Toad Applications randomly shut down, even in the middle of a query. ... No prompt to save changes or exit gracefully. ... It shuts down when minimized, idle, or in the middle of a query.<br><br>Here are the Windows error details.<br><br>Event ID 1000<br>Task Category: Application Crashing Events<br><br>Faulting application name: toad.exe, version:, time stamp: 0xfb689bbb<br>Faulting module name: ucrtbase.dll, version: 10.0.19041.3636, time stamp: 0x81cf5d89<br>Exception code: 0xc0000409<br>Fault offset: 0x000000000007286e<br>Faulting process id: 0x5d78<br>Faulting application start time: 0x01da6414a09f2eba<br>Faulting
Follow the below steps using the License Portal to transfer ownership (role) of a license to an organization or personal account. ... Note: The license portal provides Roles Based Access Control feature to make the management of licenses and people using those licenses easier.
How to add licenses and register the license to my product? ... Follow the below steps using the License Portal to assign seats for a license: ... A license can be added to an individual Quest account e.g. or to an organization account e.g. Quest Software Corp.
Toad for Oracle will take more than 50 seconds to startup completely after checking critical files, checking feedback and initializing version engine. ... Starting from Toad for Oracle 14.1 onwards, it has a new file called
Is there a way to browse an Oracle alert log/alert events files from Toad? ... The alert log is a text file stored on the server that lists all messages and errors from an Oracle database. ... This file is a good resource for identifying issues with a database, but due to its formatting, it can be difficult to read and assess.
Check for any third party applications or Anti-virus, which might restrict the use of Toad for Oracle. ... Disable the Anti-Virus or whitelist Toad for Oracle and re-test launching Toad.
The Create script for a User shows an incorrect DEFAULT ROLE ALL parameter in the statement.
When trying to sign into Toad for Oracle Subscription, the following error may appear:<br><br>'Unable to Sign In.<br>Your machine is connected to the internet but we are unable to reach the sign in server.
It's not possible to save the Tab Stops setting in:<br>View | Options | Editor | Behavior | Tabs and Indentation<br><br>If you change this setting and then close and re-open Toad, it always reverts back to the default setting of 4. WORKAROUND:<br>None.<br><br>STATUS:<br>Waiting for fix in a future release of Toad for Oracle TOR-7687
In Toad v17, the Filter dropdown / button in the Session Browser page is no longer visible as it was in previous versions. ... In v17, the Filter dropdown has changed to be a Filter icon on the toolbar options, just below where the dropdown list used to be in the Session Browser.
This error results in missing automations in Automation Designer and it is not possible to import backup of some missing automations.<br> Unfortunately this is a bug in v17.0, which has come about due to some changes that were made specifically in this version.
How to extract MSI installer files from Quest EXE installer? ... Toad for Oracle Subscription edition is only offered with the EXE installer. ... How to install Toad using the MSI installer? ... Extract the MSI file by running installer from Command Prompt and including the /extract parameter:
Can't sign in or sign up my account to use Toad for Oracle subscription.<br>Can't log into Toad for Oracle subscription. ... <ul><li><b>Recommended:</b>
What are the sites that Toad accesses on the internet. ... Need a list of urls to add to firewall whitelist NA <div>Add to the list of trusted websites</div> ... <div> ... <ul><li><b>Recommended:</b>
When trying to open Toad Subscription, the login screen hangs and there are no error messages in the login screen. ... In the Licensing.log file, are the following entries: ... e.g. ... ==============
What URLs need to be whitelisted to allow fully functional operation of Toad. ... <div>Add to the list of trusted websites ... <ul><li><b>Recommended:</b> ... Use wildcards so that all Quest subdomains are trusted allowing for full product functionality
Make sure to select "License Owner" for user(s) role.<br>6.Click [Apply]<br> <br>If the license belongs to an organization, a new Organization Owner can be added to manage all of the licenses or, optionally, only add a License Owner to each license under the org.
The user who originally entered the license into the License Portal and who is the only owner/admin of the license is no longer with the company. ... How to change the owner or admin of an existing license who is no longer with the organization?
Does Toad for Oracle Subscription work when using a PAC file for the proxy server configuration? <p>Toad does not yet support the use of a PAC file for the proxy server configuration. ... When a PAC file is in use, there may be timeout errors in the logs, as it is unable to sign in.<br><br>Please use the proxy server IP address in the Control Panel | Internet Options screen, when configuring use of a proxy server for Toad for Oracle.</p>
User has purchased Toad for Oracle Subscription and need to enter their new license key into Toad. ... The purchasing email received includes only the license number and not include the license key.
SQL Tracker doesn't start if Subscription is the only license present. ... Product Defect ... NA ... STATUS ... Waiting for fix in a future release of Toad for Oracle.
Why there is only one installer for Toad for Oracle Subscription? ... Starting on version 16, the Toad for Oracle subscription installer has been consolidated into one installer to avoid customer confusion.
How to obtain information about approval based license provisioning using the Database Tools License Portal? ... To control product accessibility across subscription editions of database tools the future release of the License Portal will use approval based license provisioning feature.
Toad for Oracle Subscription installer is distributed as an EXE installation application. ... To perform a silent installation perform the following steps: ... From the Windows command prompt, run the Toad for Oracle EXE file.
Migrate scheduled tasks on Toad from different versions NA <div>Navigate to Main Menu | Utilities | Task Scheduler. </div><div></div><div>The scheduler items that were created in older Toad versions will be listed in red. You can right-click on those and choose "Migrate tasks" to update the scheduler for them to the current version of Toad.</div><div></div><div>The tasks will be now listed on the Toad. </div>
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