To complete a bare-metal restore for a Linux machine, you need a Live DVD ISO image that matches your version of Rapid Recovery Core. The current version of Live DVD is available from the Downloads page from both the QorePortal and the Rapid Recovery License Portal. If you need a different version, contact Quest Data Protection Support.
This task is a step in Performing a bare metal restore for Linux machines. It is part of the process for Managing a Linux boot image.
To download the Live DVD ISO image, complete the steps in this procedure.
- In a web browser, open the QorePortal at
- Click Settings, and then click
- Under Utilities, locate Linux Live DVD, and then click Download.
The Linux boot ISO image, for example
, saves to the downloads destination folder. - If restoring from a physical machine, transfer the Live DVD ISO image onto physical media. For more information, see Saving the Live DVD ISO image to media.
- Optionally, if restoring a Linux virtual machine, you can save the ISO image to a network location, and then edit the VM settings to boot from it. Or you can transfer the Live DVD ISO image onto physical media, and change your VM settings to boot from a DVD or CD drive containing that physical media.