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Spotlight on DB2 - Base de Conocimiento

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Beta expiró y no acepta ingresar la licencia (4311002)

Desde que se ejecuta el producto Beta indica que está expirado y ninguna licencia puede ser ingresada. ... (Esto aplica para varios productos con versiones Beta) <div>Las versiones Beta de los productos están codificados para expirar en una fecha determinada.

Producto(s): Toad Data Point, Toad Intelligence Central, Toad for Oracle, Benchmark...
Última actualización el: 07/05/2023
NA rating | 3547 vistas
Knowledge Article
Cómo obtener el numero de licencia de la cuenta de Spotlight? (4226098)

Cómo obtener el numero de licencia de la cuenta de Spotlight? <p>1. ... Click en la opción de &#39; View | Change License information &#39;</p><p>3. ... En la página de recuperación de la Licencia, el campo del número de Licencia va a presentar el número de licencia.</p>

Producto(s): Spotlight on DB2, Spotlight on Oracle, Spotlight on RAC, Spotlight on...
Última actualización el: 07/05/2023
NA rating | 6497 vistas
Knowledge Article
Que servicio de mensajeria usa Spotlight cuando envia e-mails (4334008)

UI&#39;, &#39;Meiryo UI Reg&#39;, &#39;メイリオ Reg&#39;, &#39;MS UI Gothic Reg&#39;, &#39;Hiragino ... Hacer click en &#39;Change SMTP settings&#39; para configurar las opciones de correo ...

Producto(s): Spotlight on DB2, Spotlight on Oracle, Spotlight on SQL Server Enterprise
Última actualización el: 07/05/2023
NA rating | 3137 vistas
Knowledge Article
Spotlight Error : "The current license does not allow access to this functionality." (4284341)

Después de abrir Spotlight , presenta el error : "The current license does not allow access to this functionality." ... 1. Ir al menu de "Help | About View Change Product License" y asegurarse que la licencia presente no haya expirado como licencia de evaluación.

Producto(s): Spotlight on DB2
Última actualización el: 07/05/2023
NA rating | 589 vistas
Knowledge Article
How can I refresh the data Spotlight shows?It is possible to change the default time to refresh ? (4330627)

How can I refresh the data Spotlight shows? ... It is possible to change the default time to refresh ? ... RESOLUTION 1 ... Press F5 ... RESOLUTION 2 ... Click the refresh icon the main toolbar ... Note: You can also change the default time to refresh by going to View | Options | Data Collection | Data refresh dates.

Producto(s): Spotlight on DB2
Última actualización el: 09/08/2024
NA rating | 988 vistas
Knowledge Article
How to export diagrams graph from drilldown where there is no safe button? (4375898)

Customers report certain dashboard do not show a save icon and wonder how to export the diagram graphs. ... The only way export the graph is to take a screenshot from outside the application.

Producto(s): Spotlight on DB2, Spotlight on Oracle, Spotlight on RAC, Spotlight on...
Última actualización el: 30/05/2024
NA rating | 2889 vistas
Knowledge Article
How to make spotlight on Oracle run from the startup? (4374040)

Customers inquire about why spotlight on oracle does not run as a service and if its possible to run it automatically from windows startup. ... Spotlight on Oracle is an application, not designed to run in the background as a service.

Producto(s): Spotlight on DB2, Spotlight on Oracle, Spotlight on RAC, Spotlight on...
Última actualización el: 16/11/2023
NA rating | 4628 vistas
Knowledge Article
What permission needed to read Total Disk IO, Disk Reads, Wait Time, Service Time, CPU Usage? (4269992)

Spotlight is blocked from reading these 'disk related areas' on all DB2 AIX Servers. ... What needs to be permitted for 'read access' so Spotlight can begin monitoring these areas. ... These Unix programs must be accessible to the user logged on to the Unix machine:

Producto(s): Spotlight on DB2
Última actualización el: 07/05/2023
NA rating | 931 vistas
Knowledge Article
Is there a dependency of Spotlight on DB2 for LUW, on Microsoft VC++ (4341892)

Spotlight on DB2 for LUW doesn’t need any .net Framework and doesn’t have any dependency on Microsoft VC++ program.

Producto(s): Spotlight on DB2
Última actualización el: 07/05/2023
NA rating | 517 vistas
Knowledge Article
'w3wp.exe' is not a valid floating point value (4282855)

1. Click on either client application or pending locks of Spotlight home page and the following error will appear: Message: The following internal error occurred: 'w3wp.exe' is not a valid floating point value

Producto(s): Spotlight on DB2
Última actualización el: 07/05/2023
NA rating | 252 vistas
Knowledge Article
Where to find the latest version installers of Spotlight on DB2 (4292272)

Where do I find the downloadable installer, and which installer do I choose from the website.

Producto(s): Spotlight on DB2
Última actualización el: 07/05/2023
NA rating | 310 vistas
Knowledge Article
Spotlight Connection Manager Shows an unexpected Problem has occurred on adding a new connection (4273848)

When trying to create a new connection to Db2 the following error Duplicates are not allowed appears with a call stack error. ... If you use external database list (e.g. from LDAP), check if there are no duplicate names in:

Producto(s): Spotlight on DB2
Última actualización el: 07/05/2023
NA rating | 636 vistas
Knowledge Article
IO Rate Flow refresh (4328153)

The display only refreshed at the foreground refresh rate. ... If the calibration period took place when the DB2 instance is busy, then this problem can happen. ... Please recalibrate the SoDB2 connection when the DB2 instance is relatively running quiet which will resolve the issue here.

