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Is there a function to Import / Export the database connections and passwords into/from Toad? (4369932)

Connections and Passwords can be saved and migrated from within Toad.<br><br>Starting in Toad 11.0, the Toad connection window toolbar has options to &quot;Export&quot; and &quot;Import&quot; connection information.

产品: Toad for Oracle, Toad for Oracle Subscription
上次更新时间: 2023/5/7
1 rating | 查看1014次
Generative AI FAQs - Data sharing, privacy and protection methods for AIEXplain (4378087)

<p>Where can users obtain information regarding data sharing, privacy, protection methods, and other aspects of Toad&#39;s Generative AI feature of Toad - AIEXplain?</p> <p>For questions regarding data sharing, privacy, protection methods, and other aspects of Toad&#39;s Generative AI feature of Toad - AIEXplain, refer to the attached document below for list of Generative AI FAQs.</p>

产品: Toad for Oracle on Mac, Toad for Oracle on Mac Subscription, Toad Data...
上次更新时间: 2025/2/14
NA rating | 查看1678次
Knowledge Article
What is the new Generative AI - AI Explain feature of Toad and how to use it? (4375221)

User is receiving the message: "AI is disabled for your license" when invoking the AIExplain feature icon. ... In Toad version 2024.2 Subscription edition, a new generative AI feature - AIExplain has been introduced.

产品: Toad for Oracle on Mac, Toad for Oracle on Mac Subscription, Toad for...
上次更新时间: 2025/2/5
NA rating | 查看4888次
Knowledge Article
When formatting code with json_mergepatch tag it messes up the format and says there is an error. (4378337)

When formatting code with json_mergepatch tag it messes up the format and says there is an error.

产品: Toad for Oracle on Mac, Toad for Oracle on Mac Subscription, Toad for...
上次更新时间: 2025/2/4
NA rating | 查看622次
Knowledge Article
Edit command does not work, as the grid is read only (4375980)

In Toad for Oracle version 17.1, the edit command is not working, as the grid is read-only ... WORKAROUND: ... STATUS: ... Issue fixed in Toad for Oracle 2024 R2. ... The latest version of Toad for Oracle can be downloaded here:

产品: Toad for Oracle on Mac, Toad for Oracle on Mac Subscription, Toad for...
上次更新时间: 2025/2/5
NA rating | 查看1091次
Knowledge Article
Toad sometimes does not execute selected action from Schema Browser, such as drop table, or deleting columns (4378333)

At unpredictable times, when the commands issued in some menus and the Schema Browser, such as drop table, or deleting a column appear to work, the SQL which is issued to the database is actually incorrect.

产品: Toad for Oracle, Toad for Oracle Subscription
上次更新时间: 2025/2/4
NA rating | 查看432次
Knowledge Article
Is my Toad license applicable for the new Generative AI AIExplain preview feature in Toad for Oracle? (4375785)

Is my Toad license applicable for the new Generative AI AIExplain preview feature in Toad for Oracle? <p>In Toad version 2024.2 Subscription edition, a new generative AI feature - AI Explain has been introduced.

产品: Toad for Oracle on Mac, Toad for Oracle on Mac Subscription, Toad for...
上次更新时间: 2025/2/5
NA rating | 查看3354次
Knowledge Article
Is it possible for Single Object Compare to have the option to modify datatypes using DBMS_REDEFINITION? (4378268)

Is it possible for Single Object Compare to have the option to modify datatypes using DBMS_REDEFINITION? ... None. ... STATUS: ... Enhancement request TOR-8887 has been submitted to Development for consideration in a future release of Toad for Oracle.

产品: Toad for Oracle, Toad for Oracle Subscription
上次更新时间: 2025/1/29
NA rating | 查看416次
Knowledge Article
Schema Compare option to use DBMS_REDEFINITION to modify column datatypes doesn't work unless the option "Add/Reorder columns with DBMS_REDEFINITION" is also checked. (4378269)

Schema Compare has an option to use DBMS_REDEFINITION to modify column datatypes. ... In some cases, this is the only way to change a column datatype (for example from VARCHAR2 to CLOB) without dropping and recreating the table.

