Use the following standard Microsoft Windows uninstall process to remove the Rapid CIFS plug-in from a Windows-based media server. After you uninstall the plug-in, Rapid CIFS will be disabled and “inactive” will be shown next to CIFS Write Accelerator on the CIFS Connection Configuration pane on the Container Statisticspage.
rdcifsctl.exe driver -d
NOTE: Replace this text with a description of a feature that is noteworthy. |
To uninstall the Rapid CIFS plug-in on Windows:
- Click Start, and click Control Panel.
- Under Programs and Features, click Uninstall a program.
- Locate the Rapid CIFS plug-in in the listed of installed programs, right-click,and select Uninstall.
- Click Yes to uninstall the Rapid CIFS plug-in.