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Rapid Recovery 6.10 - User Guide

Introduction to Rapid Recovery The Core Console Repositories Core settings Protecting machines
About protecting machines with Rapid Recovery Understanding the Rapid Recovery Agent software installer Deploying Agent to multiple machines simultaneously from the Core Console Using the Deploy Agent Software Wizard to deploy to one or more machines Modifying deploy settings Understanding protection schedules Protecting a machine About protecting multiple machines Enabling application support Settings and functions for protected Exchange servers Settings and functions for protected SQL servers
Managing protected machines Snapshots and recovery points Managing privacy Encryption Authentication Replication Events Reporting VM export Restoring data Bare metal restore
About bare metal restore Differences in bare metal restore for Windows and Linux machines Understanding boot CD creation for Windows machines Managing a Linux boot image Performing a bare metal restore using the Restore Machine Wizard Using the Universal Recovery Console for a BMR Performing a bare metal restore for Linux machines Verifying a bare metal restore
Managing aging data Archiving Cloud accounts Core Console references REST APIs Glossary

Generating a protected machine report on demand

You can generate a Job report or a Failure report for any protected machine on demand.

NOTE: Scheduled reports at the machine level are not supported.

Complete the steps in the following procedure to generate a report for a protected machine.

  1. Navigate to the Rapid Recovery Core Console.
  2. From the Protected Machines menu, click the protected machine for which you want to see a report.

    The Summary page for the selected protected machine appears.

  3. At the top of the page, from the menu options next to the protected machine name, click the downward-facing arrow next to Reports, and then select a report type.
    • If you want to generate a report on all jobs pertaining to this protected machine, including failed jobs, click Job Report, and begin specifying your report criteria.
    • If you want to generate a list of failed jobs only pertaining to this protected machine, click Failure Report, and begin specifying your report criteria.
  4. For a Job or Failure report, from the Date Range drop-down menu, select a date range.

    If you do not choose a date range, the default option (Last 31 days) is used. You can choose from the options in the following table.

    Option Description
    Last 24 hours Reports activity for the last day, relative to the time you generate the report.
    Last 7 days Reports activity for the last week, relative to the time you generate the report.
    Last 31 days Reports activity for the last 31 days, relative to the time you generate the report.
    Last 90 days Reports activity for the last 90 days, relative to the time you generate the report.
    Last 365 days Reports activity for the last year, relative to the time you generate the report.
    All Time This time period spans the lifetime of the Core.
    Custom This time period requires you to further specify start and end dates.
    Month to date Reports activity from the first day of the current calendar month to the date you generate the report.
    Year to date Reports activity from the first day of the current calendar year to the date you generate the report.

    NOTE: In all cases, no report data is available before the Core software was deployed, or from before machines were protected on the Core.

  5. From the Job Types drop-down menu, select the appropriate job types.

    By default, this set of information includes all jobs for the selected protected machines. In the report parameters, you can customize the report.

    • Use the filters to select or exclude every job in the Main Jobs category, and every job in the Other Jobs category.
    • Or you can expand the Main Jobs and Other Jobs categories, respectively, and select only the desired job types for that category that you want to appear in the report. Click the check box for any job type to select or clear that type. You can select some or all jobs from either category.
  6. Click Preview to generate the report with the specified criteria.

    If the report criteria you selected is not found, the report still generates, but the report contains an empty row. For example, if there are no errors, the contents of the Error column are null in the report.

  7. Do one of the following:
    • View the generated report online.
    • Update the report dynamically by changing any of the criteria; then click Preview again.
    • Use the Reports menu to select an export format and export the report. For more information about the Reports menu, see Using the Reports menu.
    • Use the Reports toolbar to view, manipulate, or print the report. For more information about the Reports toolbar, see Using the Reports toolbar.

Managing scheduled reports from the Core Console

You can schedule any of the reports available from the Core Console. Scheduling a report causes it to be generated repeatedly in the future. The schedule defines whether to generate the report on a daily, weekly, or monthly basis.

Optionally, Rapid Recovery lets you send an email notification to one or more recipients when each report is generated. The email specifies the report type, report format, and date range, and includes the report as an attachment.

NOTE: Before you can send reports by email, you must configure an SMTP server for the Core. For more information, see Configuring an email server.

Whether or not you choose to send email notifications, you can save the generated reports locally, or on a network location accessible to the Core server.

You must specify email notification and delivery, or you must specify a location to save reports. You can also choose both options.

This section includes the following topics:

Scheduling a report

You can schedule a report available from the Core Console. The report then generates on the schedule you defined until you pause or delete the report.

You must specify email notification and delivery, or you must specify a location to save reports. You can also choose both options.

Complete the steps in this procedure to schedule a report.

  1. Navigate to the Rapid Recovery Core Console.
  2. From the icon bar, click [More]
    (More), and then select [More]

    The Job Report page appears. A downward-facing arrow appears to the right of the current report name.

  3. Click the arrow to the right of the report name, and from the drop-down menu, select Scheduled Reports.
    The Scheduled Reports page appears.
  4. To schedule a report to generate on a repeated basis, click [More]
    The Set Reporting Schedule Wizard appears.
  5. On the Configuration page of the wizard, enter the details for the report you want to schedule, and then click Next. The configuration options are described in the following table.
    Table 108: Scheduled report configuration options
    Machine Available Reports
    Name Type the display name you want to assign to this particular schedule.

    The default name is Schedule report 1. Limit your name to 64 or fewer characters.

