This section describes how to view, configure and manage the protected machines in your Rapid Recovery environment.
Topics include:
This section describes how to view, configure and manage the protected machines in your Rapid Recovery environment.
Topics include:
You can manage protected machines from the Rapid Recovery Core Console, including the following tasks:
From the Home page on the Rapid Recovery Core Console, when viewing the Summary Tables view, you can see summary information for any machines protected by the Core in the Protected Machines pane.
NOTE: A software agent acts on behalf of the user to take specific actions. Protected machines are sometimes referred to as agents, since they run the Rapid Recovery Agent software to facilitate data backup and replication on the Rapid Recovery Core. |
You can view the status, the display name for each machine, which repository it uses, the date and time of the last snapshot, how many recovery points exist in the repository for the machine, and the total amount of storage space the snapshots use in the repository.
To manage aspects of any protected machine, start by navigating to the machine you want to view, configure, or manage. From the Home page, there are three ways to navigate to a protected machine:
Complete the steps in this procedure to view summary information about a cluster including information about the associated quorum for the cluster.
The Summary page for the machine appears.
For information about viewing summary and status information for an individual machine or node in the cluster, see Viewing protected machines.
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