Producto(s): Spotlight on DB2
Última actualización el: 07/05/2023
NA rating | 463 vistas
Knowledge Article
Error at startup of Spotlight: "Overflow while converting variant of type (Double) into type (Integer)" (4279193)

This error may appear when clicking on any icon within Spotlight: ... The connection profile was corrupted. ... When you delete connection profiles, you also need to delete folders for those connections from the Spotlight client machine.

Producto(s): Spotlight on DB2, Spotlight on Oracle
Última actualización el: 07/05/2023
NA rating | 924 vistas
Knowledge Article
How to enter the license key for Spotlight on DB2? (4278843)

Where do you enter the license key for Spotlight on DB2? ... 2. Click on Help | Help About ... 3. Choose the tab "Spotlight Modules" 4. ... Select the Spotlight on DB2 module and click on "Edit license..."

Producto(s): Spotlight on DB2
Última actualización el: 07/05/2023
NA rating | 435 vistas
Knowledge Article
An error occurred while refreshing the table "DB2" in connection ... (4246160)

While trying to connect to DB2 9.1 fixpack 2 the following error occur: ... Click OK to continue ... Click Ignore to ignore any further errors related to this table, or ... Click Disconnect to close this connection.

Producto(s): Spotlight on DB2
Última actualización el: 07/05/2023
NA rating | 392 vistas
Knowledge Article
What message service does Spotlight use when sending e-mails? (4334008)

What message service does Spotlight use when sending e-mails?

Producto(s): Spotlight on DB2, Spotlight on Oracle, Spotlight on SQL Server Enterprise
Última actualización el: 07/05/2023
NA rating | 3137 vistas
Knowledge Article
Is there a way to grant authorities on the use of spotlight? (4283455)

Is there a way to grant authorities on the use of spotlight? ... If nothing please read below notes: "DB2 Snapshot NOAUTH ... With DB2 Version 8 and later releases, users who do not have SYSADM, SYSMAINT, or SYSCTRL authority can access DB2 snapshot data.

Producto(s): Spotlight on DB2
Última actualización el: 07/05/2023
NA rating | 522 vistas
Knowledge Article
The following internal error occurred: Interface not supported (4282946)

An error message comes up: ... Message: ... The following internal error occurred: Interface not supported ... WORKAROUND: ... None ... STATUS ... Waiting for fix in a future release of Spotlight on DB2.

Producto(s): Spotlight on DB2
Última actualización el: 07/05/2023
NA rating | 267 vistas
Knowledge Article
When launching Spotlight, user gets an error message "Class not registered". (4274218)

When launching Spotlight, user gets an error message "Class not registered". ... 1. Make sure MSXML is available on the client machine (Control Panel | Add or Remove Program | look for MSXML 4.0 SP2).

Producto(s): Spotlight on DB2
Última actualización el: 07/05/2023
NA rating | 261 vistas
Knowledge Article
'Profiles cannot be created for invalid product IDs. ("SOUDB") from the Spotlight' (4278551)

Uaser is able to invoke Spotlight v6.7 directly from Statr | Programs | Quest Software - Spotlight. ... But when invoking through Toad for DB2 v 4.5 - Tools - Quest Tools - Spotlight, he gets "Profiles cannot be created for invalid product IDs. ("SOUDB") from the Spotlight Launcher

Producto(s): Spotlight on DB2
Última actualización el: 07/05/2023
NA rating | 263 vistas
Knowledge Article
OLE error when starting Spotlight on DB2 console on a Windows 7 client (4324263)

If after applying this file the issue still occurs, then contact Quest Support.</p>

Producto(s): Spotlight on DB2
Última actualización el: 07/05/2023
NA rating | 334 vistas
Knowledge Article
Rows Read are always 0 for every table (4279116)

After upgrading from UDB V8.2 to V9.5, several crucial sets of information are no longer provided in Spotlight: ... On the database analysis page, specifically the tables tab, Rows Read are always 0 for every table although there is plenty of activity (other information like Rows Written displays properly)

Producto(s): Spotlight on DB2
Última actualización el: 07/05/2023
NA rating | 148 vistas
Knowledge Article
SQL statement did not display on client application and Top SQL screens (4278493)

After upgrading from UDB V8.2 to V9.5, several crucial sets of information are no longer provided in Quest Spotlight: SQL statements are not captured on the client applications page, and also not captured for the Top SQL page.

Producto(s): Spotlight on DB2
Última actualización el: 07/05/2023
NA rating | 153 vistas
Knowledge Article
Spotlight on DB2 LUW Hotfix (4277248)

The following is a list of issues resolved in this hotfix. ... Top SQL Drilldown Issues ... Download the hotfix from SupportLink. ... Please review the ReadMe.html file for additional information regarding this patch.

Producto(s): Spotlight on DB2
Última actualización el: 07/05/2023
NA rating | 123 vistas
Knowledge Article
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