产品: Toad for Oracle, Toad for Oracle Subscription
上次更新时间: 2025/1/29
NA rating | 查看280次
Knowledge Article
Get the message "Internet connection is required to continue" (4375439)

Clicking with the right button on the mouse on the Software Shortcut and select the &quot;Run as Administrator&quot; option in the menu. ... <br><br>2. ... Check that IPv6 is disabled in the Network card which is being used.<br><br>The Toad Subscription software should bring back the login screen.

产品: Toad Data Point Subscription, Toad Data Studio Subscription, Toad for...
上次更新时间: 2025/1/9
1 rating | 查看2475次
Knowledge Article
How to disable the Automatic Updates or the Toad Update message? How to silently deploy that setting? (4266101)

Each time Toad is launched, it displays the following message at the bottom right of the screen: ... A newer version of Toad is available to download. ... How to disable the Automatic Updates or the Toad Update message?

产品: Toad for Oracle, Toad for Oracle Subscription
上次更新时间: 2025/1/10
4 rating | 查看4774次
Knowledge Article
Error validating license (4377941)

Toad starts opening and returns: "You have been successfully signed in to your Quest account but an error occurred while attempting to validate your license. ... Please click the Retry button to try again" In details it says "internal server error."

产品: Toad for Oracle Subscription
上次更新时间: 2024/12/20
NA rating | 查看293次
Knowledge Article
What's New in Toad for Oracle 17.1? (4375923)

Use AI to explain SQL and PL/SQL with the new AIExplain preview feature. ... Learn more about AI and Toad at Toad World and Knowledge Base. ... Expanded IPv6 support ... Enable/Disable Automation Designer apps and actions

产品: Toad for Oracle on Mac, Toad for Oracle on Mac Subscription, Toad for...
上次更新时间: 2024/12/9
NA rating | 查看3466次
Knowledge Article
Get the error "ORA-00600 [Internal Error Codes]". (4336954)

It indicates the process has encountered a low-level unexpected condition, which typically means you’ve encountered an Oracle Database bug.<br><br>The impact can vary from just being an annoyance that shows up in your logs once in a while, to something major that brings the database down.<br><br>When an ORA-00600 error is logged it includes a list of arguments in square brackets.

产品: Toad for Oracle on Mac, Toad for Oracle on Mac Subscription, Toad Data...
上次更新时间: 2024/12/9
NA rating | 查看1732次
Knowledge Article
Getting "ORA-01791: not a SELECTed expression" when selecting unified audit policies in tree mode (4376766)

ORA-01791 &quot;Not a SELECTed expression&quot; error when selecting unified audit polices in schema browser when in tree mode<br><br>Steps to reproduce the error: ... <ol><li>Connect to 19c or newer</li><li>Open Schema Browser and change to treeview mode</li><li>Expand Unified Audit Polices</li></ol>

产品: Toad for Oracle, Toad for Oracle Subscription
上次更新时间: 2024/11/21
NA rating | 查看1036次
Knowledge Article
Error: "Net: Invalid input arguments" after upgrading database from 19c to 23c (4374481)

When the database was on 19c, it was possible to connect using Toad ("No-client mode"). ... Then if the database is upgraded to 23c, now the above error happens. ... You can successfully connect to the 23c database if you use an Oracle client, but not in DIRECT mode, and can still connect to other databases in DIRECT mode, just not the upgraded one.

产品: Toad for Oracle on Mac, Toad for Oracle on Mac Subscription, Toad for...
上次更新时间: 2024/11/5
1 rating | 查看3739次
Knowledge Article
What is erwin DM Lite for Oracle and who is entitled to use it? (4375804)

What is erwin DM Lite for Oracle and who is entitled to use it? ... Is erwin a different product or is it automatically integrated with Toad for Oracle installation? ... erwin DM Lite for Oracle is an edition of erwin Data Modeler Standard, designed with limited functionality and connectivity specific to Oracle databases.

