Configures the DR Server system to use the dynamic host configuration protocol (DHCP) form of IP addressing. (The options bondif and nwif are only available on a Physical DR.)
network --setdhcp [--bondif <bondN>] [--nwif <ethN>]
--bondif Bond interface to create (dhcp).
--nwif Eth interface to create (dhcp).
Bond device operation successful. Please run 'network --restart' for the changes to take affect.
Configures the DR Series system to use a static IP address and configures the corresponding netmask (and/or the routing gateway for a DR Series system). The options bondif and nwif are only available on a Physical DR.
network --setstatic_ip --ip --netmask --gateway
--bondif Bond interface to create (static).
--nwif Eth interface to create (static).
--ip Static IP address to use.
--netmask Netmask for the static IP address.
--gateway Gateway for routing ('bond0' only).
Bond device operation successful. Please run ’network --restart’ for the changes to take effect.
The command allows individual network interfaces to be selected to create a bond. Only non-bonded interfaces can be used to create a bond. When a bond is created, all the individual interfaces chosen for the bond lose their existing settings and their settings are managed by the bond. Interface bonding requires all the network devices in the bond to support the same speed. Interfaces of different devices like twisted pair or fibre can be bonded as long as they support the bonding speed. Currently, only devices which support the same speed can be bonded together. You can create multiple bonds, but each bond must be created individually and the maximum number of bonds cannot exceed the number of devices.
--create_bond --bondif <bondN>
--nwif <eth0,eth1,...,ethN>
[--mode < ALB | 802.3ad>]
[--name < DNS name >]
[--mtu <Supported MTU range 512 - 9000>]
[--ip <IPv4/IPv6 address not already in use>]
[--netmask <netmask>]
[--gateway <IPv4/IPv6 address>]
--bondif Bond interface to create.
--dhcp Create dhcp interface.
--static Create static interface.
--nwif Eth interfaces to bond.
--mode Bonding mode to use.
--name DNS name for the interface.
--mtu Ethernet MTU to use (valid range is 512 - 9000).
--ip Static IP address to use.
--netmask Netmask for the static IP address.
--gateway Gateway for routing.
--restart Restarts networking after creation.
For example, to create bond1 using eth3 and eth4, run the command: network --create_bond --bondif bond1 --dhcp --nwif eth3,eth4 --mode ALB --restart
Shutting down interface bond0: [ OK ]
Shutting down interface bond1: [ OK ]
Shutting down loopback interface: [ OK ]
Bringing up loopback interface: [ OK ]
Bringing up interface bond0:Determining IP information for bond0... done. [ OK ]
Bringing up interface bond1:Determining IP information for bond1... done. [ OK ]
Updating DNS entry for SW-01.local to ..
Skipping DNS Update IP already updated.
The command creates eth interface for the system.
network --create_eth --nwif <ethN>
[--name < DNS name >]
[--mtu <Supported MTU range 512 - 9000>]
[--ip <IPv4/IPv6 address not already in use>]
[--netmask <netmask>]
--nwif Eth interface to create.
--dhcp Create dhcp interface.
--static Create static interface.
--name DNS name for the interface.
--mtu Ethernet MTU to use (valid range is 512 - 9000).
--ip Static IP address to use.
--netmask Netmask for the static IP address.
--restart Restarts networking after creation.
For example, to create eth2, run the command: network --create_eth --nwif eth2 --dhcp
Interface operation successful. Please restart networking for the changes to take effect.