    Do not use prohibited characters or prohibited phrases.

    Report format Select a report output format. If you do not select a value, the default format (pdf) is used.
    Report type Select the type of report you want to generate on a repeated basis.
    Labels Select the labels you want to appear on your scheduled report. At least one label is required.

    The Custom Groups feature allows you to group Core objects in one logical container, for which you define a label.

    Using the Labels parameter in the Set Reporting Schedule Wizard, you can select a custom group for which scheduled reports are run.

    If no custom labels exist, the available options in the Labels drop-down menu include Select All and Protected Machines. If custom groups appear, each group appears as an option. You can select or clear any of the options to include or exclude those objects in the scheduled report.

    Protected machine Select one or more protected machines to be included in the report.

    This option is not available for the Repository report.

    Job Types Select the job types you want to appear in the report.

    By default, this set of information includes jobs for all machines—every protected machine, replicated machine and recovery point-only machine in the specified Cores. In the report parameters, you can customize the report. Use the filters to select or exclude some machines. You can also select or exclude jobs that are machine independent, in which case the report shows status for Core jobs only.

    The Job Types parameter is not available for the Core Summary and Repository scheduled report types.

  6. On the Destination page of the wizard, select a destination for the reports you want to schedule. You must choose one of the following, and may select both. When satisfied, click Next.
    • In the Send to email addresses text box, enter one or more valid email addresses to notify users by email message when a scheduled report is generated.

      NOTE: If you do not specify email notifications and delivery, then you must specify a storage location.

    • Select Save as file to save the generated report files to a location you specify, and in the Location type drop-down menu, select a local, network, or cloud storage option. Then, in the Location text box, specify additional location information as described in the following table.
    Table 109: Location options for scheduled reports
    Location type Location type description Location
    Local Select location type Local to save generated reports in a local path accessible to the Core.

    Specify the path in the Location text box.

    Type a location accessible to the Core locally.

    For example, to store reports in the Reports folder on the D drive, enter D:\Reports\.

    Network Select location type Network to save generated reports in a path accessible to the Core on the network. Specify the path in the Location text box.

    Specify the path in the Location text box.

    Type a location accessible to the Core from the network. Use format \\servername\sharename.

    For example, to store reports on the Data server in the shared folder called Reports, enter \\Data\Reports\.

    Specify network credentials in the User name and Password text boxes.

    Cloud Select location type Cloud to save generated reports in a Cloud storage account configured in the Core.

    The storage account must already be defined before performing this step. For information on setting up a Cloud storage account to work with the Core, see Cloud accounts.

    From the Account text box, select the appropriate Cloud storage account to use to store generated reports.

    From the Container text box, specify an appropriate container in the storage account.

    From the Folder Name text box, specify a folder into which to store future generated reports.

  7. When satisfied with your Destination options, click Next.
  8. On the Schedule page of the wizard, from the Send data menu, select an option to determine how frequently to generate the report that you specified. You can generate reports daily, weekly, or monthly. Each option has its own parameters, as described in the following table.
    Table 110: Frequency options for generating scheduled reports
    How frequent Frequency details Frequency parameters


    Generates and saves or sends the specified report once daily at the specified time.

    Default time for this action is 12:00 AM (based on the time on the Core server).

    To change the default time that the report generates, in the time text text box, type a new value or use the controls to change the hour, minutes, and AM or PM.


    Generates and saves or sends the specified report once weekly at the specified time of the specified day.

    Default time for this action is 12:00 AM on Sunday (based on the time on the Core server).

    To change the default day that the report generates, from the day of week menu, select a day of the week.

    To change the default time that the report generates, in the time text text box, type a new value or use the controls to change the hour, minutes, and AM or PM.


    Generates and saves or sends the specified report once monthly on the specified date and time of day.

    Default date for this action is the first of each month at 12:00 AM (based on the time on the Core server).

    To change the default date that the report generates, from the day of month menu, select a date.

    To change the default time that the report generates, in the time text text box, type a new value or use the controls to change the hour, minutes, and AM or PM.

  9. Optionally, on the Schedule page of the wizard, if you want to prevent the scheduled report from generating until you resume paused reports, select Initially pause reporting.

    If you want this report to generate as scheduled, clear this option.

  10. When satisfied with the schedule, click Finish to exit the wizard and save your work.

    The new report schedule appears in the Summary Reports summary table.

Modifying a report schedule

Once a report is scheduled, you can modify any of its parameters or details. You can edit report configuration information (report name, output format, report type, included repositories. You can also change email notification options, and the destination to save the generated report. Finally, you can also change the schedule of the report.

Complete the steps in this procedure to modify parameters for a scheduled report.

  1. Navigate to the Rapid Recovery Core Console.
  2. From the icon bar, click [More]
    (More), and then select [More]

    The Job Report page appears. A downward-facing arrow appears to the right of the current report name.

  3. Click the arrow to the right of the report name, and from the drop-down menu, select Scheduled Reports.
    The Scheduled Reports page appears.
  4. In the Scheduled Reports summary table, from the row of the report you want to modify, click [Settings]
    (More options) and then select Edit.
    The Set Reporting Schedule Wizard appears.
  5. Navigate through the pages of this wizard, changing any parameters necessary. For information on any of the parameters in this wizard, see the topic Scheduling a report.
  6. On the Schedule page of the wizard, click Finish to close the wizard and save your changes.
    The wizard closes, and the report schedule is modified.
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