产品: Toad for Oracle, Toad for Oracle Subscription
上次更新时间: 2024/11/4
NA rating | 查看1592次
Knowledge Article
Does Toad for Oracle support NetSuite DB? (4377426)

NetSuite itself is an Oracle product, so its database infrastructure is typically built on Oracle's cloud platform and technologies. ... However, NetSuite abstracts the database layer, meaning users and developers interact with NetSuite's APIs, SuiteScript, SuiteAnalytics, and saved searches rather than directly accessing the underlying database.

产品: Toad for Oracle on Mac, Toad for Oracle on Mac Subscription, Toad for...
上次更新时间: 2024/10/29
NA rating | 查看863次
Knowledge Article
What URL does Toad for Oracle Subscription use? (4375200)

Cannot log in Toad for Oracle&#39;s login window Some proxy servers/firewalls block outside connections by default for security purposes.

产品: Toad for Oracle on Mac Subscription, Toad for Oracle Subscription
上次更新时间: 2024/10/11
NA rating | 查看901次
Knowledge Article
Error in License Portal: "License type is not supported for the product." received when adding a license (4371068)

Error in License Portal: &quot;License type is not supported for the product.&quot; received when adding a license The license entered belongs to an unsupported product or a different edition of the product.

产品: Toad for Oracle on Mac, Toad for Oracle on Mac Subscription, Toad Data...
上次更新时间: 2024/10/11
3 rating | 查看7861次
Knowledge Article
How to change the style (treeview, tabs, dropdown) of the left hand side of the Schema Browser (4239223)

How can I change the style (treeview, tabs, dropdown) on the left hand side of the Schema Browser? ... Browser Style icon is also located inside the Schema Browser right-hand side pane. ... This is the last icon placed on the toolbar.

产品: Toad for Oracle on Mac, Toad for Oracle on Mac Subscription, Toad for...
上次更新时间: 2024/9/6
2 rating | 查看4835次
Knowledge Article
How do I remove the gray vertical line in the middle of the SQL Editor window? (4270795)

How do I remove the grey vertical line in the middle of the SQL Editor window? ... 1. Go to the menu View | Toad Options: 2.

产品: Toad for Oracle, Toad for Oracle Subscription
上次更新时间: 2024/8/9
NA rating | 查看4789次
Knowledge Article
Access Violation when starting Toad for Oracle Subscription with red line error message tdTOADSubscription TToadSubRegistration LoadToadEntitlements (4371394)

Access Violation when starting Toad for Oracle Subscription with red line error message tdTOADSubscription TToadSubRegistration LoadToadEntitlements<br> ... <div id="" style="left: 20px;top: 82.3864px;"> </div>

产品: Toad for Oracle, Toad for Oracle Subscription
上次更新时间: 2024/8/8
NA rating | 查看1791次
Knowledge Article
What to do when the license has been activated with the wrong email (4333072)

Toad for Oracle subscription was activated by mistake with the wrong account. ... How can we fix this? ... Go to https://www.toadworld.com/ ... Select "Licenses" at the top-right corner of the screen

产品: Toad for Oracle Subscription
上次更新时间: 2024/8/7
NA rating | 查看2244次
Knowledge Article
Is Toad for Oracle available for Mac? (4326722)

Toad for Oracle on Mac is available as of version 17.0. ... Toad for Oracle on Mac requires a separate license key then the Windows edition. ... Download Toad for Oracle on Mac edition ... Download Toad for Oracle on Mac Subscription edition

产品: Toad for Oracle on Mac, Toad for Oracle on Mac Subscription, Toad for...
上次更新时间: 2024/8/9
NA rating | 查看4633次
Knowledge Article
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