, under the Protected Machines menu, you can click any protected machine IP address or display name. This takes you to the Summary page for the selected protected machine. For a detailed description of this page, see Viewing summary information for a protected machine.

Viewing cluster summary information

Complete the steps in this procedure to view summary information about a cluster including information about the associated quorum for the cluster.

  1. In the Rapid Recovery Core Console, under Protected Machines, click the cluster you want to view.

    The Summary page for the machine appears.

  2. On the Summary page, you can view such information as the cluster name, cluster type, quorum type (if applicable), and the quorum path (if applicable). This page also shows at-a-glance information about the volumes in this cluster, including size and protection schedule. If applicable, you can also view SQL Server or Exchange Server information for a different cluster.
  3. To view the most current information, click Refresh.

For information about viewing summary and status information for an individual machine or node in the cluster, see Viewing protected machines.

Configuring machine settings

Once you have protected a machine in your Rapid Recovery Core, you can easily view and modify the settings that govern the behavior of that protected machine. When you modify settings for a specific machine, those settings supersede the behavior set at the Core level.

You can view and configure the following machine settings in the Rapid Recovery Core Console:

  • General. General machine configuration settings include display name, host name, port, encryption key, repository, and links to a hypervisor host. For information about configuring general settings for a machine, see Viewing and modifying protected machine settings.
  • Credentials. You can view the current logged-in user name for the protected hypervisor host, and you can update credentials (user name and password) to connect to the host. This setting appears only for vCenter/ESXi or Hyper-V hypervisor hosts.
  • Transfer Queue. This setting establishes the maximum number of concurrent transfers from a single Hyper-V host. This option appears only for protected Hyper-V hosts.
  • Nightly Jobs. The subset of Core nightly job settings that appear for a specific protected machine allow you to supersede nightly job settings set at the Core level. This includes rollup, which lets you manage the retention policy. Some settings may differ based on the type of machine that is protected.
  • Transfer. Settings specific to managing data transfer processes for the selected protected machine. For information about the types of data transfer affected by these settings, see About modifying transfer settings. This setting appears only for machines protected with Agent, or agentlessly protected machines (not hypervisor hosts).
  • ABM. This setting, when enabled, lets Rapid Recovery Core protect only active blocks in backup snapshots. This option is not available for machines protected with Rapid Recovery Agent. Agentlessly protected machines can use ABM settings of the host or can have customized settings per machine. For more information, see Understanding Active Block Mapping.
  • Excluded Writers. These settings let you exclude writers. These are machine-specific. A writer is a specific API published my Microsoft to allow other software components to participate in using Microsoft Volume Shadow Services (VSS). Each of the writers in Rapid Recovery that participate in volume snapshots are listed in the Excluded Writers settings. In the event that a writer is interfering with or precluding successful backup transfers, these can be disabled one by one. Quest recommends leaving these settings alone, unless you are otherwise directed by a Quest Data Protection Support representative.
  • License details. These are details about the license for the specific protected machine. These settings report information from the Core and the Rapid Recovery License Portal. These settings are read-only. To change these settings, update your license information between the Core and the license portal. See your license administrator for details. For more information, see the Rapid Recovery License Portal User Guide. These settings are not available for hypervisor hosts.
  • Hyper-V. This setting, available only on agentlessly protected machines on a Hyper-V server, lets Rapid Recovery Core try to create a VSS snapshot during transfer. If this operation fails, it lets Core create a checkpoint.
  • vSphere. These settings let Rapid Recovery Core manage some aspects of protected vSphere hosts. One setting lets Core delete user-created VMware snapshots required before capturing Rapid Recovery snapshots). One setting allows transfer of volumes with invalid used capacity. The third setting lets Core take quiesced snapshots.

  • Auto Protection. This setting, when enabled, results in automatic agentless protection of any new hypervisor guest VMs added to the Hyper-V or vCenter/ESXi host.

The procedure for viewing or changing machine-level settings is identical for general, excluded writers, and license details. For more information, see Viewing and modifying protected machine settings.

The procedure for modifying nightly jobs for a machine is different. For information about configuring nightly job settings for a machine, see Customizing nightly jobs for a protected machine.

The procedure for modifying vSphere settings differs slightly. For more information, see Configuring vSphere settings.

In some cases, you may want to adjust the data transfer rate for a protected machine. For more information, see About modifying transfer settings.

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