NOTE: You must first configure Simple Mail Transfer Protocol (SMTP) server settings if you want to send notifications as email messages, as described in this procedure. For more information on setting email server configuration settings, see Configuring an email server. |
Notification groups let you define sets of specific events for which users are alerted, and the manner in which that notification takes place. You can configure alerts to be sent by the following methods:
- By email
- In the Windows event log
- Using syslogd
- Using toast alerts
- Using alerts
- Using SNMP trap
Rapid Recovery Core ships with a default notification group for the Core. You can edit that group to suit your needs. Optionally, you can configure more than one notification group with different notification parameters.
Notification groups can be set at the Core level, or for each specific protected machine.
Complete the steps in this procedure to configure notification groups for alerts.
- To set notifications at the Core level, from the icon bar, click
(More), and then select
The Notifications page appears. Skip to step 3. - To set notifications for a specific protected machine, do the following:
- From the Protected Machines menu, click the machine for which you want to specify notifications.
The Summary page appears.
- In the Summary page of the protected machine, from the More drop-down menu, select
The Custom Notification Groups page appears.
- From the Protected Machines menu, click the machine for which you want to specify notifications.
- If you want to add a new notification group, click
Add Group. Skip to Step 5.
The Add Notification Group dialog box appears, showing a general description area and two tabs. - If you want to edit the default notification group or an existing notification group, in the Notification Groups pane, click the
(More) drop-down menu for the appropriate notification group, and select Edit.
The Edit Notification Group dialog box appears, showing a general description area and two tabs. - In the general description area, enter the basic information for the notification group, as described in the following table.
Option Description Name
Enter a name for the event notification group. This information is required.
Caution: The value you enter for the notification group name cannot be changed later.
Enter a description that clarifies the purpose for the event notification group. This information is optional.
- In the Enable Alerts tab, configure the set of system events that result in alerts. These appear on the Alerts page when you view events in the Core Console. You can select sets of events as described in the following table:
Option Description All Alerts
To create alerts for all events, select
To create alerts for errors, from the Select Types menu, click Error. This is represented by a red X.
To create alerts for errors, from the Select Types menu, click Warning. This is represented by a yellow exclamation point icon.
To create alerts for informational messages, from the Select Types menu, click Info. This is represented by a blue i.
Restore Default
For the default Core notification group, to restore the set of events to appear as alerts to the default, from the Select Types menu, click Reset to defaults.
NOTE: This option is available when editing the default Core notification group only. It is not available for new Core notification groups or for configuration notifications for a specific protected machine.
- To create alerts for a specific event type (error, warning, or informational message), do the following:
- If the All Alerts option does not display alert groups, click the right angle bracket > symbol preceding the All Alerts label. The symbol changes to a downward-facing arrow, and the view expands to show groups.
- Then click the right angle bracket > symbol next to any specific alert group to display related events in the group.
- To define alerts for all events in every group, select the checkbox for All Alerts.
- To define alerts for all events within any alert group, select the checkbox next to that group.
- To select only some alert types within an alert group, expand the group and then select only those specific events for which you want to log, report, and set alerts.
- Click the Notification Options tab.
- On the Notification Options tab, specify how to handle the notification process.
Option Description Notify by email
Designate the recipients of the email notification. You can choose to specify separate multiple email addresses as well as blind and carbon copies.
NOTE: If using Exchange Server, SMTP relay must be set up on the server. Otherwise event notifications will not be sent to the designated email address. For more information, consult your Exchange Server administrator.
Notify by Windows Event Log
Select this option if you want notifications to be reported through the Windows Event Log.
Notify by syslogd
Select this option if you want notifications to be reported through syslogd. Specify the details for the syslogd in the following text boxes:
- Host:
- Port:
Notify by Toast alerts
Select this option if you want notifications to appear as pop-up messages in the lower-right corner of your screen.
Notify by SNMP Trap
The Rapid Recovery Core serves as an SNMP agent, sending traps (notifications about specific events) to an SNMP manager. The result is the reporting of Core information such as alerts, repository status, and protected machines. Select this option if you want to notify Core events by SNMP trap. You must also specify a trap number, which is used by the SNMP manager.
- Click OK.
If creating a new group, you will see a message indicating that the notification group name you defined cannot be changed after creating the group. Other properties within the notification group can be changed at any time.
- If you are satisfied with the group name, confirm this message and save your work.
- If you want to change the group name, click No to return to the Create Notification Group window, update the group name and any other notification group settings, and save your work.