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Rapid Recovery 6.10 - User Guide

Introduction to Rapid Recovery The Core Console Repositories Core settings Protecting machines
About protecting machines with Rapid Recovery Understanding the Rapid Recovery Agent software installer Deploying Agent to multiple machines simultaneously from the Core Console Using the Deploy Agent Software Wizard to deploy to one or more machines Modifying deploy settings Understanding protection schedules Protecting a machine About protecting multiple machines Enabling application support Settings and functions for protected Exchange servers Settings and functions for protected SQL servers
Managing protected machines Snapshots and recovery points Managing privacy Encryption Authentication Replication Events Reporting VM export Restoring data Bare metal restore
About bare metal restore Differences in bare metal restore for Windows and Linux machines Understanding boot CD creation for Windows machines Managing a Linux boot image Performing a bare metal restore using the Restore Machine Wizard Using the Universal Recovery Console for a BMR Performing a bare metal restore for Linux machines Verifying a bare metal restore
Managing aging data Archiving Cloud accounts Core Console references REST APIs Glossary

Managing SMTP server settings

If you configure simple mail transfer protocol (SMTP) server settings for the Core, you can send task, event, and alert notifications by email.

Information about configuring an SMTP email server is described in the topic Configuring an email server.

NOTE: To send event information by email, you must also configure notification group settings. For more information on specifying events to receive email alerts, see Configuring notification groups.

Configuring cloud account connection settings

Cloud account connection settings let you determine how much time should pass between Rapid Recovery attempts to connect to your cloud account before the operation times out. Complete the steps in the following procedure to configure the connection settings for your cloud account.

  1. Navigate to the Rapid Recovery Core Console.
  2. On the icon bar, click Settings.
    The Settings page appears.
  3. In the left menu, click [Cloud accounts]Cloud Accounts.
  4. In the Cloud Accounts table, click the [More]
    drop-down menu next to the cloud account you want to configure, and then complete one of the following actions:
    • To return any custom cloud configuration settings to the following default settings, click Reset.
      • Request timeout 01:30 (minutes and seconds)
      • Write buffer size 8388608 (bytes)
      • Read buffer size 8388608 (bytes)
    • To change the cloud account connection settings, click Edit, and in the Cloud Configuration dialog box, complete any of the following actions:
      • For Request timeout, use the up and down arrows to determine the amount of time in minutes and seconds that Rapid Recovery should spend on a single attempt to connect to the cloud account when there is a delay. Connection attempts will cease after the entered amount of time.
      • For Write buffer size, enter the buffer size you want to reserve for writing archived data to the cloud.
      • For Read buffer size, enter the block size you want to reserve for reading archived data from the cloud.

Managing report settings

You can generate reports for the Rapid Recovery Core or for protected machines. For information on the reports you can generate, see Reporting.

Complete the steps in this procedure to manage report settings for Core reports.

  1. Navigate to the Rapid Recovery Core Console.
  2. On the icon bar, click [Settings]
    (Settings), and then do one of the following:
    • From the list of Core settings on the left side of the Settings page, click Reports.
    • Scroll down on the right side of the Settings page until you can see the Reports heading.

    The Reports Core settings appear. Report settings are described in the following table.

    Option Description
    Restore Default

    This option restores all report settings to the default settings. Defaults are listed below for each setting.


    This option controls the default font used for reports. The default typeface is Trebuchet MS. You can change this font to any typeface available to your system.

    Paper size

    This option controls the default paper size for printing reports. The default is letter. You can choose from the following paper sizes:

    • A3
    • A4
    • B4
    • Executive
    • Ledger
    • Legal
    • Letter
    • Tabloid
    Page orientation

    This option controls the page orientation for exported reports. The default orientation is Landscape. You can choose from the following layout options:

    • Landscape
    • Portrait
  3. To change any of the settings for Reports, click in the appropriate setting field.

    The setting field appears as a configurable drop-down menu.

  4. Click the drop-down menu, and select one of the values available.

    For example, in the Font field, click Times New Roman.

  5. For each setting, when satisfied with your changes, click [Check mark]
    to save the change and exit edit mode, or click [Cancel]
    to exit edit mode without saving.

    The option you selected now appears as the new setting for the selected Reports parameter.

Managing Core SQL attachability settings

SQL attachability checks occur as part of the Rapid Recovery nightly jobs. To ease licensing costs, Rapid Recovery gives you two options for performing attachability checks: using a licensed instance of SQL Server installed on the Rapid Recovery Core machine or using the instance of SQL Server already installed on your protected machine. This second option is now the default setting. However, if your protected machine is already exerted during the time when the nightly jobs occur, consider performing the checks with an instance of SQL Server on the Core.

The ability to perform attachability checks using the SQL Server instance on a protected machine is a function of the Rapid Recovery Agentsoftware. This feature does not work if the SQL Server is protected agentlessly. Therefore, if using agentless protection on the SQL machine, configure this Core setting to Use SQL Server on the Core, as shown in step 3 of this procedure.

In summary, the process of managing Core SQL attachability settings involves the following tasks:

  • Mount the latest recovery point for protection groups containing databases.
  • Connect to the database from SQL Server.
  • Open the database.
  • Close the database.
  • Dismount the recovery point.

    To enable this nightly check, specify a SQL Server instance to use to perform attachability checks for SQL Server databases on protected machines.

    NOTE: This option does not appear if you are not protecting a SQL Server in your Core.

To configure the Core to perform SQL attachability checks as part of the nightly jobs, complete the following steps.

NOTE: If you select the default option to use the instance of SQL Server installed on the protected machine, that SQL Server instance will manage SQL attachability for all protected SQL machines. If you do not want this setting to apply to all protected SQL machines, select Use SQL Server on the Core. To perform attachability checks on the Core, you must install or use a licensed version of SQL Server on the Core machine.

  1. Navigate to the Rapid Recovery Core Console.
  2. On the icon bar, click [Settings] 
    (Settings), and then do one of the following:
    • From the list of Core settings on the left side of the Settings page, click Attachability.
    • Scroll down on the right side of the Settings page until you can see the Attachability heading.
  3. To use the SQL Server instance installed on the protected SQL Server machine, select Use SQL Server on the protected machine. This is the default option.
  4. To use the SQL Server instance installed on the Rapid Recovery Core, select Use SQL Server on the Core, and then enter the authentication information as described in the following table.
    Table 32: SQL Server credentials information
    Text Box Description
    SQL Server From the SQL Server drop-down menu, select the appropriate SQL Server instance from the Core server.
    Credential Type Select the appropriate authentication method for your credentials from the following options:
    • Windows
    • SQL
    User Name Specify a user name for accessing the SQL Server on the Core based on your selected credential type.
    Password Specify a password for accessing the SQL Server on the Core based on your selected credential type.
  5. Click Test Connection.

    NOTE: If you entered the credentials incorrectly, a message displays to alert you that the credentials failed. Correct the credential information and test the connection again.

  6. After you are satisfied with your changes, click Apply.
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