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NetVault 11.4.5 - Administration Guide

Introduction Getting started Configuring clients Configuring storage devices Backing up data Managing policies Restoring data Managing jobs Monitoring logs Managing storage devices
Monitoring device activity Managing disk-based storage devices in table view Managing disk-based storage devices in tree view Managing tape libraries in table view Managing tape libraries in tree view Managing tape drives in table view Managing tape drives in tree view Adding shared devices
Managing storage media Managing user accounts Monitoring events and configuring notifications Reporting in NetVault Backup Working with client clusters Configuring default settings for NetVault Backup
About configuring default settings Configuring encryption settings Configuring plug-in options Configuring default settings for post-scripts Configuring default settings for Verify Plug-in Configuring Deployment Manager Settings Configuring Job Manager settings Configuring Logging Daemon settings Configuring Media Manager settings Configuring Network Manager settings Configuring Process Manager settings Configuring RAS device settings Configuring Schedule Manager settings Configuring Web Service settings Configuring Auditor Daemon settings Configuring firewall settings Configuring general settings Configuring security settings Synchronizing NetVault Time Configuring default settings for global notification methods Configuring the reporting utility Configuring NetVault Backup to use a specific VSS provider Configuring default settings using Txtconfig
Diagnostic tracing Managing diagnostic data Using the deviceconfig utility NetVault Backup processes Environment variables Network ports used by NetVault Backup Troubleshooting

Monitoring logs

About NetVault Backup logs

All NetVault Backup processes generate log messages to provide information about the status of various operations and report error conditions. These messages are stored in the NetVault Database. You can view the log messages from the View Logs page.

NetVault Backup uses the Logging Daemon to manage and write the log messages to the database. The Logging Daemon runs on the NetVault Backup Server.

Log messages contain information that can be used for diagnosing and troubleshooting problems. When you report a problem, Quest Technical Support might request you to provide the log dump file. You can use the Download or Export method available on the View Logs page to generate the log dump file. For more information, see Downloading logs or Exporting logs.

Log messages that are older than 30 days are automatically purged from the database. You can use the configuration settings for Logging Daemon to change the maximum age for log messages. You can also manually delete the log messages by using the Purge Logs method available on the View Logs page.

Viewing log messages

You can view the log messages from the View Logs page. From this page, you can perform various log-related tasks, like download or export log messages, set log events, or purge log messages.

On the View Logs page, you can view the log messages generated by various processes.
Figure 22. View Logs page

Severity: Severity level of the message.
Date: Sate and time when the log was generated.
Job ID: Job identification number.
Class: Type of operation that generated the logs.
Client: Name of the client for which the log was generated.
Message: Detailed log message or description.

To view the context information, click anywhere in the Severity column. Alternatively, select the message, and click More Info. The dialog box that appears can include data transfer details, execution scripts, or other information. After reviewing the details, click OK to close the dialog box.


Setting the 'Display Level' to a particular severity level shows log messages for the selected severity and higher.

You can use the Display Level option to filter the messages based on their severity level. When you specify the severity level, the messages at that level and higher are displayed on the View Logs page.
By default, Display Level is set to Job Messages. With this setting, you can view Job Messages, Warnings, Errors, and Severe errors on the page. To specify the minimum severity level for messages that are displayed, select the level in the Display Level list.
The View Logs page loads a maximum of 10,000 records initially. The total number of records fetched is displayed at the lower-right corner of the table.
You can click Load more to load the next set of records, if available. Each load action fetches a maximum of 10,000 records. This button is disabled if there are no more records to load.

Setting log filter

When viewing log messages, you can use one or more filters to display messages that match the specified criteria.

On the View Logs page, click Filter.
In the Set Log Filter dialog box, configure the options that you want to use.
Click Filter to set the filter, and close the dialog box.
To clear the filter settings, click Clear Filter on the View Logs page.

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